The Last Primal

Chapter 404 - 404 - Title Not Found

(AN: Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that title… Childish I know. :D)

Real Title: Chapter 404 - End of the Visit

"[Goblin] Don't be afraid, Gob. What you said is correct, I just want you to explain how you come to this conclusion. Roas and even your elder, Glohn could also learn from it!"

His Master's words soothed the young Gob's agitated heart. Taking a loud gulp, he swallowed his nervousness, and with a meek, faint voice he spoke up.

"[Goblin] Well… I was thinking of what Teacher has explained before. Under the heavy sun, clouds would form over the lakes, and the seas only to carry their rain over the land." He explained, her voice trembling due to all the eyes that were fixated on him. Focusing on his young master and seeing him smile and nod appreciatively, he closed his eyelids for a single second, and swallowed hard once again, before going further under his master's gentle nudging.

"[Goblin] The clouds would then travel over the village and ultimately reach the new mountains where it would crash against it and… ehrm… I don't know exactly how... But the gathered water in the clouds would fall down?"

By the end of his explanation he was almost crying under the pressure, he could only mutter the question as his gaze was now plastered on the ground, wrapping his fingers trying to battle his fired-up nerves.

Seeing his state, Aiden didn't torture him any longer. He nodded at him, his expression was warm, carrying all the appreciation he felt for this young little youth. Even though they were probably relatively close in terms of body age, there was a vast chasm between their minds. 

One was a young goblin that just woke up and was slowly throwing away all the shackles that kept holding him back, whilst the other was turning out to be a rather ancient entity that lived not one, not two, but most likely three lives so far, albeit the first one was barely a toddler by the time he was tossed over the cracks between worlds.

"[Goblin] You are right. The idea was roughly what Gob has explained. Also, with this large body of water, you guys could focus more on fishing and irrigation and such, giving another venue to avert the attention of those that still held some sort of resentment towards the other side."

Aiden explained, shifting his attention from the embarrassed ex-goblin, over to the towering elders of Glohn and Roas. They shared similar looks, mostly understanding the reasoning, though it seemed that Glohn got more than the still slightly troubled-looking Roas.

Seeing his creasing brows and wrinkled forehead, Aiden asked.

"[Orc] What is troubling you Roas? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing his master's question, Roas immediately straightened his posture and shook his head vehemently.

"[Orc] No, Young Master! Please excuse me for my faithless thoughts!"

His response was way too weird, Aiden looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

"[Orc] What 'faithless thoughts'? What do you mean? Explain yourself, please. You are not required to accept all of my decisions, you are all allowed to think freely, especially if it is for the benefit of others!" He spoke sternly at them, but his words were aimed at all three, not just his self-proclaimed guardian.

"[Orc] No… There is nothing wrong with your actions, Young Master! They were wondrous, miraculous even! Ever since you woke me up from the control of those vile creatures, I knew that you are extraordinary and that there is no one better than I would pledge my worthless existence to."

He threw himself on the ground, kneeling down and bowing in front of his Master, his one true Lord. He dared not to look at him directly in the eye, as he took a short pause to catch his breath before continuing.

"[Orc] I just thought… that with these changes, the borders of our village are pretty much set. If… and please don't take this wrongly my lord, but if in the future perhaps more of our kin would arrive in this place, we would be challenged to give them space."

"[Orc] Hmmm… I…" Looking over at the distant mountain range he had created just a few minutes ago, he could see what Roas was talking about. Although he gave a small space between the edge of the farms and the mountains, that space wasn't too much in the end. Also by giving a curve at both ends of the stretching ridge, which he only meant to serve as an additional layer of reassurance that the rain would fall down on the farmlands, he also managed to trap the small village inside.

While they could expand both towards the north and to the south even, the yield they would receive from these farms would ultimately limit how big their population would be allowed to grow.

Seeing how the Young Master's expression shifted from his previous smile to that of a frowning, thoughtful look, Roas became increasingly worried that his words have indeed angered him. He wanted to speak up and say that he didn't mean any disrespect, but before he could do so, Aiden raised up his hand, silencing him before he could even say a word, and spoke with a thoughtful look on his face.

"[Orc] I understand… I didn't think about that, you are right. I only wanted to make sure that the rain would surely fall on your farms, but it totally slipped my mind how would you actually sustain your growth in the future."

"[Goblin] Please, don't be so hard on yourself Young Master. The current growth rate is minimal, as only the goblin population could increase… Orcs and Goblin don't mix together." Glohn exclaimed, adding a muttered thought to the end. "Well not yet, at least."

"[Orc] Yes, Young Master. Since Young Master controls who and what comes over from the outside world, we will pretty much always be aware of the actual population. Also, we still have space to expand a bit, so for quite a while, we would be fine. As for the future, that probably are years if not decades away… we will be probably in a state that we could safely create a new village at that time! Please don't be bothered too much about it, my concern was just due to my past as the tribe's leader!"

"[Orc] I guess you guys are right…" Aiden sighed. After listening to his concerned servant's words, he did feel slightly better. Still, he promised himself that once he would gain enough Faith once again, he would make sure to revise his changes to the landscape once again. 

He looked at the village, his eyes could see small figures running back and forth. The chaos didn't completely subside inside, the majority of the people were still quite shocked, scared, and probably even deeply confused about what had just transpired. 

"[Orc] You guys should return to the village and calm your people. After all, their world just shifted, they are scared and need a firm, strong hand to guide them. Also…" He looked up towards the sky, he smiled. "…also, I should be leaving now. I need to return, the sun is slowly but surely coming up."

As he spoke, the Magical Gate have already appeared out of thin air, forming the usual viscous-looking energy surface, with a still image of a small wooden room bathed in the morning's first orange bright pillars of light.

Before he could step into the portal, and be whisked away from this plane, the trio called out almost simultaneously.

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