The Latest Game Is Too Amazing

Chapter 39.3 - The Only Player in the World (3)

Chapter 39.3 - The Only Player in the World (3)

How long have I been running? By the time I realize, Im on my knees and panting. Even though my body doesnt get physically tired no matter how much I run, my heart is pounding so hard that Im exhausted. It feels like I really am living in this world. What if I die in this body? Would I die just like Raoul? The thought scares me so much that Im shaking.

Even though I never even doubted that this was a game until just recently, Im finally realizing just how terrifying of a place this world is. I feel bad for doing that to that kid and Havocs group, but Im in no mood to face them right now.

I guess Ill go to the castle Raoul was counting on me to take care of Roseline.

Roseline has been doing nothing but approve paperwork ever since then, so shes been constantly busy. In this country with no king, Roseline is at the top. Im sure theres a lot of work sent up to the top. I wish I could help her out with all the paperwork, but I doubt theyd let a foreigner like me get my hands on this countrys secrets, and I cant read this worlds alphabet in the first place.

Haha, Im useless for everything except fighting. I was just a normal high schooler in the real world to start out with, so Im not particularly smart. Even if I was told to do government work, I wouldnt understand any of it. Its not like I know anything about this worlds politics or history, and I doubt anything I learned in school will be of any use.

The only thing that seems like itd be useful in this world is the game info from the wiki, but considering the fact that Raoul couldnt be revived, theres no guarantee that all of that information applies here. I cant rely on it too much.

As embarrassing as it is, Ill try asking Roseline directly what Id be able to help her with. Instead of carelessly acting on my own, it would probably be better to do what she tells me to.

I can freely walk in and out of the castle. In a game, I wouldnt think anything of it, but in reality, stuff like this would be unthinkable. Roseline is the princess, the most important person in this country. If this were Japan, it would be like freely walking in and out of the prime ministers residence. It kind of makes me worry about the security here.

No, the guards probably just trust me because Im close to Roseline. That in itself is a huge responsibility, isnt it? I think before immediately erasing it from my mind.

They guide me to the room Roseline is in, and I hear a voice from inside. I probably shouldnt listen in, but the voice seems pretty panicked, because I can hear it pretty loudly, even through the door.

Duke Mayenne has been slain?!

Duke Mayenne? Who the heck is that? If hes a duke, then hes the same rank as Raoul, so he must be a pretty high ranking noble. And they said hes been slain, so that means he was killed?!

Was he killed by a vampire?

No, the Weichsel Empire invaded the Duchy of Mayenne and took control of it within a day. It appears that theyve taken control of the surrounding area as well. And they are advancing towards Clermont!

What?! Why would the Weichsel Empire invade?!

Well It seems that the Weichsel Empire has declared this a holy war. They claim their goal is to annihilate the vampires and take back Communes land from the monsters hands.

The Weichsel Empire. Thats the country where I met Alexia and Irene. Those guys are advancing towards Clermont? Is a war going to start? Wait, no, its already a war!

This cant be! Weichsel found out about the vampires schemes? However, Duke Mayenne had a powerful army. Is it true that they were overpowered in only one day?

The enemy used unknown spells and sent strengthened soldiers to the front lines. The name of the enemy commander leading those soldiers is Marie Alexia von Zavarish.

My mind goes blank. What did they just say?

I slam the door open. Astonished, Roseline looks at me for a moment and gives me a serious look, but soon turns back to the man across from her.

What did you say just now? she asks.

I said, the enemy used unknown spells and sent strengthened soldiers to the front lines. The enemy commander leading those soldiers is a young girl named Marie Alexia von Zavarish.

Im Marie Alexia von Zavarish. Alexia is fine. Thank you for accompanying me today, Chaos.

Suddenly, I have a flashback to the memory of how I met her. Its a long name, but theres no doubt about it. She introduced herself as Marie Alexia von Zavarish. But she would never join a war.

Alexia is a sweet, gentle girl. She would never do anything as cruel as going to war. Shes only about 12 or 13 years old. Theres no way anyone around her would accept her as their commander, would they?

Weve spent time together, even if it was only about a month. I know what kind of person she is. Shes not the kind of girl to join a war. Thats it, there must be some kind of mistake. A middle school-age girl leading an army is just too unrealistic.

It certainly is rare for a young girl to be a commander, but its not rare for young nobles to go to war. And the House of Zavarish is a distinguished noble family of the Weichsel Empire. Theres nothing strange about it in the least, Roseline refutes. I shudder at her words. Is this normal in this world?

She could never kill She would never kill Duke Mayenne!

No, the one who personally killed Duke Mayenne is a female knight named Irene.

Even Irene? That does make it hard to believe theyve got the wrong person. Even so, I cant connect their story with my mental image of those two. They werent opposed to killing monsters, but I just cant believe that theyd be the kind of people who would have no reluctance towards killing a person. And theyve only just upgraded their classes, theyre still around level 50. Theres no way theyre strong enough for PVP.

No, this isnt a game. Could it be that people around level 50 are considered unbelievably strong in this world? When I defeated the Elder Treat that called itself a follower of the evil god, I wasnt high enough level to upgrade my class yet. Plus, at Brandenburg, I didnt see a single Rank 2 class skill. And when we were retaking Clermont the other day, there were only a few Magicians who could cast Warp Portal.

In other words, that means basically all normal people in this world are low level, right? Even someone who isnt high level enough to meet the requirements for a class upgrade is hailed as a hero. In that case, someone whos only above level 50 and just upgraded their class would already have strength beyond human understanding.

Maybe they were pressured to go to war because of their levels?

I just cant imagine that they would willingly join a war. In that case, someone might have forced them to. What is the reason why theyre being forced? Maybe its because they have strength beyond human understanding?

Maybe the fact that I treated this like a game and leveled them up enough for them to upgrade classes is what caused it. In other words, Im responsible for this.

No. I didnt mean to


I want to deny it. But I dont have any way to justify denying it. I was just having fun playing a game with them. Everything I thought was right up until now has turned out completely wrong. Even though my mind is a mess, I can understand that much.

After learning the truth, I have no way out except to run away. But theres nowhere to run, in the city, the castle, or even outside. For me, a person from another world, theres nowhere in this world where I belong. The one they need is the false image of a hero who doesnt exist.

Except for logging out, I have no escape from this world.

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