The Legacy System

638 Chapter 638

The moment that he stepped foot inside, Eric couldn't help but get a bit surprised and startled by the scene in front of him.

Young Miss Long, the beauty that had been unable to even look properly into his eyes a few moments ago was now looking at him right in the eyes with some expectant and seductive eyes.

Of course, her eyes weren't the only thing that made this whole situation a bit overwhelming, as her outfit, and her body language were different as well.

It was just like the weather had suddenly changed from a tempest to a hot summer day, with the sun capable of melting and burning everything on its way.

The change was truly a bit too much and too heavy. But Eric was able to quickly recollect and recompose himself as his momentary lapse was immediately covered by a rude lusty expression.

It looked like even Eric had his momentary lapses, but at the same time, this was also a necessity for his current situation.

After all, he had to put a nice act in front of the beauty, only like that would he seem natural and genuine, and could give her the courage and opportunity to advance.

Just like it was supposed to be, the beauty seemed to have expected this reaction from Eric, even though she had a momentary lapse as well.

For a moment there she couldn't control herself and her feelings of being watched by Eric, who in her eyes was nothing but a stupid peasant, who had somehow gained strength beyond his capacities.

She didn't understand why that person wanted her to act like this and charm Eric in order to make up for her mistakes, and she didn't like the idea, but there was nothing she could do.

She couldn't disobey the order of that person no matter what!

It took Eric some time to finally come out of his trance on looking at the smoking hot attractive beauty in front of him, but he eventually managed to regain enough clarity to ask,

"What changed ex-partner!?"

He was clearly reminding her of what had happened earlier in the day, and the fact that he was dubious of her change. Who wouldn't be, after all!

Young Miss Long expected that so she quickly put a sorry expression on her face, as she said with a similar connotated voice,

"I am sorry for my previous conduct, and what happened during the competition! The truth is that I have been overridden and over-worried lately due to the appearance of an old enemy, and his tricks!

Let's say that I haven't been in the best state of mind lately! I truly do apologize for everything!"

At this moment, the beauty looked extremely 'genuine' with her words and her actions, like she truly felt sorry and regretted everything she had done!

"Do you think that I am a child, or do you think that I am that gullible ex-partner!? Either way, aren't you thinking too low of me!?"

How could Eric be 'lied and cheated' this easily? He would clearly be distrustful towards her, keeping his distance.

"You don't trust me!?"

"Only a fool would trust someone after being backstabbed once, ex-partner!"

This time Eric made sure to accentuate the last word to show it clear that he was still stuck in what had happened previously.

"Hmph~! I knew it, even a peasant like you wouldn't fall this easily for something like this! I don't know why I even took that advice and tried!

But it doesn't really matter anymore!"

In but a second the beauty's face, expression, and attitude changed 180 degrees, and she turned to her previous original self.

"Huh!? Wha-what do you mean!?"

Hearing those words, Eric seemed to have immediately noticed that there was something wrong with the situation and couldn't help but question in fear.

The beauty seemed to receive quite a bit of happiness from Eric's situation and reaction, as she looked at him with a grin on her face, and said,

"Heheheheh~! Do you think that I would have let you run around freely!? From the moment you stupidly accepted the invitation and came here you had already lost, Mr. Rapist!"


"Hehehehe~! You should have already felt that your body is extremely hot right!? Like an inextinguishable fire has been started inside your body.

Soon, you will be unable to control yourself and your body and will try to attack me. That will be the moment that I scream, and everyone arrives to lynch you down!

Of course, I have no intention of sacrificing my body to someone like you, but that won't matter much! After all, between me and you, it's clear who will the family believe!"

The more the beauty spoke, the more did Eric look like he had swallowed some kind of rotten food.

He was fu*cked!

"Hahahahhah~! I bet you didn't expect this, did you!? Heehehe~! How about you tell me when you are ready, I can give you this at least!"

The beauty was on the 9th cloud at the moment, to her the matter was already closed. Like this, she would be able to kill Eric with a borrowed knife.

"Hhehehe~! Don't you think that you are celebrating a bit too soon beautiful!?"

Unfortunately, Eric didn't seem to think the same way!

All of a sudden, just like a lunatic who had no idea what death was, instead of getting depressed and desperate he just smiled at the beauty and her words as he looked her in the eye with mockery!

That caught the beauty by surprise and she didn't know what to think and what to do or say for a few seconds before she finally broke out in laughter and said,

"Hehehehe~! Did you lose your mind!? Just what makes you think that you still have a chance in this situation!"

It was clear that Eric must be bluffing, it was impossible for him to do something that would save him from the situation.

But as the beauty was thinking like that, Eric himself couldn't help but find this situation even more amusing, as he kept his mocking look, and said,

"Hhehehe~! Haven't you already felt the same conditions that you just explained to me!? Who is going to attack who, don't you already know deep in your heart!?"

Eric had clearly felt the aphrodisiac smoke in the room the moment that he had entered. He didn't even need the warning from the Legacy System.

What was more, his body was already resistant to more than a few weak poisons like this, and he didn't even need to take an antidote to escape the grasp of the aphrodisiac.

For that reason, the moment that he had entered inside instead of thinking of a way to escape the aphrodisiac, he had in fact bought a compound from his Legacy System to empower it.

Clearly Young Miss Long must have taken some sort of antidote before she used the substance in the room, but even the antidote would be useful up to some point.

Even a plastic bottle wouldn't be able to contain more water than its capacity. For that reason, even that antidote she had consumed would be useful up to some amount.

For that reason, he didn't really care about how she tried to tarry for time or the change in her attitude. In fact, he welcomed it, because like that the beauty was digging her grave deeper.

By now Eric could already feel how her body temperature had increased beyond normal, and that she was really close to losing control of herself.

"You… This…."

The beauty couldn't believe her senses, and her brain, as she felt the current condition and situation of her own body.

She couldn't believe that her plan had actually backfired, and instead of Eric attacking her, would be herself attacking Eric.

This was going to be a great humiliation, and a stain on herself and her honor, she couldn't allow something like this to happen.

With these thoughts in her mind, she quickly gained enough clarity and composition to threaten Eric,

"Don't you dare to think of me, you bastard! Whether I am the one to initiate this or you, it doesn't really matter! You do know that don't you!?

No matter what happens here, you will surely be the one to die among us!


As she was thinking like that, the beauty finally seemed to have found an escape from the situation, as she tried to scream with all she had.

Since she was intoxicated it didn't really matter whether Eric attacked her or not. He would certainly suffer for this.

Of course, it might not reach the point of him being killed, but as long as he was punished she could find a way to put an end to him.

Unfortunately, before she could even scream in order to make that possible, Eric quickly moved from his spot and appeared behind her to block her mouth.

"Now, now, Young Miss, we have already to enjoy our time together, how could you think of doing something like that!?"

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