The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 399: Making Amends [2] – Salty Cocktail

Chapter 399: Making Amends [2] – Salty Cocktail

I wish we could go back to the way things were before I awakened my bloodline"

The moment Min Hong made this statement, Min Qing's stuck up figure relaxed a bit;

"I don't mind if it means I have to forfeit everything I have to achieved up to date to do so; I don't care about that anymore"

"I would have another Qi deviation if that is what it takes for me to be with you once again"

After he said this, Min Qing could no longer hold herself back anymore, as she turned around and latched onto him like a leech who had found a human with 7 billion liters of blood

"I hate you!"

Min Qing blurted as she clung tighter to him, causing Min Hong to sigh;

"I already hate myself for being that hateful too, babe"

Min Hong began to soothe her the way he knew she loved it;

"I don't want those hateful fellows around our house anymore"

"You are the queen of the empire, whatever you want is the Law, and anyone who breaks it would suffer the consequences"

Min Hong then carried her in a princess manner as they left this spiritual dimension, and the moment she opened her eyes, all the purple flames burning around her body receded

Then the pitch black water which seemed to hold itself together finally released as it flowed out of the room and got sucked into the ground

Apparently, it seems Min Qing wanted to stew in her pain and didn't want anyone around her, so she flooded the entire room with trench water, before she then wrapped herself in flames and then sent her consciousness into Sirena's lair

Min Hong carried her in a princess manner whilst Min Qing hugged his neck and buried her swollen red eyes into his chest...

Min Hong simply walked past the Mu and Kun siblings as he went straight to the main apartment, and after walking up to the second floor where his ladies were supposed to be living, Min Hong looked up to his chambers and changed his mind, as he carried Min Qing up there

On reaching his own apartment, Min Hong couldn't help but sigh in wonder; this place was even more than three times better, grander and luxurious than his apartment within the core court

Min Hong took Min Qing to his bed and laid her on it before bringing up the covers over her up to her chest area as Min Qing snuggled into the coziest bed she has ever slept on

Then Min Hong tried to kiss her, but Min Qing simply turned her face causing his lips to land on her cheeks;

"You will get that when you have put all your affairs in order"

She said with a straight exhausted expression as she turned her back to him

Min Hong gave a pained sigh, but he also understood that what he had gotten so far had been a significant progress;

'One down, two to go'

Min Hong thought to himself as he began to deliberate which of the two ladies he should meet first

Min Qing saw him leave and her eyes went moist a little as she touched the part of her cheek Min Hong had just kissed as lots of memories surged within her

Min Hong appeared outside the apartment and saw seven figures waiting for him; the Ma Dong trio, Kun and Mu siblings;

"No one is to step a foot in that building, I don't want any of them disturbed"

The moment he spoke, Ma Dong, Xiao Chun and Dai He took positions in front of the building as they stood guard whilst the rest followed Min Hong as they walked off;

"Have you seen any of them recently?" Min Hong asked as Mu Li replied;

"Qing Tan has returned to her apartment in the outer court and had never been seen ever since, and I even tried reaching her through one of my rats, but apparently, her door has been shut with a high grade protective formation guarding it"

"From what I heard, only a Saint Stage expert can break through the formation"

"As for Aunt Rou, she had returned to your apartment in the outer court, but we have managed to persuade Elder Yun to go talk to her"

"You did good Thanks, I will handle everything else from here"

Min Hong spoke as he stepped into the empty air without wings stunning the siblings he left behind, and with an explosive boom, he fleeted into the distance, heading straight for his apartment

It was almost midnight, and some outer court disciples saw a figure flying through the air without wings, and began to bow as they all thought it might be one of the Saint Stage grand elders or even their extremely elusive Sect Leader

Min Hong reached his apartment in less than 5 seconds and began to walk down from the air as he saw Elder Yun appear right in front of him;

"Are you alright?" She asked;

"Yeah Sorry for the troubles"

"You have been saying that a lot recently

If you are truly sorry, then stop causing troubles"

Elder Yun spoke the same way an elder sibling would chastise a younger sibling, as Min Hong gave a slight bow;

"I will try my best" He added;

"She is inside, brewing the cocktail juices, probably as a way of dealing with everything"

Min Hong nodded and entered whilst Elder Yun simply flew away

Min Hong entered the room and went straight to the kitchen, and just as Elder Yun had said, he could already smell the cocktail juices before he could even enter the kitchen

On getting there, he saw Min Rou squashing another spirit fruit as its water drained into the cup, ad Min Hong grabbed a cup that was just an arm's length away from him and tasted it

Instantly, his body shook slightly; the juice was somewhat salty, and then he heard a wet sniff as everything clicked in his head

Apparently, she had been crying through the process of making these cocktails and her tears must have spilled into it along the line

Min Hong felt a bit of pain as he walked up to her and hugged her from behind

He felt her body stiffen slightly, and when she realized who it was, she wanted to wrestle herself from his embrace, but Min Hong simply hugged her tighter, and after a bit, she finally relaxed and slumped backwards into his embrace

"I'm sorry Truly sorry"

"I know there is no excuse for all the things I have said"

"I hate myself for making all that hateful statement"

"I care about you A whole lot"

"I can't bear to see you leave me for even a second"

"I want you, and I love you mom!"

Min Hong continued and when he felt Min Rou trying to turn around, he freed her from his embrace, and saw her face

Min Rou had swollen, wet and red eyes which was the result of endless tears

Her hair was wet, most likely from her tears, and they clung to her face and her neck where there were little droplets of sweat running through, and Min Hong froze like a deer in headlights

This, right here, was the epitome and embodiment of sheer beauty, and he couldn't help but feel a massive tug in his heart, as a part of his mind which wanted to take Min Rou then and there, wrestled with the other part that kept telling him that she was his mother, and he shouldn't have such thoughts about her

Min Rou simply looked towards the youth in front of her, and she could vividly sense something different about him, and though she couldn't place it, but she could tell that this was a different Min Hong from the one that gave her the worst heartbreak of her life

"I am not your mother"

She said, as Min Hong looked up in shock before his eyes began to redden slightly;

"I know I must have hurt you badly with all the things I said, but I never thought it would be to such an extent"

"It's alright, I only have myself to blame No one deserves to have such statements said to them"

"So, if you don't want any form of attachment with me anymore, I won't hold it against you"

Min Hong spoke as he stepped back and went to his knees before kowtowing to Min Rou like a son would to his mother; Knock! Min Hong felt a slight knock on his head;

"What are you doing and what in Mother Nuwa's milk are you saying!?"

Min Rou looked at Min Hong who had a deeply lost and confused expression on his face;

"It was one of the things I should have told you about a long time ago, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings or spoil the joy you have managed to build around you, so I decided to keep it a secret for a while longer"

"What!?" Min Hong blurted in soft confusion;


"Compare your talents to mine and the entire Min Family, do you still think that you were truly born from the Min bloodline?"

Min Rou revealed as Min Hong frowned slightly in thought, as he began to review his entire life with the cray fast mental capacity of a Nirvana Stage expert

But despite all that, it still took Min Hong half a day to finish thinking about everything;

"No wonder it never truly occurred to me to make any friend As for Min Bai, it was more of his situation and strength that made us close"

"Min Jiao was already friends with Min Qing, thus she couldn't be termed a friend I made"

Min Hong drifted off in thought for about another three hours before he then looked up at Min Rou who was currently hugging herself in anxiety

Min Hong saw this and understood why she was feeling that way; apparently, she wasn't sure how he would take the new information that he had been lied to all his life, and those who he had thought to be his family weren't actually his family

He also wanted to ask who they were, but after being warned the last time that he would have to reach the Immortal Stage if he wanted to learn about his father, and with the level of bloodline he had just awakened, Min Hong understood that his parents are definitely everything but ordinary

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