The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 403: Leaving The Sect

Chapter 403: Leaving The Sect

Min Hong waited for about another quarter of an hour, before Qing Tan had enough energy to actually roll of the bed and put on some clothes, and just as she tried to stand up, her legs gave way as she fell, but Min Hong caught her and put her on his back as he stepped into the air, and flew towards his new home, allowing everyone to see both of them in such an intimate fashion; a deed that truly appealed to her inner lady

Min Hong flew straight into his apartment and took Qing Tan to his room after nodding to the Xiao Chen trio who were still standing guard since he left

He carried Qing Tan to his room and dropped her when he got to his bedroom as he saw Min Qing all curled up in Min Rou's embrace with her eyes lost in thought whilst Min Rou simply caressed her hair, but when they noticed someone had arrived the both looked up and Min Qing instantly jumped out of the bed and ran towards Min Hong who open his arms wide with a smile

But Min Qing simply ignored Min Hong's gesture and jumped on Qing Tan as she spoke with a tearful tone;

"I have missed you!"

Qing Tan also returned the hug and despite the fact that she had still not adjusted to walking properly, she put her arms around Min Qing's neck and added;

"I'm sorry, I am just so tired!" "What?" "You let her walk all the way here!?"

Min Qing spoke like as if Min Hong had committed the most heinous crime of all, as she glared at him;

"No no, he carried me all the way here"

"You don't have to defend him"

Min Qing looked to Qing Tan who was trying to explain what actually happened;

"It's just that I have been crying ever since, and I am just too exhausted at the moment"

Qing Tan finally managed to say as Min Qing helped her on the bed and gave her a hug;

"Don't worry, if he tries such a thing a second time, I will personally get revenge!"

Min Qing though was looking at Qing Tan whilst she spoke, Min Hong knew she was actually directing the statement at him, as he smiled helplessly with a shake of his head;

'I guess I have to go and relax, so this guy can turn flaccid'

Min Hong thought to himself as he tried his best to hide the raging hard on in beneath his robes;

"I will go be in the bath, taking a soak"

Min Hong said as he walked past the ladies, and just a few minutes later, Min Rou told the girls;

"I will be back shortly"

The girls simply nodded and since they weren't looking at Min Rou, they didn't know where she went to

Min Hong on the other hand, had used his invisible flames to boil up his water, as he stepped into it for a soak, trying to use the temperature to deal with his hard on, but as luck would have it, a voice floated into his ears from behind;

"Do you mind if I help you with that?"

Min Hong tilted his head over and saw Min Rou who was looking towards his raging cock which was poking slightly out of the water;

"If you want to"

He shamelessly replied as Min Rou simply laughed coyly, before loosening her robes and getting into the bath with him;

"The water is pretty comfy Just the right temperature for this condition."

Min Rou said as she grabbed the head off Min Hong's cock, gave it a rub, before positioning it at her cave entrance and sitting on it, as she sank deeper and sat completely on him, till her butt cheeks were touching Min Hong's groin, taking all of Min Hong in at a go

The duo let out a simultaneous pleasurable moan, as Min Rou began to ride slowly and gently as they talked to each other;

"~Hmm~ What do you plan to do next, now that our differences are now out of the way?"

"~Ha~ Go on some missions with some core court disciples and build some level of battle teamwork for the upcoming competition"

Min Hong replied as his sight landed on Min Rou's round, firm breasts and took one of them into his mouth;


Min Rou moaned from the dual pleasure as she asked with increasing breaths;

"What competition is that?"

Min Hong then went on to explain everything to Min Rou whilst she rode him into bliss and when he mentioned his bloodline and the effect it had on his thinking which caused him to say all those harsh things he said previously, Min Rou began to ride faster

Then he finished his explanation as he told Min Rou;

"But now, I seem to have a way of controlling it a bit, at least till I gradually master it and take complete control of its powers and influ-ah!"

Min Hong erupted his jizz straight into Min Rou who flooded him at the same moment, as they simultaneously came together; and action which caused Min Hong to shoot more jizz, and a feeling which caused Min Rou to also flood more love nectars

Min Rou hugged Min Hong's head in the bath, as his face went in between her succulent, bulbous breasts

"Its alright Just be safe out there, I will try to help manage things back here till you return" She said as Min Hong nodded in gratitude;

"But how and when will you tell them?" Min Rou added, obviously referring to Min Qing and Qing Tan

"I don't know, but I'm sure the time will come" Min Hong said;

"If I get the chance before I leave then I will, but if I don't, then you will just have to help me tell them"

Min Hong added as he grabbed Min Rou from behind and hugged her tighter as their skins slid against each other due to the moist the steam had gathered on their body

Thirty minutes later, and after a second round of being humped, Min Rou returned to the bedroom, whilst Min Hong came out five minutes after

He looked to Min Qing, but she looked away and didn't spare him another glance whilst Qing Tan was fast asleep with her head on Min Qing's laps

Min Hong sighed and then turned around before his figure scattered and vanished

"Don't be so hard on him"

"I'm not being hard on him"

"It's just that, he seems too different and I am still finding it hard to snuggle up to his current self"

Min Qing replied Min Rou absentmindedly as she gazed towards the spot where Min Hong had just vanished;

"No matter what happens, he is still the Min Hong we all love, and though certain things might change about him due to his extraordinary talent and cultivation, but it is also in times like then that we need to show support" Min Rou added;

"But he has left, I would talk to him when he's back"

Min Qing returned to her thoughts back to the room, just in time to hear;

"He might not be back for a while"

"What do you mean?"

Min Qing gazed at Min Rou who was also looking in the direction Min Hong had just left with a distant gaze, and Min Qing instantly realized what was going on;

"No way I only just got him back, and he is already leaving me again?"

She was almost weeping as she rushed out of her bed and whipped out a flying sword before bolting out of the apartment;

"Which way did he go?" She asked the Xiao Chen trio with tearful eyes, as they pointed towards the core court;

"You had better not left"

Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she channeled more Qi into her flying sword to pick up speed, but could that ever compare to the speed of an expert with Peak Saint Stage battle power?

Min Hong reached the main court and saw the rest of his their ten man group with Princess Cui and Tong Tian already aboard the flying ship that was going to take them to their training area

Gong Yi was given a giant map, and on it where three locations highlighted in red, signifying danger zones and places where extremely difficult missions which even some inner court elders couldn't take were

Min Hong also saw the map, and one red zone was within the boundaries of the Dogon Empire, in a vast desert that was as large as three Desert Sun Sect combined [Almost the size of Africa]

They hoped into the ship, and after receiving a bit more instructions and resources from the sect leader, Gong Yi placed a High grade Spirit Stone into the a hole on the cabin as the ship fired up and a barrier formed all over it, before they shot into the distance at full speed, leaving behind a strong gust of wind which fluttered the Sect leader and Fifth's robes

Min Hong then contacted Little Ming through their soul link and explained to her, as a portal opened in the air above the sect leader and Little Ming appeared, but didn't follow;

"Be safe and come back to us"

She said as she watched the ship grow smaller and smaller in sight

Just about a minute later, Min Qing reached the main court with an exhausted expression, everyone knew who she was to Min Hong and as a result they didn't delay her or stop her, but even at that, she was still a little too late, and could only see the two inch ship sailing faster into the distance, as her eyes streamed more tears, but they were not tears of pain, but of self-ridicule

She knew how dangerous their mission could get, she had managed to get that information from a disciple of the Enforcement Hall, and she knew how long it might also take and the slimness of Min Hong's survival chance, but yet, she wasn't even there to tell him bye

Her shoulders slumped in defeat and heart ache as she cursed herself for being so stupid, nave and childish

Gong Yi and Min Hong could clearly see her due to their level of cultivation even though Min Qing couldn't, and it was the same for Princess Cui also;

"We can still slow down to say goodbye"

Gong Yi told Min Hong as he gazed at Min Qing's sad figure in the distance;

"No need Perhaps, this would be for the best"

Min Hong replied as he turned around and walked into the room assigned to him within the deck of the flying ship

Everyone had their own private room with windows where they could enjoy the outside view

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