The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 405: Ranks & Roles – R1 to R5

Chapter 405: Ranks & Roles – R1 to R5

The rest of the group also felt differently about the situation, but it was obvious that all of them were negative except for Bai Yi who was staring at the princess with starry eyes, and bashful blush

Then finally, Min Hong introduced himself;

"I am Fei Hong, and it is very nice to meet you all."

Min Hong then sat leisurely as Gong Yi nodded and continued;

"Up Next, the chain of command"

Everyone sat up and paid rapt attention at this point, except from Min Hong who was still seated as leisurely as possible, seemingly hinting his disinterest in the topic of discussion;

"The chain of command would be ranked from 1 to 5, with 5 being the top, and 1 being the lowest These ranks would not only be based on cultivation and abilities, but also experience, knowledge and personal qualities"

"For the R5 position, it would be assigned to Fei Hong" Gong Yi spoke as Min Hong froze for a bit and gazed at Gong Yi with a stunned look;

"Is anything the problem?" Gong Yi asked after sensing Min Hong's stunned look;

"Shouldn't you be the one to take on such position, moreover, I feel you are best suited for such position" Min Hong responded;

"Well, these are still the positions, I will take everything everyone has to say after I am done assigning the roles each of these positions would have to accomplish during the course of our journey" Gong Yi replied as everyone relaxed slightly

Though, there were some who wanted higher positions, but with what Gong Yi was insinuating here, it seems these positions will come with equivalent tasks and responsibilities, thus they chose to keep mute and let Gong Yi finish;

"For the R4 position; It will be taken by me" "The R3 position would be taken by Princess Cui and Ki Ting"

"The R2 position would be taken by, Xiao Gui, Rin Chen and Bai Yi"

"Then finally, the R1 position would be taken by Su San, Pi Xi, and Tong Tian"

Gong Yi finished and noticed that no one was saying anything concerning the distribution of ranks, he went on to assigning the roles;

"The R5 would be in charge of scouting the area of about 5 miles ahead of our group for dangers, and intel gathering"

"He would also be in charge of the overall wellbeing and safety of the group which ranges from the physical, mental and emotional health of everyone to our formations in attack; when we are battling or advancing, to our defensive formations, when we are also battling or resting"

"The R4 role is to assist R5 with all of his tasks, and provide reports and data to R5 to better discharge his tasks more perfectly and accurately"

"The R3 role would be about the physical wellbeing of the group, from healing to feeding and also regulating any resources gathered during this journey amongst the entire group"

"The R2 would be in charge of security at all times, watching for obvious, hidden and unassuming dangers from every direction asides the direction of our advance"

"They will also be taking shifts and patrols whilst the rest of the group is resting or busy with their tasks"

"Then finally, is the R1 role which would be in charge of gathering resources, valuable items needed by the group, from food, to wood or any other potential resource that entire group might find or loot from our enemies They would also be the ones in charge of out storage unit" Gong Yi returned to his seat and added;

"If anyone is not okay with the tasks, then they might speak now to the entire group"

He said as he look to everyone with a somewhat stern gaze, looking for any troublemaker in the group with his focus on the Princess Cui area where all the ladies subconsciously chose to sit

But then Min Hong rose up his hands;

"Since the roles are tied to each positions, I feel the positions should be given in accordance to where each and everyone's expertise lay"

"I don't have any issues with my roles or position and you might treat this as a simple opinion rather than a demand" Min Hong said as he laid back into his seat 

"Good, but I think you should take it from here"

Gong Yi replied and purposely pushed the task to Min Hong trying to test his leadership qualities and ability to efficiently get the best out of the group's talent and expertise like he had just said

Thus, this was like an audition for Min Hong and he knew that, so when he noticed anyone not having objections to him taking charge of the situation, he began;

"R5 and R4 positions and roles are perfect, but for R3, it was said that they would be in charge of healing and feeding, right?" Min Hong looked to everyone who understand he was asking all of them

They all nodded their heads in response and Min Hong continued;

"I have personally witnessed Ki Ting's healing ability, and I have to say, it is indeed respect worthy, but that would leave the feeding aspect of the group to Princess Cui, and being as powerful and mighty as she is, I don't think she would have been allowed anywhere near the kitchen all her life, and as a result, how can a very important and vital part of the groups wellbeing be placed in her hands"

Min Hong's words came out harsh, and whilst everyone could sense his intent of picking on the princess, they also knew he was speaking the absolute truth;

"If anyone of us gets diarrhea or some form of food poisoning from eating inefficiently, then such a person would be useless in battle and also serve as a liability to the group and a weak link..."

"Should we lock horns with shrewd experts on this journey, that might prove fatal and life threatening to everyone within the group"

Min Hong continued as Princess Cui went from bloodthirstily furious, to deeply ashamed, and wronged almost to the extent of shedding tears

She also understood that everything Min Hong was saying was right, and though he had said it in the harshest way possible, but it was also the most logical thing to do

"Thus, we will need any of you two who can really cook, and place you with Ki Ting"

Min Hong looked over to Pi Xi and Su San, and when he saw every core court disciple in the group turn their gaze to Pi Xi, he knew the entire matter has been settled

"Next would be the R2 roles and position, and I don't think Rin Chen being in that group would be maximizing his abilities, no offence" Min Hong added an apology to Rin Chen;

"I think Tong Tian is much stronger than Rin Chen when it comes to battle prowess and Rin Chen is better than Tong Tian when it comes to having eyes for treasures and the perfect resources for the group"

Min Hong was once again blunt, but added a tiny tinge of flattery to his statement, so that his message would be rigorously understood, and simultaneously prevent any discord or dissatisfaction either of the two members of the group would feel with having their positions swapped, and with the proud smile etched on Rin Chen's face, it was obvious that Min Hong's means worked perfectly

"Furthermore, being someone of a royal position, I believe the princess would be able to spot valuable items and thus, she would be perfect in the gathering role, and with her high cultivation prowess, it would at least ensure the safety of the gathering group whenever they are out gathering resources" Min Hong continued before adding;

"These are my opinion on the current arrangement, as well as my suggestions"

Then he sunk back into his seat and grabbed one of the spirit fruits on the table and began to munch

"Does anyone else have anything to add?" Gong Yi asked;

"What would happen with every resources that we gather and when someone discovers an extremely valuable gem or item?" Su San asked...

Since she was part of the gathering team, she didn't want to find herself in a situation where she would find something extremely valuable and keep it for herself, only to then be termed a thief because the rest of the group didn't have any idea about it

Gong Yi looked to Min Hong, already giving him his role to discharge

Min Hong sighed slightly when he noticed everyone's gaze turning to him, they have subconsciously began to look to him as the leader of the group;

"Firstly, once every position and role has been applied, everyone must discharge their duties perfectly and there must be some kind of punishment for anyone who doesn't fulfill their duties well"

"Secondly, as for the benefits of each roles, since each roles have different level of difficulties, then the rewards must also differ"

"R5 and R4 are not required to tender their findings, and whenever it is time to pick from all the resources being looted on these missions, they must have the first pick"

"Furthermore, they should also get the highest amount of resources in the group"

"Lastly, as for your concerns, everything anyone other than the R5 and R4 finds must be tendered to the group, and in the case where someone was caught hiding any resource or item the group has no knowledge of, it would be termed stealing and an appropriate punishment would accompany such acts" Min Hong explained;

"What about the resources and items we brought along on this journey"

Princess Cui asked trying to get back at Min Hong for his harsh mouth, but Min Hong simply smiled;

"There are two ways to solve such problems, and the entire group would decide which one of the two solutions to use"

"Firstly, I suggest everyone tender the resources they packed over to the R4, and we will both assign resources to everyone in a way that would efficiently strengthen each member of this group"

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