The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 407: The Pillars Of Teamwork

Chapter 407: The Pillars Of Teamwork

During this process of acquaintance, Tong Tian and Pi Xi hit it off great right from the start, and as a result, Pi Xi followed him to his room to pass the night, leaving Ki Ting embarrassed and slightly hurt, because she had actually begun to register interest in him

Then when she turned to look for Rin Chen, she noticed that he had also gone to his room with Su San, leaving Bai Yi who was already love smitten by the princess...

Gong Yi and Xiao Gui were obviously not interested in relationships as she had come to know over the years of them being together...

Thus, she began to drink more and more, trying to drown her sorrows, and heartache

An hour, later, Min Hong was still munching his spirit fruits and wondering what was going on with him recently;

At first, it was a strong sexual urge that made him almost push away those he loved the most

Now, he had been finding his eating appetite insatiable, eating everything edible within his reach, behaving almost like a glutton

'Could this perhaps be another stage of my bloodline awakening?'

Min Hong thought to himself as he tried to seek out answers to everything going on with him

But unlike when where he was still within the sect and could just visit the 'Realm of Creations' anytime he wanted, if he did so here, and they run into trouble, he might be dead before he could even exit the 'Realm of Creations'...

After all, they would no longer be within the region of the sect or empire in about two hours, and he didn't think he would be able to get a full explanation within that timeframe, thus, he simply relaxed, drank and ate, following the advice he had just given everyone

Then just as he was about to shut his eye, Ki Ting came stumbling into his room, since Min Hong left the door ajar, for whatever reasons

Min Hong sat up and asked;

"Are you okay?"

He asked as he saw Ki Ting stumble towards him on his bed;

"Is there any problem, you will like me to help you with?"

He asked again as Ki Ting kept swaying towards him,

"Naaah, I'm f-fine B-bu-but, I have a p-problem I would like you to help me with"

She stuttered as she climbed his bed and approached Min Hong on all fours with a beet red face, and belched;

"Oh, now I get it"

Min Hong sighed in relief, though he didn't think of Ki Ting that way, she was still and extremely beautiful girl, and he wasn't sure if he would be able to refuse her if she insisted on stuffing herself full through her lower lips

Then Ki Ting fell on him and Min Hong waited a bit, and after about three minutes of struggling to kiss Min Hong who kept dodging her lips like his life depended on it;


Min Hong heard what he wanted to hear, Ki Ting began to snore, and he simply removed himself from beneath her body, laid her properly on his bed, and covered her with his sheets, before opening the door Ki Ting had locked behind her on her way in, and just as he stepped out, he bumped into Princess Cui who was just stepping out of her room

The princess looked beyond Min Hong and saw Ki Ting on the bed all covered up to her neck, and from a feminine point of view, Princess Cui knew all girls or ladies only do that when they are stark naked beneath;


After giving Min Hong some sort of derisive and outright ridiculing gaze, the princess snorted and walked past him as she stomped her way to the upper deck in fury

Min Hong saw all her shenanigans and shook his head as he began to wonder how this would severely undermine whatever he said to the princess from now henceforth

[Or at least, till Ki Ting could clarify the situation]

But he still shut the door, and walked to the upper deck

It was nighttime, and Gong Yi removed the protective barrier to allow everyone not only enjoy the breeze, but also stargaze, as he slowed the flying ship to a cruising speed, making the entire atmosphere of the upper deck very romantic

But at this moment, everyone was within their rooms, either knocked out from taking too much booze, or rigorous session of sex, or perhaps, still enjoying their rigorous session of hot sex

But there were also people like Gong Yi, Xiao Gui and Bai Fan, who were currently meditating, cultivating and daydreaming, respectively

Min Hong stepped onto the upper deck and the princess saw him and simply turned her gaze the other way with a cold snort, causing Min Hong to have another sigh and simply walk over to the edge of the flying ship and slept on one of the mats he grabbed from the side, and then simply went quiet and deep in thought

After about half an hour of utter quietness, the princess finally growled and stomped over to Min Hong;

"So, you won't apologize!?" She ranted as Min Hong opened one of his eyes;

"For what exactly?"

Min Hong asked softly with a sigh as he shut his eyes and return to his leisure vibe;

"Is that how you will go sleeping with every single girl that comes to you!?"

She yelled at him, and luckily for them, the rest of the rooms had soundproofing formations within them, and once the sensory formation gong Yi had activated around the ship picks up any intruder, each room would also be alerted from within

"Firstly, you have already mentioned that you won't have anything to do with me, and I have taken that statement deeply to heart"

"Secondly, since you have made yourself clear and we are not dating, engaged, or married in any way; how does anything I do with my life concern you?"

Min Hong didn't open his eyes this time and simply replied as harshly as he had spoken during the day, something which hurt the princess greatly as Min Hong had poked her ego once again, she lashed out at Min Hong who had his eyes closed, and hit  him on the face;


Min Hong felt a fist hit his face squarely, and despite the fact that the 'Savvy Domain' warned him, and how tragically slow her fist strike appeared within Min Hong's mind, Min Hong still chose not to dodge it or block it and let it injure him

He didn't even use his cultivation to take the strike as blood flooded out of his nose, as he began to bleed like a new spring that had just been dug open

Min Hong wanted to feel the pain, and moreover, it had been long since he last saw himself bleed from an attack, or perhaps, he was still beating himself up for hurting his ladies, but he needed that strike

He stood up and his blood continued to litter the floor as he gazed at the princess with red eyes which was a cause of the pain that stung his nose, before walking to the side of the ship to tend to himself, leaving Princess Cui there, feeling ashamed, guilty and sorry, but she knew the damage has already been done, and there was no going back from it

Min Hong finished cleaning himself up and went to the opposite part of the flying ship where he quietly continued watching the stars and stewing in his thoughts

Princess Cui waited for him to aggressively respond, or hit her, or at least shout at her, verbally assault her of say some harsh words so she could feel better about what she had done, but Min Hong did neither of them all which only plunged her into the depths of guilt

Min Hong slept on the upper deck, whilst the princess returned to her room after an extra hour of silence after she punched Min Hong

Dawn the next day Min Hong was woken by some whispers and coy giggles as he opened his eyes

He saw the new couples in the group, Tong Tian and Pi Xi, as well as Rin Chen and Su San, they were both still clinging to each other and whispering funny, sweet nothings to each other, as Min Hong marveled at how fast it was for them to hit off

But then when he thought of how isolated the Core Court was from the rest of the sect, and how all of them thought too highly of themselves to truly relate with one another on an intimate level, as well as the fact that every other disciple were obviously not qualified in their eyes, it was a no-brainer to be thinking of how they managed to get together so quickly

Though, Tong Tian was an ordinary inner sect disciple, but the very fact that he was on the same journey as the rest of them perhaps made him qualified in Pi Xi's sight...

Then maybe Rin Chen's status and relationship with Gong Yi, Xiao Gui and Ki Ting made Su San quickly latch onto him, or perhaps, it was just because of his lifestyle and tendency for mischief...

Perhaps, the ladies have just been single and lonely for so long that they were willing to allow anyone remind them of what it feels like to be a lady, both in private and in public

But however it was, Min Hong was happy that it had at least made the group begin to grow closer and merge together, and this was one of the pillars on which teamwork was built

Gong Yi came out next, and smiled at what he was seeing, as he greeted Min Hong with a nod, and moved to the elm of the ship

Xiao Gui also stepped out after that, and also greeted Min Hong with a nod, Bai Yi also stepped out and surprisingly greeted Min Hong also with a nod, apparently, he had forgotten about their first encounter, or perhaps he was simply respecting min Hong as the leader of the group

Princess Cui came out next, and the moment Min Hong saw her, he looked away in nonchalance, something that began to ruin her day right off the bat

Then everyone gathered together, and noticed there was still someone missing, but they didn't have to wait too long as Ki Ting came out looking radiant and lively for some strange reasons, as she skipped over and hugged Min Hong


Author's Note:-

Having so much viewers and readers, but none are willing to repay my efforts by buying privilege chapters, or sending gifts...

Not even voting with powerstones, except daily heaps of criticism and harsh words...

I get almost to no shred of substantial income from this novel, and despite my efforts to still keep it running, I get no thanks, but hate, harsh comments and bad reviews in return...

Why am I writing then?

This is really waning my interest in continuing this book...

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