The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 412: Possession Technique

Chapter 412: Possession Technique

The Great Creator tried all he could to explain everything as simple as possible;

"All we ever did was to move from one container to another, but no one has ever thought of using the energy themselves as a rope to climb beyond the realms possible At least not until now"

"Though it is a very hard thing to do, it is not impossible" The Great Creator said

"This would allow a Spirit Realm cultivator tap into the energy of the God Realm cultivators, and the amount of these energies he would be able to pull would be based on his or her luck" The Great Creator continued;

"I have been searching for the Dao True Spirits with an Autarch Realm sense of perception for a long time, to no avail"

"But if I had latched onto the energy they release during a cultivators breakthroughs, I would have most likely found them by now and reach the Origin Realm"

"Now do you understand the extent of the reaches of your daring deed?"

The Great Creator asked, but at this point, Min Hong already had his mind blown by the fact that, an opportunity find the source, study the source and gain enlightenment about Spirit Realm energy, has furtherly landed him with insights into how the  Autarch Energy works

If Little Fei could conduct experiments on this theory and he was able to access Autarch Level energy for cultivation, then he would be sure that no one within the same cultivation realm as him would be able to even fight to a draw, not to talk of thinking about defeating him

He had just gained insights to higher powers, to the greater unknown, and Min Hong began to feel like he had mentally stepped into the realm of the holies of holies

"Little kid, you should use this enlightenment wisely, don't get too greedy an absorb Autarch Level energy, it might kill you"

"Your body won't be able to contain that much power and you will explode"

"I have to go now"

"I need to contact all the Autarchs I know, and try to see if anyone of them is close to breakthrough, so I can use my sense of perception to reach the Dao True Spirits"

"Bye kid, I owe you a favor, and I will help you out any single time you decide to use your favor"

"And remember, whatever you do, you have to return before that kid ends her breakthrough, otherwise your consciousness would be trapped here until someone in her cultivation level or higher breaks through within a specific range around you "

The Great Creator said as the pillar of multicolored light zoomed into the distance, and left...

Min Hong quickly controlled the patch of soul power and spirit sense to return Little Fei through one of the gateways into the Physical realm

Little Fei had already collected the data he needed for the possession technique

Furthermore, he now had a more interesting theory to work on based on the enlightenment they just gained, whilst Min Hong snapped his eye open in the within the void where the princess was still having her breakthrough peacefully

"What do you think is happening?"

Bai Yi was the first to ask, as Gong Yi sent Rin Chen and Su San back to the food they had abandoned when the ship started to rock at first

"Do you think it was a fight?" Ki Ting asked with a worried expression;

She didn't know how she would feel if anything happened to Min Hong and she was the one who sent him into it

"I don't think it was a fight" Xiao Gui spoke as Gong Yi added;

"Me neither I could only sense a single unique energy signature, which means that one of the two didn't use their Qi, which brings me to only one explanation"

The moment Gong Yi reached this part of his statement, everyone turned to him to hear the last part of his statement;

"Best case scenario, one of the two of them is breaking into the Spirit Realm, the level and magnitude of the energy signature I have sensed here, is very similar to the one I sensed around father when he last broke through, albeit with this one being slightly inferior"

"And the worst case scenario?"

Ki Ting who was now getting paranoid about what was going on within the room asked;

"Worst case scenario is that one of them had used a unique type of talisman, secret arts, or some sort of high grade treasure"

"That would explain why everything went violent, and a single type of energy surged and then everything went quiet"

Ki Ting's paranoia began to surge into greater realms at this point;

"Though I don't know the power level of the princess, I still don't think a fight between her and Fei Hong could end that easily and fast" Xiao Gui added;

"So, are you all saying it is a talisman, treasure or secret arts?" Tong Tian blurted;

"We are not sure yet, but that is what all this is pointing to We may have to brace ourselves for whatever would come barging out of this room"

Gong Yi spoke as all of them gathered including the cooking duo, and braced themselves for either attack, defense, impact or flight

About an hour after, the breakthrough ended, and the princess opened her eyes only to find herself in the midst of innumerable brilliant stars

Min Hong had set this place in mind when Little Ming was once taking him through the void

The place was beautiful, and at that time, Min Hong had placed a spatial gateway here, and he could link this place whenever he wanted, as long as his cultivation was strong enough to handle the power strain of jumping such a vast distance

But he did it for her without breaking a sweat, as the princess gazed at this spectacular arrangement of billions of heavenly bodies

She bit her lip and turned on the bed to face Min Hong, before planting another kiss on his lips, this one staying much longer than normal;

She sank deeper into the warmth of Min Hong's embrace as she muttered as softly as the princess she was;

"Let's return"

Just like that, Min Hong floated the entire bed through the spatial tunnel he had created and once they landed, Min Hong whispered softly into the princess' ear;

"They are already waiting outside

Should I go and send them away, or are you comfortable to step outside?"

The princess used her hand to caress Min Hong's cheek as she gave him another kiss for being considerate before adding;

"I should be okay as long as you are by my side"

Min Hong's heart fluttered slightly at that statement, but he stood up first, despite the temptations his bloodline was inviting him into, and stretched his hands towards the princess and helped her up as she adjusted her outfit and demeanor, before following behind Min Hong

Min Hong who could sense how tense the people outside the door were, gently opened the door to avoid frightening them, and perhaps be on the receiving end of some reflexive attacks

He gradually opened it slowly, until his image came into view, and just like everyone frowned, and try to look behind him to see what had happened [Probably a corpse, or an absolutely upturned room], the princess stepped out from behind Min Hong and all of them could see that they were both tranquil, something which caused them to relax their nerves;

"Is everything okay?"

Min Hong stepped out of the room and just as he was about to answer Gong Yi, the princess chipped in;

"I was just having a breakthrough I'm sorry to have caused you all any troubles"

She said whilst holding her hands in front of her and staring at Min Hong's back, almost as a means of distracting herself from the curious gazes of the rest of the group;

"Alright Breakfast won't stay hot forever, let's go dig in"

In less than ten minutes, they were all gathered around the table once again, with Min Hong once again in between Ki Ting who was still grabbing to one of his arm whilst eating with the other, and the princess who was simply fine with just sitting at such close proximity to the man after her heart

After breakfast, the group got more acquainted with one another and finally had their last chance to indulge one another since they would be entering the region of their first mission the next day

Thus, they ate, drank, joked around and watched some live funny skits anchored by Rin Chen and Su San, and when the night started to fall, everyone returned into their rooms, as Ki Ting once again came into Min Hong's room, just like the day before

She sat with him as they talked a little before yawning and laying on Min Hong's bed, but not after begging Min Hong to cuddle her to sleep; something Min Hong did more like a favor rather than an intimate deed

The moment Ki Ting fell asleep, Min Hong slipped off the bed and knocked on the princess' room

It didn't take too long before the door swung open, as Min Hong found the princess in her nighties; 

A transparent short cotton gown, and though she wrapped her sex in silk sheets, it was still a marvelous sight to behold a princess, almost half naked, in her alluring curves, whilst the dim blue lights emanating from the little gems stuck all over her roof reflected on her skin;

"Sorry to bother you, Ki Ting has once again kicked me out of my room tonight"

He said as the princess laid on her bed with her alluring curves all for Min Hong to behold, but not touch without express permission

"Well, why don't you go sleep in her room or the upper deck then I am sure both places should be relatively empty, right?"

Min Hong was stunned at the response, it seems things might not go according to his hopes tonight

He reluctantly turned around and left with sad shoulders; just like a kid who had been given a NO answer by his parents

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