The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 422: Recon Mission [2] – Diversion

Chapter 422: Recon Mission [2] – Diversion

Then giving a similar seductive hint like Su San but in a much intimate way, the youth almost had smoke billowing from his head out of the heavy task his brain was carrying as he thought about all the naughty and wayward things he was going to do to these girls

Then he got to the flight of stairs and Ki Ting used her hand to hit the cup of wine on her table, causing it to spill on the youth's nicely made, luxurious sandals, and just as he was about to get angry, Ki Ting looked up to him with the female puppy eyes, and that was the end of everything

Ki Ting stood up and then began to dust the youth's body as she chimed to him;

"I-I am s- sorry, young master Let me tag along so I can help you dry up your clothes"

She said with a shaky tone and fidgety body language as the youth laughed loudly and responded;

"Haha ha, if you dry me well today, I might be compelled to take you in as my personal cloth drier"

The youth said as he tried to put his hand on the ladies bountiful bosoms, but the girls playfully dodged his hands and laughed coyly as they cooed to him;

"Young master, we are in the presence of outsiders, why don't you take us upstairs and we can play as much as you want"

The girls slowly ran up the stairs whilst giggling their rear end in the face of the youth whose face was so red, blood could have dripped out of it

He looked to the men surrounding him and his face turned vicious, solemn and cold as he spoke aggressively;

"I am very tired and would like to go relax, once I am done, I will return here in three days and we can talk about whatever matter concerns you all" Then he looked over to the attendant;

"Bring me three days' worth of your best dishes and wine, I might not be coming out for the next three days"

He said as he looked to the three girls waiting for him at the top of the stairs

Then he walked slowly and calmly up the stairs, but when he got to the middle of the staircase where they could no longer see him, his face transformed with a bright beaming joyful expression as he ran up the stairs like a starved man who heard the food at a party was about to finish

The girls ran ahead of him whilst he tagged along joyfully as they ascended the stairs to the top of the inn

Min Hong and the rest of the crew stepped outside of the inn and the moment they did, Tong Tian was the first to voice his grievances;

"I should be the one to murder that bastard when the time comes"

He pleaded to Min Hong who almost burst out laughing, but he could also relate to how they were feeling, because if someone even so much as touched Princess Cui, he wouldn't mind heading over to their main clan and bathing their land in blood, not to talk of any of his three main girls; Min Rou, Min Qing and Qing Tan

"You must be dreaming if you think you can beat me to it"

Min Hong had not even settled the situation with Tong Tian's grievances when he heard Rin Chen who just stepped out with the rest of the group began to threaten Tong Tian about who would get the chance to kill the young master;

"Would you like us to settle it here and now!?"

Tong Tian gazed towards Rin Chen with a venomous gaze as he whipped out his staff;

"Hold on boys, take a deep breath"

"Pi Xi and Su San most likely hates this much more than both of you, but if you do this and cause a commotion; that might alert the young master and cause him to flee"

"What would happen when your girls come out and learn that you both were the cause of their missions failing, especially after they have gone through such a disgusting situation"

Xiao Gui stepped in between the jealous duo as he tried to dissolve the situation, whilst Bai Yi and Gong Yi also prepared to step in should they refuse to let the matter go for the moment

"Tong Tian!"

Min Hong called with a deep silent growl than not only shook the onlooking Bai Yi and Gong Yi, but also Xiao Gui who was trying to defuse the situation as well as the duo who were locking horns with each other;

"Ever since you have heard of me or my deeds within the sect, have I ever allowed anyone within my faction to suffer any form of grievance?"

Min Hong asked as Tong Tian released a huge sigh that purged his pent up frustration and answered;

"No, your majesty" He replied, stunning the rest of the present crew;

"Good, so stand down You will have your revenge when our mission reaches its climax"

Min Hong spoke with a dismissive tone that brood no argument, and he himself didn't know why or how, but he was sure it was the new ability the 'Dawn Sovereign Bloodline' automatically responding to his current emotions

Then he turned to Rin Chen and spoke with the same tone;

"You will also get your revenge; and I promise you both, killing him would be a massive let off compared to what you guys would do to him when the time comes"

"But first we need to begin our mission, and I need everyone's uninterrupted attention and focus"

"Remember, this mission must not be traced back to the Dogon Empire or our Desert Sun Sect in any way, thus, we should do well not to attract attention"

Min Hong spoke with a stern tone and expression; on a level that even stunned both Daniel and Little Fei

"I and Gong Yi would be going out to scout every potential spy or danger than might have followed us into this place, as well as those who have targeted us the moment we arrived"

"We will also be out gathering Intel about the strength of the major powers we might be facing should an all-out battle spark up between us and them" Min Hong continued;

"You all would return to the inn, sit at the diner and stand watch for your girls should in case any problem or danger that might interrupt their ongoing mission arises or arrives" Min Hong finished, and then turned towards Bai Yi;

"Bai Yi, should any problem arise,, I would like you to use your abilities to silently thwart these problems, and I know your bugs would do so well in that field, since it would be easier for them to blend in with other pests infesting this filthy place"

Bai Yi stood straight ad puffed his chest out like he had been given the most important task of the year, as his heart surged with joy that he would finally be able to test out his bugs assassination capabilities; something that he had been aching to do but unable to because he was never given a mission that warrants it

"Xiao Gui, should a public open fight break out, our people are your first priority, and you are allowed to use whatever means necessary to make that happen, we will deal with the consequences later"

"There is no need to hold back since we have been authorized to purge this place after our mission is completed"

"Remember, if we could win this place for the empire, we all get rewards from the imperials themselves"

"Thus I would allow you to operate at your discretion" Xiao Gui simply grinned and cracked his knuckles as he responded;

"Leave everything to me"

"Furthermore, I will be putting you in charge of the group, pending the time I and Gong Yi return from our mission" Min Hong added before he finally shifted over to Rin Chen;

"You have always been restricted by the sect, but today you are not a student of the desert sun sect-"

When Min Hong said this, everyone frowned slightly in confusion, until they heard the latter half of his statement;

"-no... In here, in this moment, we are all interim protectors of the entire empire, since this mission is on the an equivalent level to that rank"

"Thus, I want you to use your potent information gathering skills and get any information you can about this entire place, the allies of the Diamond rust Mercenaries and their enemies"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend; we might end up needing more hands than we already have"

"Take this-"

Min Hong handed 50 High Grade Spirit Stones to Rin Chen who took them with a stunned expression on his face;

"Get them drunk if you have to, but I want results"

Min Hong added as a mischievous grin began to climb atop Rin Chen's face

"You all should remember, whatever you do, be as subtle as possible and only go all out when there are no other options"

"I figured out that the fewer we are in there, the less likely we can get spotted"

"It might be normal if there are three silent people in the entire inn, but when there are five or six, and they are all new faces, then suspicions might arise, after all, these people are bandits and mercenaries, thus they would be very sensitive to these minute details"

Min Hong added before looking to Gong Yi and nodding to him to add some few words, after all, he wouldn't want to seize total control of the entire mission from him, lest some of the crew start questioning his duties

Gong Yi nodded sternly on the outside, but was happy Min Hong gave him the spotlight to show his leadership and tactical abilities also;

"The reason we decided not to plan was because we know nothing about where we were headed towards"

"But from this little scenario that just played out, I can already determine that the loyalty and friendship that you have all seen in there is simply because these guys are benefiting from one another in some ways"

"Thus, if one can persuade them well enough using a flawless and subtle approach, they would all rat out on one another"

"Thus, Rin Chen; I want you to be who you truly are in there today; a master of distraction"

"Capture the attention of everyone in there so that the rest of the team can have a very favorable atmosphere to achieve their tasks"

"Xiao Gui, make sure our mission and purpose here isn't exposed" Gong Yi motivated the group

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