The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 434: Death Approaching

Chapter 434: Death Approaching

"What are you going to do about my men you just slaughtered, you scoundrel!?"

She raged at Gu Ya who just stood there smiling interestingly at the girl like a fool;

"Yu Min, I have told you to let me have you, and you will never work with these weaklings of yours anymore" Gu Ya replied smugly

The experts working with Yu Ming frowned deeply as they wanted to banter back at his group, but they understood too well, that they could lose their life like their first colleague and nothing would happen, but Yu Ming simply replied;

"You have nothing, so why should I court you"

"Everything you think you own belongs to your father, and what do you think would happen if he marries another lady who births a child he loves more than you?"

Yu Ming hit Gu Ya where she knew it hurts; and that was his pride

He hated when someone reminds him of the fact that everything he owned, lived on, and bragged about belonged to his father, and truly he had nothing [Like they say; truth hurts]

"You bitch!"

"Don't worry, when my father passes his wealth to me, and I rule over this lands you will wish you had taken me now"

He said through gritted teeth and pissed off expression as Yu Min once again replied;

"Yep.. Go ahead.. Inherit your FATHER'S WEALTH!"

Yu Min emphasized on the word 'FATHER'S WEALTH' something which only got Gu Ya much more angry than ever as he shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and by the time he opened it again, he had a very smug grin plastered on his face as he added;

"You will be imprisoned here for the rest of your life, and even when you eventually can't hold back again and crave for a partner, I will threaten all the good men with death should they even come close to a mile radius of you"

"By then, you will be forced to go for those paupers and men without future for you and themselves, and then you will crawl back to me because I will be the richest man in these lands"

"By that time, I will have mercy and let you serve me as my personal butt scrubber!" Gu Ya insulted Yu Ming so much and so hard that her hair began to whip up in the hair

She was extremely pissed off, and her people were already ready for battle, and all they needed was for her to launch one attack, and they were all ready to take back their leader's pride

But Yu Ming simply sighed with a miserable expression apparent in her eyes, though she hated this guy and could have slaughtered him if she wanted, but that would only make her life much more miserable at best, and at worst, she could be killed, alongside her men and her goal to become the largest information network in the entire continent would be nothing more than drifting sand in a windy desert

Thus she had no choice but to swallow all that insult

"Firstly, some people entered the Land of Stones about five days ago, and amongst all these people were three girls named;

"Pi Xi, Su San, and Ki Ting"

"I want you to stop gathering information on them and hand over every information about them you might have on you"

Gu Ya really had the aura of a leader speaking to a subject, as Yu Ming looked towards one of her men, and then nodded her head, and the guy actually handed over a scroll to Gu Ya who smiled and added;

"Be a good girl like this, and who knows you might just be a good wife to me in the future and we will rule and expand these lands together"

Gu Ya then blew her a kiss, something he knew she hated more than her worst enemy, not because she couldn't kiss someone but because of the person it was coming from, as he turned around and returned towards the Diamond Crust Inn

"Leader, you should have attacked him right there and then, we would have backed you up and defended your pride to our graves!"

One of the men beside her spoke through gritted teeth as Yu Min simple looked raised one hand up to calm him down before adding;

"Don't worry, he would have a lot of fun with what he finds out from that scroll"

"I only wish I could be there to see his face when that happens, but we have work to do" She said before looking towards the beheaded man lying beside them and added;

"Take him to his family and give him a befitting burial"

"Pay his family two years' worth of his wages, so they can build on from there and send my deepest condolences to them"

She said but instead of returning to their hideout, she set out instead as one of her men asked;

"Leader, where are you headed?"

It didn't sound like an interrogative question, but more like a question full of concern as Yu Ming turned around and replied;

"There is a boy amongst the people that just entered this land of stones, I want to know who he is"

"I have never seen you this interested in a boy before, Yu Ming"

An elderly man spoke from within the group of people, and his words caused the ever so confident, unrelenting and manly Yu Min to blush like the little girl she was, but she tried to hide it by saying;

"Elder Po, w-what are you saying I was just-"

"Why are you explaining yourself, if you want to go after him, then go"

The Elder Po didn't even let her finish her statement before giving her permission to head out;

"Thank you- unh?"

Yu Min had spoken before she realized that she had fallen for the old man's trap

Though all she said was a simple thank you, but that confirmed the strong desire she had to go after the boy she was looking for, and moreover, she could have just ordered one of her men to go after him, which means the fact that she was going herself, alone, blushed a while ago and now said thank you, confirmed her desire and interest in the boy, and the old man simply got all that information by saying only two unassuming statements

That was how good this old man was at gathering information wherever he went, and that was one of the main reasons Yu Min hired him, as well as his level of maturity, wisdom and ability at managing people, otherwise, how could a twenty year old girl manage a group of 40 men who were well over her age and not have any unorthodox intention towards her

That had been the job of this old man who seemed more like a father to her now than an employee

She bolted off into the air and in the blink of an eyes she was gone, except for the scattered clouds left behind from her insane speed


Just about four miles away from Yu Min's group was Gu Ya who had just opened the scroll in his hands when he heard a swooshing sound move past him, a scream from one of his men, as he caught Yu Min's figure flash past them into the distance whilst his man was still yelling on the ground in agony as he grabbed his shoulder which was now missing an arm

It was the same man that had beheaded one of Yu Min's guys earlier, and Gu Ya simply smiled instead before muttering to himself;

"So feisty! Just like I like them!"

He said with a twisted, lecherous smile as he turned his head back to the scroll, and as he began to read, his smile gradually vanished gradually until;


"Pick up speed!"

"I want to be at the inn in less than half an hour!" He bellowed as the people around him looked at him with a stunned expression;

They had taken almost five hours to get here, and the max they could do was to return in two to three hours, but here he was saying he wanted to return in half an hour

But they dare not tell him they couldn't, thus they simply abandoned the man with the severed arm and picked up speed as Gu Ya continued to mutter to himself with a funny expression on his face as he was caught between fear, anger, pity and pain

Fear because of how his father would react if he heard that he had just spilled some vital information to three enemy citizens

Anger because he had just realized that he had been used and the fact that Yu Min also knew about it and didn't tell him anything

Pity on himself for all the lashes and commands he had been forced to obey just because his useless fetish won't allow his brain to think about things from a logical point of view, and finally pain from his father probably striking him out of anger and the fact that the three beauties he was about to go meet my end up dying a gruesome death before he could even touch them or get the rewards from all the efforts he had put into pleasing them

But then a thought appeared in his head once again as he thought;

"Was Yu Min going to give his father all the information he had just read about!?" Gu Ya blanched in fear as he bellowed;

"If I don't get to the inn under a quarter of an hour, you useless scoundrels would lose four months' worth of wages!"

He sat back on his seat which was being carried by eight men like the way ancient Greek Emperors traveled when slavery was still rampant in the world

[Thank God for civilization and the fight against slave trade]


Within the Diamond Crust Inn

Little did the girls know that a fate worse than death was approaching them from afar but closing in with rapid speed, as they were still busy having a nice time with their boyfriends who were supposed to be their bodyguard...

Cling! Cling!

The bell at the top of the entrance door of the inn rang as everyone in the reception area looked to the entrance and instantly gave a genuine smile...

Yu Min helped everyone and gave them information they needed to succeed at whatever they needed to do, and as a result, many of these men and women within the inn owed a lot more than their lives to her, because they would have never been where they were today, if it wasn't for her help, thus, they all welcomed her with broad smiles

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