The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 439: Sin Of Pride

Chapter 439: Sin Of Pride

"Go, search the entire land of stones, find them and report back to me!"

The purple robed lady said with a wave of her hand as these zombie experts stepped atop their flying swords and bolted in every direction to do the biddings of their mistress...


About 10 miles off this place were Xiao Gui's group fleeing for their lives from the scene of murder...

They fled at top speed for over thirty solid minutes before they actually got to a vast area with numerous boulders of stones;

"We are here"

Teng announced as Xiao Gui's group looked around with a stunned expression

But just as they were about to comment, three of Teng's men who were Peak Nascent Soul experts moved over and rolled of one random boulder from the ground, and then Xiao Gui's group felt speechless, one for the fact that it was almost impossible for anyone to think that there could really be a hideout here, after all, even they, had no inkling that such a thing might be here

The other was how inconspicuous its entrance was

Everyone moved in, and Xiao Gui's group settled in with Teng and his group of 100 experts who had already begun to transform the entire area in a bid to not only accommodate their new set of leaders but also the incoming help Jun Tao, Min Hong and Gong Yi had gone to get

"Is this it?"

Three figures appeared in an extremely rocky area which had several massive rocks the size of hills and mountains all over the place;

"I-I don't know why, but they used to be here"

Jun Tao replied Gong Yi, stammering in surprise

The Dark Stone Tribe he knew used to live here, but now, he could not even sense the slightest hint or trace of any civilization or hideouts in this shaded rocky area

"Wow They're really good" Min Hong commented as Gong Yi and Jun Tao looked towards him;

"Did you see anything?" They asked looking bewildered;

"You have been following us for quite a while now, don't you think it is time to show yourselves?"

Min Hong tilted his head slightly to look behind them as he spoke

Two solid minutes passed and not even a fly farted in response causing Jun Tao and Gong Yi to become much more bewildered;

"If I had any ill intent, I would have slaughtered you all back at the sand dune"

Then after another minute, about 30 Dan Formation experts revealed themselves one after the other, taking battle formation in front of the Min Hong trio

"We don't want to have anything to do with outsiders, so I would prefer it if you all left at this instant"

The leader of this scout group came out of the group with a Peak Dan Formation stage cultivation as Jun Tao stepped forward and spoke;

"My master only wishes to meet with the Dark Stone Elder Can you at least pass along my message?"

"Like I said we want nothing with any outsider, and this is your second warning"


Jun Tao almost exploded with rage when he heard the youth's blatant refusal, but before he did so, Min Hong raised his hand, and Jun Tao kept shut, and took three steps back to his initial spot behind Min Hong

"We mean you no harm, and we only seek to discuss a matter with your Elder, please kindly announce our presence"

It was Gong Yi who spoke this time around, and just like the but unlike the first time, the seemingly 14 year old youth with Peak Dan Formation cultivation whipped out a Bow and Arrow, and instantly Min Hong smiled


Right here

Was the biggest bundle of happiness he had ever seen since he was born

Another expert that was actually training archery

Though he was here for another matter, the situation or matter in front of Min Hong right now supersedes any other desires he had at the moment [Except for the takeover of the East Wind Empire, of course]

But now, this little kid had no respect or intentions of joining him at the moment, thus, he needed to think of a way to change his mind

'30 Dan Formation experts in view and another 20 hidden in the area 2 Nascent Soul expert and the Peak Nascent Soul elder also paying attention'

Min Hong's left eye which had already gone completely white with a golden reptilian slit already scanned the area using the 'Clairvoyance' ability and discovered everyone without using his Eyes, Spirit Sense or Qi...

Then as a result, no one around knew he had scanned the area; not even Gong Yi who was at an extremely close proximity to him

"Crush their arrogance and fear"

Daniel spoke as Min Hong released every shred of aura on his person

Instantly, all the experts Min Hong had discovered, both in or out of sight had their cultivations suppressed and their bodies couldn't move an inch

Their Daos felt like it had vanished and their pores poured out streams of sweat as their hearts pumped wildly by the sheer amount of fear they were feeling at this moment

Then Min Hong moved forward and spoke authoritatively with a tone that brood no argument of second thoughts;

"I don't like being made to wait"

"I would free you all now, and I expect you all to assemble for a meeting"

"You should also be ready to migrate elsewhere"

Min Hong made himself clear with the first statement, directed the second statements to the leaders in hiding

Then his aura vanished with a puff, and instantly everyone could feel their lives handed back to them again, but despite his warning, they also didn't move for about five minutes because what Min Hong had just done to them was something straight out of fantasies and myths

Then the fact that, all that power, dominance and ability was even coming from a little boy who looks 15, now busted those fantasies and myths

The elders filed out like little kids called out for scolding after breaking something in the house, and when the young talent who Min Hong showed interest in saw this, he instantly had his neck and head slumped anytime he looked towards Min Hong like a little kid

This was 100 percent savagery, defeat and show of strength

Even their leaders were mile apart from them, how would mortals like them even have the nerve to look at him in the face? That was akin to an offence punishable by death

Min Hong smiled wickedly within himself, he had just discovered that he had the power to incapacitate approximately 10 Peak Nascent Soul experts without even lifting a finger, and that gave him joy because that was killing multiple birds with one stone; the least of them being the takeover of the Dark Stone Tribe...

He had just tyrannically overpowered them all which meant that the elder of the clan would now be scared of going against Min Hong's decision

He had also instilled fear into their strongest and most able experts, which meant subjugating the rest would require zero efforts, since these experts would naturally tell the rest about what happened today

He had intimidated the poor little archer, forcing him to possess a subservient belief towards Min Hong

Then he had also done the same to Gong Yi; the leader of the core court disciples, and this is because Min Hong realized that no matter how strong He was, Xiao Gui and the rest would still choose Gong Yi over him in any situation; due to the fact that they have been under his dominion for much longer than Min Hong...

But if he dominates their leader, then there would be a two-fold suppression whenever he is around them, and this was the same with Jun Tao also

Old Man Li from within the 'Realm of Creations' abruptly stopped what he was doing, looked into the distance and smiled;

"You have successfully awakened the Sin of Pride"

"Congratulations kid, I hope you live up to master's expectations"

Then he went on with what he was doing

Min Hong who was oblivious to what had happened, thought he was perfectly fine and every decision he had made had been thought by himself with the help of Daniel

But he had failed to realized that the first time his bloodline awakened, he unlocked the Sin of Lust...

Then the second time, he unlocked the Sin Of Gluttony which he failed to notice despite the fact that he kept eating spirit fruits all through their one week journey here

Now he had used his bloodline aura when he suppressed the elders earlier, and his ensuing train of thoughts had just revealed that he had unlocked the third sin;

The Sin of Pride

[But what would happen when he unlocks all seven of the sins?]

[Anyone who gets it receives an opportunity to get a chapter of their choice]

Min Hong didn't need to wait too long as the Little Archer walked up to him, bowed and spoke respectfully;

"The Tribe Leader would see you now"

He said before leading the way, as the rest of the 30 scouts surrounded the Min Hong trio like a security envoy

Min Hong smiled at the situation, this behavior of theirs really appealed to the 'Sovereign' within him

They were taking through winding stone paths, which at every junction was paved towards six different directions, and Min Hong understood that even a Nirvana Stage expert might easily get lost on this path never to find the right way towards the clan itself

This was because each junction they reached [which was only about 10 meters from the last] had six paths split towards six different directions, and they passed more than 50 of these junctions with the Little Archer expertly taking different random paths each time

This meant there are 300 different non-recurring paths to get into their clan, and the probability of getting the exact 50 paths to take is something that would stun a Peak Saint Stage expert

Thus Min Hong realized that the fact that he was thinking about that means the Little Archer had placed him under a challenge of his own, just to show Min Hong that they were no pushovers either, and this spurred up a competitive desire within Min Hong

Old Man Li within the 'Realm of Creations' who had just smiled at Min Hong's acknowledgement froze in his steps when this happened;

"H-H-he did it!?"

"He did it!"

"The great creator did it!"

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