The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 445: Rebirth [1] – Gathering Parts

Chapter 445: Rebirth [1] – Gathering Parts

"But how come he doesn't have a Dao Tree?"

The much younger figure who was wearing a sky blue robe asked once again....

The old expert also looked at Min Hong's mangled body with befuddled expression;

"Xi Kong, I think the Kirin dragon must have shattered his Dao Tree."

"I don't think so Old Man Bai; otherwise, how would we explain a 7 Star Nascent Soul stage expert possessing a Peak Saint Stage battle prowess?" Xi Kong asked with a befuddled but curious frown...

"Nevermind At least the viper you were so worried about have been taken care of"

"What we should be focusing on next is to meet with our other two colleagues who should be awake by now"  The Patriarch of the Bai Clan made soothed Xi Kong's worries;

"True, and speaking about colleagues, we had better returned on time before that mysterious expert notices our absence"

The younger expert called Xi Kong [Xi Super Clan's Patriarch] added, before he then vanished alongside his partner

Then about five minutes later they both reappeared at the same spot once again, and after confirming that everything was how they left it, they finally breathed a sigh of relief;

"I just had to be sure"

"I understand"

The duo conversed once again before vanishing, and about another ten minutes later, they both appeared once again;

"One can be too careful nowadays"

"Of course, especially with the inevitable changes that would be happening within the Dogon Empire soon"

The duo vanished for the third time, and just as Daniel and Little Fei was about to pop out of the ground, the duo arrived once ore, but this time, they sent Nirvana stage techniques at Min Hong's mangled corpse, causing what was left of it to explode into shards of gore, bone fragments and flesh;

"Now my mind can rest easy"

"Sure, even I would not be able to sleep knowing that a talented kid like this is thinking of revenge"

After confirming there was no way Min Hong's body can begin to regenerate, these two patriarchs then vanished finally

Then after about an hour since the two experts had vanished, Daniel and Little Fei who were still being wrapped by divine sense finally popped out of ground and moved towards Min Hong's body

"You can come out now, they are gone"

Daniel spoke first as a third spirit sense popped out of the ground;

"Damn, to think two Saint Stage experts with Nirvana stage battle prowess would launch a sneak attack against someone like me Truly shameless!"

Min Hong who was the third divine sense that had just popped out of the ground fumed and raged

"If not for this technique of yours, we would have truly been killed; Little Fei Thanks"

Min Hong added as the three of them who were nothing but ball of light gathered around the scattered parts of his body;

"How do we do this?"

Daniel asked looking at the 20 plus body parts that were scattered all over the area;

"Well it has been less than three hours since his body was ripped apart, and considering the fact that his physical body is armed with insane regenerative properties and mysterious bloodlines, then I suggest we should gather the body parts together, and see how they respond to one another" Little Fei explained his hypothesis;

"Alright, but the possession technique is yet to be perfected, how do we intend to gather these bodies together?"

Daniel brought up one of the problems of hindering their solution;

"To possess a human or animal, it might be impossible, but to possess an ant queen, that shouldn't be much of a problem"

Little Fei responded with a smirk as the trio left in different directions searching for an ant, and before long, they all found one worker ant each, and after about seven tries and three dead ants, Min Hong was able to complete the possession technique perfectly

Daniel took five tries and four dead ants, whilst Little Fei succeeded on his second try

The trio all followed these different ant species to their colony

When Min Hong got to his colony, he saw innumerable number of ant, all of them being underground;

Some were building some sort of mounds, others were carrying different substances from one part of the hive to the other, some were armed with some sort of stinger at their bottoms, and vice like mandibles on their head, and Min Hong was very certain that should those mandibles land on any part of his body, he would be a goner

"It would be really uncomfortable if I am being slaughtered as a human, and also killed as an ant"

Min Hong thought to himself as he made his way through the underground tunnels

He could already see the ant Queen who was currently laying eggs like into a cocoon of some sort, but unfortunately she was being guarded by several ants with different body shapes and sizes;

The ones forming the outer ring around the queen seemed to be able to launch attacks from what seemed to be a protrusion just below their mandibles, whilst those within the inner ring had heads so massive, it would take forty of his to go on an head on collision with it;

"Wait, why am I thinking like an ant?"

"I am a cultivator and I am not helpless" Min Hong thought to himself before stopping and shutting his eyes

The shooter and guardian ants surrounding the queen clicked and gestured in an aggressive manner seemingly telling Min Hong to turn around otherwise he would become their dinner

But Min Hong still stood there with his eyes closed as his head kept tilting like he was looking for something, but his divine sense was still active and he could see everything happening within a 4 meter radius

[Though, his mind had been split into three, Min Hong should still be able to spirit sense should still be able to cover at least 5 miles, but if he tried to use that level of divine sense, then the ant he was currently possessing would most likely die]

"Where is it?"

Min Hong kept muttering, which came out of the ant's mouth in critters [Ant language], the shooter and guardian ants were stunned when they heard Min Hong's mutterings;

"Oi! This is your last warning, back away now, or face the consequences of your defiance!"

One of the shooter ants which seemed to be the leader of the shooter squad blurted with a seething tone;

"You give so much warnings, pike Li, take two others with you and go kick his butt!"

The ant who seemed to be the leader of the guardian squad looked at the big head in his immediate right as he ordered;

"Yes, captain!" The ant nodded two other ants as they bolted towards Min Hong;

"Get ready to support them from here!"

"Yes, captain!"

Three shooter ants stepped forward, and just like battle tanks, they position their protrusions at a certain angle before launching three shots of acidic liquid into their air which streaked in an arc towards the muttering Min Hong who still had his eyes shut;

"Yes there they are!"

Min Hong blurted in joy as he found the four tiny meridians within the ant

He had noticed earlier that just like the relationship between his minion and the 'Minion Mark', all these ants are also subdued by their Queen to the extent that, the closer these ants are to her, the stronger their fear of her grows and the less hostile they become

But from the incoming ants Min Hong was seeing, and the incoming acidic missile, Min Hong could tell that, only ants who had impure intentions towards the hive might be suffering from this curse, because the shooter and guardian ants were obviously not feeling any sort of restriction like he was

Thus, in order to break out of this curse, Min Hong thought using the [Myriad Path Codex] to actually cultivate the worker ant, and just as the incoming acidic missile were about to land, Min Hong [Worker Ant] vanished from sight;


The squad captains were stunned as they looked at one another in befuddlement; they searched around but Min Hong was nowhere in sight, but just as they turned around, they saw Min Hong there standing in front of the queen, looking straight into her eyes, and before they could even take a step;


A ball of light slammed straight into the queen's face as she staggered backwards a little bit and shook her head vigorously;

"Hmph! Your resistance is futile"

Min Hong snorted as he subdued the queen's mind and took control of her little mind




He gave several orders to all the ants within the hive as they all began to march out with immediate effect

Then after traveling for what seemed to be about hours, Min Hong's group finally arrived at the spot Min Hong was killed;




Min Hong ordered as all the ants scattered all over the place and began to gather bits and chunks of Min Hong's body parts all over the area and began to gather and pile it together

They were also joined by the troops Little Fei and Daniel managed to rally, but the problem with the situation was, the spirit sense they were wrapped around was already dissipating, and they were really short on time

However, after about three hours, they had finally gathered all the body parts together, and if anyone was here and witnessing what was going on, their skins would crawl, because all they would be seeing is the shattered remnants of a person which was then being gathered and piled atop each other by ants; it was a very eerie, strange and mysterious sight

"We have gathered them all, but how do we proceed from here?"

Daniel [Queen Ant] asked with an exhausted tone which signified the very little time they had left to fix the problem they've found themselves in;

"My eyes; they are the last and key parts of this task and I hid them more than 50 feet below the earth and also wrapped my Oblivion Dao aura around them to avoid detection!" Min Hong revealed.

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