The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 450: Untitled [2] – PG = R18

Chapter 450: Untitled [2] – PG = R18


This time around, she couldn't contain the moan any longer as she opened her mouth to let it out, albeit silently

Then she backed up into Min Hong, taking the third quarter of his length stunning even Min Hong himself, who knew his naked weapon at full flight obviously stood at nine inches long

Then Ki Ting pushed it even further by trying to take the rest, but no matter how much she tried to push or create the space within herself, seven inches was the farthest she could go, and being her first time, Min Hong had to nod in subconscious commendation for her efforts

Ki Ting then relaxed her body, as a pleasurable frown crept on Min Hong's face; his raging rod was squashed within Ki Ting's wet cave, and even the remaining two inches were also squashed in between her butt crack which made him feel like he was all into her

The feeling was one of a kind, as the tip and the base of every cock usually felt like they are made of different materials, and Min Hong was currently feeling the epitome of pleasure from both

Then Min Hong felt Ki Ting use her hand to pull him closer, and it was then he realized that he had been too lost in thought that he had almost forgotten to play his role

With a gentle and extremely slow pull, Min Hong dislodged himself from Ki Ting as a popping sound rang out from below causing Ki Ting to blush in embarrassment; her body was truly confirming that she needed this, and as badly as it could get

Min Hong then moved in once again, as slow as he pulled out, and then Ki Ting released her first moan, and it was in that moment that Min Hong's eyes went pitch black with a blood red serpentine slit; it was like Ki Ting's new type of moan triggered his bloodline

Then out of the pleasure Min Hong was delivering to her, Ki Ting then pulled his hand and placed it on her left breast, before squeezing Min Hong's hand as an acceptance to use it as he deemed fit, and without standing on too much ceremony, Min Hong's fingers elongated a bit, and once they sunk into her breast, five strands of black Qi seeped into Ki Ting as tiny black veins appeared on her fair breast

Then she began to feel violated and assaulted by pleasure on two fronts; one from behind and below, and another from the front and above, and all this combined to give Ki Ting her first addiction in life

Sloshing sounds rang out within the room at a slow pace and rhythm since Min Hong realized in his intoxicated state that Ki Ting seemed to love it that way, and with both of them half naked, they gave each other what they craved the most

It was like something was sucking all of Ki Ting's worries and frustrations away as her face had a deep frown of ecstasy whilst her mouth were open to ensure that her moans doesn't attract any attention

Min Hong who was also delivering her some good dose of cure for her frustrations also felt himself letting go of his worries ad his mind became clearer, his thinking speed surged to new heights, even to an extent that Little Fei and Daniel felt its effects, as he moved in tandem with Ki Ting's movement, causing them to become one in mind and body

It took a solid five minutes, before Ki Ting gushed out her first bridal shower, and she had ten of those with a half a minute reduction in time at every episode, until their lower body were giving out nonstop sloshing sounds which indicated that she was currently showering Min Hong's cock with every slow thrust he delivered, and when their session reached the hour mark, Min Hong finally felt himself ready to explode as he frowned slightly at the situation;

This would be the earliest he had ever sprayed his mayonnaise since the first time he had sex, and after a bit of thought, he realized that it was perhaps because this is the first time he was having sex in three weeks

Ki Ting felt him trembling slightly and knew what was going on, but just as Min Hong was about to pull out, she opened her legs and hooked it to the back of his thigh, locking him in place as she watched what was about to happen in a sweaty anticipation;

"Argh!" Min Hong muffled his groan as much as possible as he exploded within her;


Ki Ting felt the ropes after roped of his cream decorate her insides, and that triggered her own squirt, as they came together strongly, for about two minutes, before their bodies then began to settle and Min Hong's eyes returned to normal

Ki Ting held Min Hong in place and dislodged his naked weapon out of her dripping cave as she watched everything spill out of her; a mixed juice of hers and Min Hong's

If she had wanted to make a baby with him, all she had to do was to open up her baby factory and allow the half a liter of cream to gush into it, but she kept it close all the way until everything came out, and then, she laid there holding Min Hong's hand on her breast, indicating that this was how and where she was going to sleep

No cleaning, no changing, no bathing; just a blissful sleep after a blissful encounter

Min Hong also realized her intentions, and allowed her to do as she wished, and in less than three minutes, he could hear a light snoring as Ki Ting was so exhausted that she didn't even flinch when Min Hong eased himself off her and left the bed, but the smile still etched on her snoring face told him that she was utterly satisfied

Min Hong could have felt bad about the situation, since that would mean he was being unfaithful, but he knew if he felt that way, it would affect him mentally, so he simply took it in stride and cleaned himself up before leaving

When he stepped out of the room, everyone saw him, and expected a smiling or blushing Ki Ting to come out after him, so that they can confirm their suspicions, but that didn't happen, and when Gong Yi asked what happened, Min Hong simply signaled that she was asleep, and all these experts felt extremely bad for thinking dirty about Min Hong, especially Gong Yi and the rest of the group

"Stupid you, why would you taint my thoughts about master with your stupid idea!" One of the experts berated his partner who instantly hit back at him;

"Like you weren't thinking about it before I spoke"

"I only made a statement, but you began to talk about it and even the possible styles and angles they might be using for over an hour, and you are here telling me I tainted your mind Despicable!"

Meanwhile, whilst all these was happening, little did Min Hong know that the Princess was looking at him from the entrance to her room with a tiny bit of disappointment

But she wasn't disappointed in Min Hong, but she felt she hasn't done enough to be Min Hong's first choice amongst everyone present, after all, it wasn't only Ki Ting that was worried about him for the past three days, she had just done a better job of hiding her concern

Then as if sensing someone's gaze, Min Hong looked to the opposite room to the one he was currently standing in front of, and just as he made eye contact with the Princess, she smiled a little, but he could tell even at such a distance, that there was something else beneath that smile

Everyone traced Min Hong's gaze and when they saw the person he was looking at, the thought about Min Hong screwing with a lady popped up into their minds once again, after all, there had been rumors circulating that he and the princess were lovers, and it was due to this rumor that the princess refused to show her face in public and holed herself within her room since they arrived

Min Hong fell from Ki Ting's entrance and just as he was about to face-plant himself in the dirt, Lightning wings sprouted from his back and with a whoosh, he ascended towards the princess' room like a Nike logo



"Are you alright?"

"Now that you have returned, I am" The princess replied without any emotions whatsoever;

"You know you don't have to pretend whenever you are in my presence, right?"

Min Hong added as he took several slow and gentle steps forwards whilst the Princess had a body language of shrinking into herself; like the way someone behaves when they were scared or worried about an approaching figure

It was like she was scared of Min Hong getting too close to her, but not in a bad way, and she soon revealed her inner desires, because Min Hong had only reach her position but not touched her when she entered into his embrace herself, like someone suffering from hypothermia, in a stormy winter at sea, who finally sees another person in thick fur

She sank deep into his embrace as Min Hong wrapped his huge arms around her making her feel somewhat secure in a very strange way

"I heard there was some trouble you had to resolve, and grew increasingly worried when you didn't show up on time"

She finally confessed with her head on Min Hong's chest and her arms in between them both

It was like she wanted to cover every inch of her body in Min Hong's embrace;

"There is no way I would go into a situation that might kill me unprepared, or at least without giving you a goodbye dialogue" Min Hong spoke as he caressed her long flowing hair

Min Hong for the first time in his life had no erotic thoughts towards a woman who he knew was down for whatever he wanted, and this was because, for some reason, he wanted to keep the princess as clean as possible, like an angel he could run to whenever he knew he was turning demonic, or like a bright moon on his darkest days

They both held each other for about twenty minutes until someone knocked and cleared his throat;

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