The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 452: The Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 452: The Calm Before The Storm

"But he had slaughtered a 2 Star Saint Stage expert on our way here, without going all out; and since I myself at best can only defeat a 4 Star Saint Stage expert-"

The princess didn't need to finish her statement because the queen already arrived at a precise conclusion on Min Hong's strength;

'7 Star Saint Stage battle power unh'

The queen thought to herself and she would have been very correct if we didn't include Min Hong's body cultivation, most of his Daos, his soul and mental cultivation

"What about the old ghosts of the Empire; anyone of them come to disturb you yet?"

"No mother, he has done well to keep me off their radar"

The princess replied, and that was what she truly believed; after all, no one from the other Super Clans or Imperials had come to disturb her since she began to live with Min Hong;

"Alright, I am happy that you are happy, and I will do well to check up on you very often"

"Try to strengthen your spouse and support him well enough Encourage him to grow stronger, you will both need his strength very badly"

"The little I can do is to fend off the grand elders, everything else would hinged on both your abilities"

"Goodbye my star, till we speak again"

"Take care of yourself mother"

The princess added as the image of the queen disappeared from view, and it was at that moment the princess realized that her body had been so tensed, all her muscles had been pulled taut, and her body began to perspire bullets of sweat, not because of herself, but because she feared for Min Hong the moment her mother told her to show him to her.

She got up from her kneeling position; Clatter! She tried to put her bracelet back on, but her trembling hands just wouldn't let her, so she dumped it on the table with a sigh, and looked back at the snoozing Min Hong, before returning to join him in bed;

She snuggled beside him Min Hong turned around to spoon her as she breathed a huge sigh of relief

Her hands were cold and so was her feet; Min Hong might not understand the tragic fate that had just escaped him, but if their clan were to realize that he was sharing the same room with their princess, they don't mind sending their best battalion to bring back his head, and even the imperials won't be able to help him at all;

At least not at the extremely delicate moment they were in with some of their powers beginning to plot against them...

But now that she was in Min Hong's embrace, she felt nothing but warmth as he tensed muscles finally began to relax, and the more Min Hong squeezed her in, the more relaxed she felt

Then Min Hong opened his eyes and smiled, he was obviously awake the entire time but simply wanted to confirm how the princess felt about her, and defending him in the presence of her mother was very big win for him; after all, she was still suffering the after effects of her actions and was still shivering despite how tight he was holding her

He would have loved to say something sweet, but it might probably ruin the moment, so he used his actions instead

He kissed her on the back of her neck and grabbed one of her breasts with his left hand before squeezing it tight

There was one fast way to get rid of cold, and that was to increase the core temperature of the body, and Min Hong knew just how to do that to the princess;


A moan escaped the princess' mouth as she felt Min Hong's warm hands cover her plump breast as well as the nonstop kisses he planted on her neck, and in little to no time, she was letting out misty breath from her mouth which came out with erotic moans;


She began to rub her thighs against each other and her body temperature rose to new heights within the blink of an eye

She tried to curb herself but was too weak against his touch, and when she reached her limits, Min Hong left her and tried to leave the bed, but the princess was never going to allow him go scot free, after allowing her get this hot and ready for some actions, she turned around, and grabbed his fleeing body before yanking it back on the bed; 

Then before Min Hong could say 'Jack Robinson', he felt two warm lips covered his own, and a slick wet tongue pierce into his mouth almost reaching down his throat, trying to lick his mouth clean as well as the lips which  was trying to take his breath away

She kissed the hell out of his skull until she had no choice but to break it for a breath of air, and when she did, she was gasping like she had just ran around the earth in ten seconds

But that was enough for her to quench her thirst, since she and Min Hong had an unspoken agreement to not move things any further, but she had one of her laps crossed over his and had their nether regions separated by only their clothes

She opened his robes at the chest area and began to rub it lovingly as she placed her head just beside his face, close enough to steal kisses which she did immediately, and Min Hong was willing to accompany her as long as they kept it that way

She pulled back her bangs and placed it behind her ear and revealed a bright smile, one that Min Hong had to admit was very loving

He fished out a spirit fruit and took a bite out of it, but before he could eat it, the princess placed her mouth above his and used her tongue to fish the bite out of his mouth and into hers;

"Hey, not fair!" Min Hong playfully complained;

"That's what you get for bringing me to the edge and failing to satisfy my desires"

The princess hit back with a playful fury of hers as they laughed at each other's acting despite the fact that Min Hong understood the meaning hidden behind her sentence clearly

The experts outside the room heard their giggling and they all began to smile amusingly at one another as several of them looked at the some of the females amongst them who coyly flashed their eyelashes back at them

The leaders and elders saw this and became stumped, they couldn't comprehend how people who would be facing their deaths in a moment's time still have time flirt around and smile;

"What do you think of this brother?"

The Leader of the Dark Stone Tribe spoke to the Leader of the Light Stone Tribe;

"I don't know brother, but if it lifts their spirits and hearts, the better they will fight for us in battle" He replied as they moved on to continue with their battle strategy

Min Hong had left such plans to them and though he could begin to learn now if he wanted, but Little Fei had given him an update that he had reached the part of the 'Royal Literacy Of Ancient Empires' that dealt with battle strategies, and from what he had seen from the intro, learning any other battle strategy would be a total waste of time, and mental capacity since he would be able to learn unrivaled battle strategy soon enough

Furthermore, it wasn't like Min Hong really needed any battle plan since he had his own already

Seeing the scenario, Gong Yi decided to liven it up since he had seen how much better their bond had been since Min Hong had proposed they get to know each other atop their flying ship on their way here, and as a result, Gong Yi decided to replicate the scene as he called out to Pi Xi and Su San before flicking his wrist and revealing ten massive dried beast meat which was each the size of the biggest moose on earth

Xiao Gui supplied almost twenty barrels of wine, since that was what his clan's major source of income

They were the biggest maker and supplier of wine within the Dogon Empire, controlling more than 70 percent of the entire wine market;

If not for the fact that the Super Clans within the Empire were judged based on the strength of their leader and then wealth, they would have been part of the top 10 Super Clans in the empire, because they were wealthier than the top eighth to tenth Super Clans in the Empire combined

But they lacked an expert with a Nirvana Stage Battle power, something which every single one of the top ten Super Clans had more than five of, each

But as everyone below drank, ate and jollied with each other, Min Hong and the princess were simply enjoying their private moment

"Thank you"

The princess abruptly blurted whilst looking at Min Hong straight in the eye, but also lost in thought;

"No, I should b-"

"Shut up Don't ruin it"

The princess interrupted him as she turned and looked straight into his eyes confessing;

"I love you"

She said and Min Hong knew she meant it, he kissed her, the second time he had made such advance in person and then she turned around and pulled his arm around herself before they both snuggled and cuddled each other to sleep

Dawn; extremely early, the next day

Min Hong was woken by the series of chittering and chattering seeping into room, as he woke up

He just realized two things; one this was this beginning of a new month, and the entire area was chilly for some reason;

"Morning sunshine" Min Hong heard a voice from behind him and a smile decorated his face instantly;


"How was your sleep?" Min Hong added;

"Sweeter than I could ever wished for"

The princess replied before walking towards the bed and kissing him on the lips, but just as she wanted to stand, Min Hong pulled her in as she fell on top of him and gave her a kiss of his own since he knew she loved it

"Hehe he, s-stop, we need to head out, they have begun preparations" The princess giggled before urging Min Hong to rise up;

"I have been waiting for you to wake before we go bathe in the hot springs" She added;

[The hot springs were different batches of private pools created by Ki Ting, Pi Xi and Su San]

"Hot springs?" Min Hong was also stunned by the situation;

"Yeah, wait till you see it"

"Alright, let's go then"

Min Hong responded as he stood up and made his way towards the hot springs with the smiling princess in tow

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