The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 459: The Storm Arrives

Chapter 459: The Storm Arrives

"It is for this reason that the nature of our mission changed; We decided that we wouldn't be any different from the tyrants if we had the ability to change the situation but turn a blind eye to it.."

"Thus, we now look to not only return the land to its rightful owners, but to also ensure its future will flourish from now henceforth, so that the labors of your heroes past would not be in vain" Min Hong began

"So you are not doing this for us, and neither are you doing it for yourselves, but you are going to be doing it for the betterment of your younger generations, whilst sending a message to your ancestors in their place of peace; that they never made a mistake placing the fate and future of their blood and sweat in your hands" Min Hong began

"So, march with us, as we reclaim the future of your future generations!"

"Yeeaaahh!" The experts all roared in response;

"Not bad!"

Daniel and Little Fei commended Min Hong for his speeches as all the experts and their leaders saw their morale surge through the roof as an aura leaked from Min Hong and seeped into all the experts present, including the princess and the core court disciples, but no one knew nor detected anything, including Min Hong himself

They all began to march out of the hide out as the princess came in front of Min Hong and straightened his core court cloak before looking straight into his eyes;

"Be careful out there, you must keep your 24 hour promise"

The princess said with a worry laced tone; after all, she didn't know Min Hong's true strength, and not only would they be facing an expert who had a technique with Nirvana stage power, they were also severely outnumbered 10 to 1

Min Hong looked into her eyes and replied;

"I always keep my promises"

He said before the princess hugged him tightly in the public for the first time which was a testament to her worry, but Gong Yi simply came around and added;

"Don't worry princess, I would look out for him"

"You can count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

"Me included!"

"There's no way I'm letting anyone take my sparring partner away from me!" 

Xiao Gui and the rest also chipped in from the side with Tong Tian making the last statement, as the princess looked at all of them, obviously moved;

"Thank you everyone"

But Min Hong simply amused by the entire shenanigan happening right in front of him, with him the subject of the matter standing right there in front of them, but he chose not to comment...

Then when all the experts had filed out and joined the puppets which Min Hong had sent to protect the entrance earlier, it was then the their turn to move out as Gong Yi stood to Min Hong's right and the princess to his left;

Ki Ting was exactly behind him with Su San to her right and Pi Xi to her left, and Rin Chen, Xiao Gui and Tong Tian coming up at their rear and finally Bai Fan who had hosts of bugs surrounding him to the extent that he was barely visible

Six bug queens flew ahead in front of him, with the one Min Hong used being at the fore front, the ones Daniel and Little Fei used followed behind, whist the worker ant which Min Hong possessed and Bai Fan's two queens followed behind them in a 1,2,3 formation, according to their power level

Then the two elders followed behind Bai Fan, including Yu Min and the Old man, and when they stepped out, everyone looked at Min Hong who simply flapped out two mysterious wings and took to the sky, followed by the princess who simply stepped into the air and appeared bedside him instantaneously...

Gong Yi, Ki Ting and Xiao Gui also flapped out their wing technique and shockingly Rin Chen also joined them, apparently, they have decided to share the technique to him also

Tong Tian and his staff with the awakened weapon spirit also took to the sky, followed by the rest of the core court disciples who stood atop their flying swords, whilst the bugs surrounding Bi Fan lifted him into the sky to join the rest...

Then finally, the Saint Stage tribe leaders, Yu Min and her old man also stepped into the air and followed right behind

The rest of the 1300 men also stood atop their flying swords, but were flying at a lower altitude compared to Min Hong's group

Min Hong then called out;

"Yu Min"

Yu Min moved forward and stretched her right arm and did an upwards grabbing gesture as all the stone debris in an area of about 50 meter radius exploded into dust before she then stretched her left arm and a strong wind whipped up, before turning into a massive tornado of sand and dust which masked everything within it, which were Min Hong and the entire troop

Min Hong then looked to the sky and the skies responded as it began to grumble and dark clouds gathered out of nowhere covering them in some sort of darkness with blue lightning flashing in and out of it as the tornado grew in strength;


Min Hong ordered and tornado moved forward with everyone within its eye, as they headed in the direction of the Diamond Crust Inn


Within the Diamond Crust Inn

There was no one within the inn except the ten experts who were seated at the ground floor by a round table and the attendant which was pouring them wine, whilst they drank beneath a solemn atmosphere, waiting for something

In the leading seat was the alluring, manipulative woman who turned some dead Peak Nascent Soul experts into zombies earlier, then to her right was Gu Ming, and then Gu Ya, the woman whom Gu Ya had ridiculed within the inn previously, the scarred faced expert who had laughed after Gu Ya ridiculed the lady

To the left of the manipulative woman who was apparently named; Bai Shaoxing was Gu Ming's left hand man [since his right hand man, Fao Hai had been killed by Min Hong], and the rest were the other Saint Stage experts within the group, the only difference being that Gu Ya had taken Fao Hai's spot

But half of the people here were having darkened expressions and by the looks of it, they must had been forced or scared to coming here to fight for the Diamond Crust Mercenary, because these five experts were all looking at Bai Shaoxing with some sort of hatred and grumbly expression

A random Peak Dan Formation stage expert ran into the inn and knelt in between Bai Shaoxing and Gu Ming as he bowed;

"Leader, they have left their hideout and are already on their way" He reported;

"How many are they?" Gu Ming asked;

"I am really sorry, but we couldn't estimate their numbers"

The youth replied as Gu Ming frowned and the was instantly blasted across the floor;

"My lord, I am so sorry, they were all surrounded by a massive tornado of sand and dust and also had moving dark clouds above their head flickering with lightning, and as a result we couldn't see anything within the sand tornado"

Gu Ming was about lash out at the youth once again before Bai Shaoxing held his hand and caressed it slightly;

"It's alright dear, they are all going to die anyways, so you should reserve your strength till they are here"

She said as the other five experts who were grumbly earlier blanched in fear when they heard her call Gu Ming 'Dear'

Instantly, the grumbly expression on their face instantly vanished; these two alone could massacre them and their troops within half an hour;

"Congratulations to our lord and lady We didn't know you were both courting one another"

"We have seriously erred, and we ask you to show kindness"

They all bowed towards the duo with awkward smiles as Gu Ming simply snorted in return whilst Gu Ya also had a mocking smile on his face as he looked towards the woman he had insulted back then and licked his lips lecherously

The lady's face darkened at first, but then she admitted her fate and fluttered her eyelashes alluringly back at Gu Ya before revealing coy smile;

There was nothing she could do, if Gu Ya told her to strip naked on the spot, she would have no choice but to do it just because of the relationship between Gu Ming and Bai Shaoxing;

After all, as a leader, she has to put her pride aside at times and think about all her establishments

Bai Shaoxing had an expressionless face as she leisurely added;

"We were planning on announcing our wedding plans and my conception immediately after our victory today, but now that you have known about it, I guess we will just have to use our victory here today to celebrate it"

She spoke as she caressed Gu Ming's biceps with a smile whilst Gu Ming began to smile like a fool, but Gu Ya on the other hand had an extremely bitter expression

If Bai Shaoxing was simply a joint leader of the Diamond Crust Mercenary, then he would still be able to inherit the entire DCM when they both grow old, retire or die, but now that Bai Shaoxing was pregnant with his own father's child, doesn't that mean he now had a competition?

Then what if she gave birth to a twin?

Or even worse, a triplet?

Wouldn't that mean that he has to share his father's wealth; his own inheritance equally with as much children Bai Shaoxing births for his father?

Bai Shaoxing noticed Gu Ya's expression, but she simply smiled in ridicule;

'Hmph! You and your useless father are simply nothing but disposable pawns in my mission Repulsive fools!'

She thought to herself as she waved the bleeding messenger off, and after about half an hour, a different expert walked in this time, and he was a Peak Nascent Soul stage expert as he simple bowed and reported directly to Bai Shaoxing;

"My lady, the storm is here"

Just as he spoke, everyone within the inn instantly felt their cultivations rotate by itself as they all went outside to witness the arrival of their enemies

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