The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 461: Feeling Themselves Out

Chapter 461: Feeling Themselves Out

"Hmph, little kid, if you don't know the name of your bloodline ancestor, you can never reach the Ancestor stage"

"Next time you should make sure you have some abilities before blabbing your guts"

The man responded as he pointed one hand towards the sky and instantly two spirit rings spun to life one after the other around him;

"Hermit Stone tortoise, Ultimate defense Desert Rattle Snake, Ultimate agility"

The Hermit Tortoise was a Purple Rank Spirit Ring, whilst the Rattle Snake was a Yellow Rank Spirit Ring

Min Hong chose not to refute the man's claims, after all, what he said was true, but he had no issues concerning the name of his bloodlines, and if push came to shove, he might  just simply use the favor the great creator owed him, but then that would just be a total waste

His bloodline aura then descended with the sinister one coming first, and whilst this didn't necessarily and directly add to his strength, they were like passive buffs to Min Hong except he uses the bloodline shadow to attack directly, and then do damage

His second aura descended and just like the first one, it was simply a massive passive buff in terms of attack, defense and support stats;

But when he activated his ''Dawn Sovereign' bloodline, every single expert on Min Hong's side instantly saw a strange energy rotate within them, and just like a nitro boost to a supercar, they all saw a 100 percent boost in morale and a 95 percent surge in their attack, defense, movement and recovery abilities;

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several experts began to feel their Dans expand to accumulate more Qi, they saw their meridians expand to channel out their QI in monstrous burst whilst it also aid in speedy recovery of their Qi

Though, their strengths didn't double and Peak Dan Formation experts didn't become Saint Stage experts, but their attack, defense and speed was simply similar to it;

Instantly, the rate at which Min Hong's side defeated the opponents increased by two fold, and now, Yu Ming who could slaughter three Peak Nascent Soul expert in two minutes before could now do so in one;

Su San, Pi Xi and the gang who could slaughter three Peak Nascent Soul experts in one minute before could now kill six in as much time

Bai Shaoxing, Gu Ming and the body cultivator also sensed these changes as Body cultivator spoke;

"Shaoxing, since your clan are looking to kill this kid, there should be a handsome reward if I kill him, right?"

"Sure Elder Fu, but I am also looking to claim that reward for myself"

"But I don't mind having some competitions by the way"

Bai Shaoxing replied whilst the body cultivator then looked over to Gu Ming;

"You in on the competition too?"

"I never say no to money and treasures"

Gu Ming gave the cunning smile of a true bandit as they all activated their cultivation

Min Hong looked towards the cloud that came with them and instantly, the cloud darkened further

It grumbled with a ferocious intensity, and whilst the entire DCM experts, including their leaders were still busy scrutinizing the strange clouds, a blood red lightning bolt the size of an adult's thigh abruptly descended on a particular Peak Nascent Soul experts;


Instantly, the expert was sucked dry as a skeletal corpse fell to the ground, before breaking apart like cheap marble

Min Hong didn't even wait for them to recover from the stunning sight before activating his physical body aura, as all of his enemies felt the gravity around them surge by 100 percent, decreasing not only their reaction speed, but also their attack speed and maneuverability, as they all felt like they were fighting in a waist deep swamp

Min Hong's dragon tattoos roared to life as they all picked their positions all over his skeletal structure, followed by the descent of his Dao auras which finally saw Min Hong's power aura rise into the 1 Star Ancestor stage

Min Hong had obviously decided to go all out as a yellow spirit ring spun to life around him, and instantly, the body cultivator named Elder Fu saw his spirit ring's abilities suppressed by 50 percent, and whilst this came as a shock to the man, Min Hong on the other hand was dissatisfied;

"Only 50 percent unh?" He muttered to himself;

"That it because he has 2 Spirit Rings and one of them is purple ranked" Little Fei explained;

"A six months old lion cub might be fearsome because of its bloodline, but when faced with a 10,000 year old wise dog, it would find itself at a massive disadvantage" He added as Min Hong looked on;

"Let's attack him before he kills anymore of our men!"

Bai Shaoxing blurted as Elder Fu actually whipped out a wooden club and bolted straight at Min Hong with insane agility;

"Make no mistake, that weapon is a Gold Tier weapon"

Daniel blurted as Min Hong simply whipped out a stronger Little Bing, and the moment his hand touched her, his battle aura shot up as it rumbled into the 7 Star Ancestor stage stunning Elder Fu who was already committed into his attack and was unable to stop his advance

Min Hong grabbed Little Bing and with unrestrained force, he smashed it straight at the incoming club;


A massive shockwave rippled out with a momentum so aggressive and strong, that not only did it interrupt the other Saint Stage battles going on, but also ripped some considerable amounts of Peak Dan Formation experts on the DCM and Min Hong's side to shreds

Min Hong was thrown back about 10 meters backwards, whilst Elder Fu was flung 15 meters into the distance; Min Hong's bones vibrated and clattered madly, but just like a building dampener, his bones rapidly spread the kinetic force within that clash into every part of Min Hong's body before dispersing it;

Elder Fu on the other hand, saw his club take a dent as he looked to Min Hong's weapon in shock;

"Shaoxing, I don't want any other rewards again, just let me have that golden staff in his hands!"

He blurted as Bai Shaoxing nodded in consent, before stretching her hands to the side and a Jade Sword slid into her grasp;

"Death By Ten Cuts!"

She screamed before slashing towards Min Hong, as over ten extremely sharp wind blades tore towards Min Hong from every direction and tight angles, each of the carrying the power of a 8 Star Saint stage expert, and Min Hong had to truly brace himself for the attack as it couldn't be evaded;

His eyes went snow white, pulling his staff to the side, Min Hong jabbed his palm outward and bellowed;

"Almighty Push!"

The gravity within a mile radius of Min Hong suddenly changed directions and instead of pressing downwards, it burst towards Bai Shaoxing and her incoming attacks with 1,000 times the force of the planet's gravity;


The wind blades shattered instantly, but Min Hong was pushed back 5 meters whilst Bai Shaoxing was thrown 15 meters away

Other experts saw the battle and fear gripped them as they all spread apart, giving Min Hong and his three opponents enough room to battle, as Min Hong heard a person bellow from his flank;

"Moon Splitter!"

Gu Ming Slashed his Sabre in an aggressive arc, as Min Hong grabbed Little Bing firmly before lashing out his own attack;

"Dragon Slayer Staff; First Stance: Chaotic Soul Clobbering!"


Min Hong was blasted backwards about 5 meters once again as Gu Ming was sent flying over 20 meters away signifying the difference in the trios abilities

"That old man is the strongest amongst, them with the lady being the second and that guy coming in last" Daniel rapidly gave a report on their opponents based on their initial clash;

"Yeah, but the lady has a Nirvana stage technique, which is what we need to be really wary of" Little Fei added from the side;

"Three to one, he is outnumbered Let's attack him together"

Gu Ming bellowed as Bai Shaoxing and the old man joined him, all three attacking Min Hong from three different angles;

"Hmph, you are ready to get serious unh, fine, I won't waste any more time either!"

Min Hong spoke as he erupted with a Peak Nascent Soul additional strength;


Lightning bolts the raged through the dark skies in their tens as several draconic roars reverberated into the area, before another Lightning Dragon descended from the skies...

But just as it came out, it went straight for the DCM experts who currently seemed to have been carried away by their battle and landed right in the middle of their army, destroying about 500 Peak Dan Formation and 20 Peak Nascent Soul experts who were all caught off-guard;

"You are a true monster cultivating in two paths and reaching these stages at your age, but you are still a kid and we are three!"

Bai Shaoxing blurted as they arrived simultaneously to the right, left and in front of Min Hong all striking simultaneously;


Min Hong snorted coldly as he released Little Bing from his grasp, whipped out his twin 'Soul Slayer Blades', slashed at Gu Ming with his left and Elder Fu with his right, before Bai Shaoxing came up to him and added;

"I got you!"

But just as her blades got within 7 inches from Min Hong, Little Bing who had acted like a normal weapon earlier spun on the spot and slammed into the sword strike;


Min Hong was sent flying over 30 meters away, whilst his opponents were only forced back about 5 meters

Min Hong muttered stabilized himself with his wings, as Gong Yi, the princess and the rest of the strong experts on Min Hong's side all had a worrying frown appear on their faces; they had witnessed the exchange and Min Hong was clearly at a disadvantage;

"Let's go all out!" Gu Ming suggested as Bai Shaoxing and Elder Fu nodded...

It was still dusk but divine abilities filled the entire sky, making it bright as day as the battle raged over a landscape of about 7 mile in radius...

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