The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 478: Disconnection & Ambition

Chapter 478: Disconnection & Ambition

"Aunt Rou?"


"Do you think I have brought bad luck into your family?" Qing Tan asked whilst staring outside the window;

"Come on, not you too"

"No, you didn't bring any bad luck into the family, but the contrary" Min Rou replied;

"I have contacted my personal guard to come take me home, so I might be leaving in three days"


"Why would you do that to me?"

"Don't you people care about how I feel?" Min Rou rose up from the bed and confronted Qing Tan;

"Or is this how shallow your love for Fei Hong is?"

"A little problem and you run away?"

"This was what caused our initial problems with him, you know?"

She claimed but Qing Tan simply didn't even show any sort of reaction, as she turned over to Min Rou, and she could see the obvious slap mark which obviously belonged to Min Qing on Qing Tan's face;

"Big sis said Fei Hong has moved on with the Princess and didn't care about us anymore and that I shouldn't throw away my heart like she has done But I'm afraid it's too late"

Qing Tan spoke with a straight face, but tears were flowing out of her eyes as Min Rou finally hugged her;

"I have spoken to the Core Court disciples and they told me he was going to return It would break his heart if he returns and finds out you have all left him"

Min Rou cried as she tried to console the little girl, but she herself needed consoling and a break from everything

Everything around Min Hong is so complicated and only if he opened up more and explained some things to them, then they would have coped better with all these situations

But he always say he would be endangering their lives if they knew, but the reason why they ask him is not to poke into his business but to prevent situations such as these, and now he practically has no idea about what the lack of communication is causing

"Did they tell you when?"

Qing Tan asked and Min Rou couldn't say anything, because she had also asked Bai Fan, and the only thing they claimed to know was that he still had two other missions to embark on and that they were only sure he was going to return before the Imperial Seeding Tournament...

But despite that, the information seemed to have arrived a tad too late

Qing Tan loved Min Qing so much that she basically does whatever she does;

They wear similar looking clothes, the same jewelries, eat the same thing, hangout in the same area, and they have also configured themselves to love and hate the same thing they both love and hate

They were virtually inseparable, and throughout the time when Min Qing was dealing with Min Hong leaving, she had stayed at the entrance to the room and refused to move an inch, except if Min Qing needed something

Now they both love the same man, and sadly, the man in question is now perceived to have eloped with another lady, and the only support left in her life had just left her too, albeit with harsh and discouraging words...

Min Rou knew she could barely comprehend what Qing Tan might be feeling at this point, and if it wasn't for the fact that, Little Ming and Elder Yun had gone on another cultivation journey, perhaps they might have helped, but now, she was the only one left, as she was also the one with the weakest bond to Qing Tan...

As a result, she knew there was nothing she could do to convince Qing Tan to stay, thus, instead of trying to convince her t stay behind or make things more difficult for her, she decided to do the opposite;

"Can you at least tell me where you are going?"

Min Rou asked but realized that if the nature of Qing Tan explained earlier was something to go by, then she would obviously do the same thing Min Qing did, and it didn't take too long before she received her answer;

"I'm sorry Aunt Rou, but it is for your safety and that of the sect"

Qing Tan replied and Min Rou was really shaken by the response because she couldn't have guessed this response in even ten lifetimes

Qing Tan saw the look on Min Rou's face and added;

"But I will brief you about myself a bit as a departing gift"

Qing Tan added as she returned to staring outside the clear night sky outside the window, which only caused more tears to stream out of her face because the clear skies signified that Min Qing had completely left the sect

"Save it!" Min Rou blurted;

"I would rather you tell me the next time we meet"

She added stunning Qing Tan who understood that Min Rou was probably trying to use that as a way to hope that they come together once again in the future, but if Min Rou actually knew that Min Qing wasn't even from the same realm as hers, then perhaps she should have been willing to listen to the story

"I will leave it to your decision if you wish to tell me when you are leaving or not"

Min Rou left a statement behind as she left the room to return to managing the entire Hong Dynasty

If all of them wanted to leave, then so be it, she would stand by Min Hong and make sure his establishment doesn't crumble in any way whatsoever


Several leagues away from the Desert Sun Sect

A flying ship whooshed past the night sky, and if one looked at this massive flying ship, they would think the people within it were currently bracing themselves for their dear lives due to how fast it was moving, but on the inside, it was the stark opposite; Quiet, gentle and serene

This flying ship was split into three layers; ten spacious rooms and a massive apartment at the front, all located at the lower deck

A massive workstation which consisted of the engine and control room, as well as a dining area, all located at the middle deck, and finally, an open roof upper deck which consisted of a lounge and training area 

Within the massive apartment on the lower deck was a king sized bed with two figures, one was feminine and asleep whilst the other was masculine and awake; this was obviously Min Hong, and he was currently having a deep frown etched on his forehead

A few minutes earlier, he had felt his connection to the ten Peak Nascent Soul puppets he sent with Su San and company severed in the blink of an eye

This had jolted him awake as he tried to contact these experts but couldn't, and it occurred to him that the only reason why such a thing could happen was if they were dead, after all, it was the 'Minion Mark' gotten from the 'Imperial Edict Seal' that we were talking about here

Then shortly after that happened, he also felt his connection with the 'Minion Mark' within Min Qing severed, and whilst that also meant the probability of her dying, there was also the probability that she did so herself, because he had modified the 'Minion Mark' he placed on her into something like a GPS, unlike the rest who would have been enslaved to him

But neither of both scenarios were good news, and he had tried to contact Little Ming and Elder Yun through their soul contract also, but there seemed so far apart, that it was nigh impossible to contact them...

Or perhaps, Little Ming had simply taken Elder Yun on a trip into the Void which wasn't something too farfetched when one considered how troublesome and mischievous Little Ming was

Min Hong stood up from the bed and walked out of the deck, and headed towards the top deck

He saw the Pirate Leader stirring the flying ship and nodded towards the Pirate Leader who felt like dancing around in joy that his master actually gave his hardwork and efforts a nod of commendation, but Min Hong was so worried that he wasn't even interested in whatever the Pirate Leader was feeling

He got to the top of the deck where he could look up at the night sky and wondered what might be going on back at the Sect;

'Min Fei Qing- My Queen, what's going on with you?'

Min Hong laid on the wooden floor of the upper deck and placed his hands behind his head as he let himself free and allowed his thoughts and feelings to drift with the night sky

To Min Hong, Min Qing was still the number one female in his heart and no one could usurp her position because it had been etched deeply into it, and whilst they might be having several issues recently, Min Hong had come to understand that it is because they both saw life from a similar lens, but both of them focused on different part of the image

Min Hong's initial mission was to simply get revenge on the Soaring Cloud Alliance, and back then, Min Qing was also keen on the same, but Min Hong was a kind of person whose plan varies based on the level he finds himself

This was why his goal became grander and reached the level of getting revenge on the entire East Wind Empire;

But then Long Sha came around, and after realizing the level of power their clan had, his goal became even grander, and shifted into taking over the entire East Wind Empire, and renaming it into the Min Empire

Then the possibilities of becoming a Protector came around, as well as him meeting the Princess which also had the potential of him being the Ruler of the Cui Super Clan if he married the Princess

Then his goal upgraded once more, into merging the East Wind Empire, Cui Super Clan, Long Super Clan as well as every other Clans and Super Clans that were willing to join his goal solely based on the fact that he was a Protector, and then he thought of using that method to unite the East Wind Empire and the Dogon Empire into one single major power;

The Hong Dynasty, and this would have ended there, but his luck said no!

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