The Mirror Legacy

Chapter 65: Two Foxes

Chapter 65: Two Foxes

Li Xuanfeng cried so hard that he hiccuped. He remained draped over Old Xu’s lifeless body until his hiccups finally subsided before slowly rising to his feet again.

He grabbed Old Xu’s left foot and dragged the old man’s body toward a tombstone that stood as tall as his waist. The old man’s lifeless body was surprisingly light, like a pile of firewood, easy for even a child to move.

Li Xuanfeng propped Old Xu’s upper body against the tombstone and then tried his best to arrange the old man’s contorted face, seeking to ease his expression of pain and give him a semblance of peace in his final moments.

A soft whimper escaped his lips as he gazed upon Old Xu’s face, which seemed caught between a smile and a tear. Li Xuanfeng quickly turned his head away, then he ran up toward the mountain with tears streaming down his face.

Upon nearing the sunlit courtyard, he briskly wiped his tears and tried to compose himself before stepping inside.

As he entered the courtyard, he saw a little girl in a leather jacket. She was seated at the table, mumbling to a snow-white kitten in her arms.

The sunlight shone on her beautiful eyes that were crinkled up in joy, its radiance enough to uplift anyone’s spirit with just a glance.

She was Li Jingtian, Li Xuangfeng’s younger twin sister and the only girl of their generation in the Li family.

Liu Rouxuan and Li Tongya had a son named Li Xuanling, but he was currently studying at the academy, so Li Jingtian was left alone in the courtyard.

“Brother Feng’er,” she greeted, placing the white kitten on the table and beaming a smile at him. “Who bullied you?”

Before Li Xuangfeng could respond, a voice interrupted them. “Who would dare to bully him when he’s the biggest bully around here?”

A teenager stepped into the courtyard. He had slightly long eyebrows, but very gentle eyes that resembled Li Changhu.

“Brother Xuan, any good news?” Li Jingtian’s eyes sparkled as she skipped her way toward Li Xuanxuan, grasping his hand eagerly and asking, “Did you manage to condense the Celestial Whirl Chakra of the Embryonic Breathing Realm?”

Li Xuanxuan smiled and nodded in response, but noticed Li Xuanfeng’s silence. He bent down to him and asked, “What’s troubling you, Feng’er?”

“Old Master Xu is dead,” Li Xuanfeng replied glumly.


The news visibly shook Li Xuanxuan, his usual gentle smile faded as grief filled his eyes. He opened his mouth, but could not find any words to say.

Li Xuanxuan had lost his father before he was even born. Although his grandfather, Li Mutian, loved him deeply, the old man was a man of few words. He would always sit in silence with a stern look on his face. At times, Li Xuanxuan found himself unsure whether he respected or loved him more.

As he grew older, he found himself constantly under the watchful guidance of Li Xiangping. However, he always felt tense in his uncle’s presence and could never relax even for a moment.

Throughout his formative years, it was Old Xu who made him grass crickets, drew pictures of him, and shared tales of his father, Li Changhu...

Despite his sorrow, Li Xuanxuan quickly regained his composure. He patted Li Xuanfeng’s shoulder and said, “Lead me to him.”


Li Chengfu, his back slightly hunched now, crossed over the high threshold and entered the hall. Inside, a group of stern-faced elders were discussing some important matters. Their meeting was chaired by a middle-aged man exuding an air of authority. Dressed in a gray wolf-skin coat, he absentmindedly sipped on his tea as he listened intently.

Li Chengfu was also at the age where his hair had turned gray, but fortunately, he was still relatively healthy. He approached the middle-aged man and quietly announced, “Manager, Old Xu has passed away.”

The middle-aged man raised an eyebrow, then responded in a hushed tone, “What did the main family say?”

“The young family head ordered that he should be buried in the mountains.”

The middle-aged man acknowledged it with a nod, then took a moment to reflect before decisively setting his tea bowl aside.

He clapped his hand to get the attention of the other men at the table and said, “We’ll call it a day here. I have something pressing to deal with on Mount Lijing, so I won’t keep all of you here any longer.”

Li Yesheng had been filling his role as a manager for more than ten years. Now, at the age of thirty, he carried an aura of dignity.

In a world where life expectancy seldom crossed sixty, thirteen or fifteen marked the prime age on the mountains and was deemed a suitable age for marriage. Even his eldest son, Li Xiewen, was about thirteen years old this year.

Ren Ping’an had succumbed to illness the previous year, leaving the management of Jingyang Village to Liu Linfeng.

Upon hearing Li Yesheng’s dismissal, the assembly dispersed and the other men returned to their homes under the vigilant escort of their guards.

Once alone, Li Yesheng took another sip of his tea and said, “Get Xiewen here. We’re going to Mount Meiche to report this to the head of the family.”

Li Xiangping had been taking care of the family for over a decade. It was only natural that the people working for him referred to him as the family head.

As Li Xiewen rushed into the room, Li Chengfu looked up at Li Yesheng, his face alight with happiness, as he said, “The young family head has come out from seclusion. My son, Qiuyang, has visited him on the mountain. He returned and told me that Xuanxuan is now as powerful as him.”

The diligent mentorship of Li Xiangping made it clear to everyone that Li Xuanxuan, the son of Li Changhu, was the next successor. Because of this, everyone in the village addressed Li Xuanxuan as the young family head.

“Congratulations, Uncle Fu.” Li Yesheng cupped his fist with a smile.

Li Chengfu chuckled warmly in response, then respectfully excused himself.

Once Li Chengfu had left, Li Yesheng snorted coldly and then turned to Li Xiewen. “Do you know why I congratulated Li Chengfu?” he asked.

“I don’t, Father...” Li Xiewen replied, scratching his head in confusion as he looked at his father. “Actually, Uncle Chengfu has been asking me about Brother Xuan’s progress in cultivation for years. I often wonder whether I should tell him...”

Li Yesheng let out a deep sigh. With a frown, he reprimanded his son, “I’ve told you to study well by my side instead of going out all the time, but you never listen!”

“Li Xuanxuan is the only one in the main family that possesses a spiritual orifice. The potential of Li Xuanfeng and Li Xuanling remains unknown. If Li Qiuyang, despite his longer training, is progressing faster than Li Xuanxuan, do you think the main family will be concerned?”

It was only at this moment that realization finally dawned upon Li Xiewen. He paused and reflected for a few moments before replying, “I see! You’re worried that if your generation passes and only Li Xuanxuan and Li Qiuyang remain, the main family might be overshadowed by its branch...”

“It’s still too early for such worries,” Li Yesheng interjected sharply and waved his hand.

“The main family has foresight; there’s no need to fear Li Qiuyang just yet. But as guardians of the main family, it’s important to be cautious. If a crisis were to arise, we would all be doomed. Fortunately, Xuan’er shows promising talent, and Li Qiuyang’s progress allows us some relief from constant rivalry within the family,” he added.

After taking a sip of his tea, Li Yesheng challenged his son. “Let me ask you a question. If Li Xuanxuan's cultivation progress is slow, do you know what to do?”

Li Xiewen thought for a moment, then replied with uncertainty, “Check if Li Qiuyang is overstating his progress?”

“Exactly, you’re learning. It’s impressive that you thought of this.” Li Yesheng nodded in satisfaction and then continued, “If Li Qiuyang were deceiving us about his progress, don’t you think the family head would notice? That old fox is too cunning to be fooled. He would only instruct Li Qiuyang to slow down his cultivation speed, allowing us to better gauge the shifting tides. So we have to prepare our forces and stand ready to act on the main family’s command.”

“Remember, Li Xiewen, our family has devoted everything to the main family. With no immortal cultivators among us, our only choice is to depend on the main family, unless...”

“Unless what?” Li Xiewen, who had grown up alongside Li Xuanxuan and shared a close bond, frowned and pressed for an answer.

Li Yesheng’s expression darkened with a hint of dread as he replied in a quivering voice, “Unless the main family dwindles in a century without a successor possessing a spiritual orifice.”

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