The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 141

141 Chapter One Hundred Forty One

The sound of paper brushing against paper was almost the only thing that echoed through the room as an unknown man skimmed through the contents of a report that he’d been given. A few weeks ago, he’d made an investment in a force of one thousand wolves and ended up losing more than half that number. And all for what, a beaten-up spy that has barely spewed any information that can help me get closer to my goal,” he mumbled to himself while he went through the papers.

Just then there was a knock at the door and he allowed his visitor entry. The door creaked open and a large man walked, wiping his hands clean with a handkerchief that he placed into his pocket. His shirt, however, still showed the slightest stains of blood, “Give me some good news,” the seated man, who was clearly in charge and in fact the rogue king, asked.

“I’ve tried quite a variety of measures, but it seems the boy has lost his voice. He won’t say a thing, not to anyone. He won’t even open his eyes when I try. I have had the mind to gouge them out just because of that. He won’t respond to anything. We don’t see him eat and when he does, there is no one to watch him do so. His wounds heal fast and his blood has already lost all signs of wolfsbane,” the man reported.

“That’s odd, huh... Oh well, I don’t much need for him though. How much longer until we can attack again? This time, we’ll have to be strategic in our attack,” the Rogue king said, reclining in his rotating chair.

“I don’t think we’ll be able to attack so soon. It’s not everyday someone gets to see a katana-wielding royal decimating the ranks at an insane speed,” the man reported.

“We know where she is. There is no reason for them to be so afraid if they know where she is,” the rogue king raised his voice. One of the things that angered him even more than the human scourge that infested the planet was insubordination that was caused by fear of the enemy.

“That’s not the only person the rogues fear, my lord. If I must remind you, the Mighty Warriors have been deployed. We’ve been able to account for three of them who’ve been deployed in Lycaon. The whereabouts of Cupid Shooter still remain unknown to us,” the man continued.

The Rogue king, getting angry, flung the documents at his table and began pacing about the room, visibly angry. The man before him flinched and took a step back from his master. Centuries of planning and we are presented with the opportunity to take the world back into the moon goddess’ original plan. The humans, no matter how hard we’ve tried seem to find a way to survive. But this time, it will work. We’ll get rid of all of them along with the traitorous wolves that stain this world and walk around calling themselves beings of the goddess.”

“What are you talking about, master? What makes everything different this time?” the man asked.


“Has he made it here yet?” the king asked, snapping out of his fantasies and dismissing his subordinate’s question to proceed to what was of more importance in his mind. A short moment went by as the werewolf relayed his reply to the king, bringing a smirk to his face.

“Perfect,” the rogue king replied, striding out of the office in quite a hurry.

The large man followed him closely until they reached the small living room that visitors were meant to see whenever they came. The rest of the compound’s interior was a secret that no one had ever gotten the blessing to find, “Oh, if it isn’t my good friend?” the rogue king announced boisterously and pulled a blue-eyed man into his embrace, “Tell me that you bring good news.”

“Quite... I bring quite good news,” the man replied, “The princess has not been marked yet and she shows a fear for the procedure. You can rest easy for now.”

“That’s good to hear. That way, I don’t have to kill her,” the rogue king clarified, hoping the other man would cringe at his reply, but this man had seen his share of fear. The rogue king was always impressed by the number of things this man was capable of.

“Well, as long as you keep it that way, we won’t have a problem on our hands. Aidan, this is the kind of man you should look up to. He always comes through with his promises and never misses an appointment. The perfect business partner...”

“He could at least learn to take a joke,” Aidan sighed beside the Rogue King. The man chucked at his alpha’s complaint.

“Join us for a meal. Aidan, what more do you have for me concerning that failed operation,” the king asked.

“Well, we were able to discover all the bodies of the rogues that were sent to retrieve the boy except the scout. I believe his name was Demitri. He was one of the promising ones that could sneak up on a beta alpha even though they were paying attention to the sounds around them. He was impressive, but I cannot tell if he survived the attack,” Aidan announced.

“Then the runt is the one we need to get that information out of... Switch up your techniques... He needs to taste wolfsbane in quantities that actually hurt. This will get him to say something,” the Rogue King said dismissively.

“You might want to know something else though,” this peaked the Rogue king’s interest, “She can walk again. I received information that she was supposed to be stuck in a wheelchair for a while... What happened to that?”

The king was quiet for a bit, “Don’t worry too much about it too much. As long as she doesn’t suspect you, she won’t have reason to attack you,” the Rogue King said. A chef walked up to them and placed a large covered platter on the table. He lifted the lid to reveal the well roasted body of a deer. The more than alluring aroma of the dish filled the men’s nostrils and brought along with it an appetite that they needed to satiate.


The school bell that ended the school day finally rang releasing Katie from what she now viewed to be torture designed especially for her. She wanted to get out of this place the second she could. They waited for the students to file out of the classroom and stood up to leave, however, Trevor had other plans, “Katie Sirius, we were never properly introduced.” The boy’s voice reached her ears. For some reason, this was no man to Katie. He just didn’t look like one compared to Cole.

“Umm, you know my name. I know yours. I heard your speech, got some chills down my spine. What more do we have to talk about besides the top floor and why no one goes there?” Katie asked. Jason, whispered something into Sandra’s ear. The girl slammed her book closed and turned to her mentor.

Looking between the two of them, Katie sighed and waved them off. They were gone in a blink, leaving Caden, Cole and Katie with Trevor and two of his friends, both of whom Katie had not noticed until now.

“What interests you about the top floor? It’s only a place for hunters. And seeing as you are...” Trevor stopped talking when Katie raised a red card in front of his face. One of the rarest things on the planet, a hunter’s license.

“Are you mocking me?” Trevor’s bitterness was raw and fresh in his voice.

“I’d give it to you so that you can make sure it’s not a fake, but you don’t look like someone who even wants to check it,” Katie replied.

“They say power can get you anything, but I had no idea it could get someone a hunter’s license,” the boy said. Katie had grown up around hunters and knew a lot about them and how to fit into a hunter society. It was different now that she was a werewolf as well, but there were some things that wouldn’t change.

“So you’re still a junior hunter... I was almost impressed,” Katie replied his harsh comment with one of her own. Trevor was taken aback by the accusation. His friends looked at him with questioning gazes.

“Now what could possibly give you that impression?” Trevor’s composure hadn’t fallen even once. Katie was now bored...

“What a let-down! I’m leaving. Just so you know, Trevor, the Prometheus gifts are earned, not bought. Lots of training is not enough to get you to be a pro hunter. If that fails to get into your skull, then you are far from getting where you need to go,” Katie walked past the three of them. Cole was by her side before she was far from the classroom.

“That was a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

“I couldn’t help it. Hunters are supposed to show humility and discipline. He was everything but that... He is clearly a skilled fighter, but he oozes self-importance,” she explained.

“So, you’ve never met a hunter that values themselves above others?” this got Cole curious. He could remember a particular hunter that got on his nerves every time he thought of him, but he knew to hold his tongue every time he wanted to mention his name. It was taboo to mention the name Jeremiah around Katie...

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