The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 155

155 Chapter One Hundred Fifty Five

Lina was in the middle of sparring with Sandra. Sweat glistened on their bodies showing the thin film of sweat that covered the two females. Jason had been sidelined by the royal claiming he was simply impossible to beat. This didn’t mean she had given up on beating him, but the girl was curious about her new master. She wanted a chance to fight the junior hunter and know the quality of someone that was being trained by Katie Sirius.

“Come on, human. Aren’t you tired yet? We’ve been going at this for quite some time. Don’t you feel tired? Your knees aching for the relief of having to sit down,” she tried, going in for another attempt at restraining her master. Sandra had allowed her to attack whenever she felt like it. The aim was to move as swiftly as she could and take advantage of the flexibility she had been exercising.

Sandra leapt back just enough to dodge the kick. Lina could tell this was calculated to counter her and back away before Sandra got the chance to. For a second, Lina could have sworn the junior hunter had an evil smirk on her face, “Good reflexes. How did you know you were done for?”

“Oh, shut up,” the wolf replied. This time it was Sandra that attacked. The junior hunter was not slow, but Lina was starting to keep up. Her improvement was visible for those that had been present through their entire training session. She sidestepped the girl’s attack and moved in, keeping track of Sandra’s entire body. ‘It was almost too easy. The girl was wide open... Just as Lina was about to make the first successful hit on her master since the start of this training session, the booming sound of thunder reached her ear.

This was followed by a tempest of wind and dust that forced the trio to shield their eyes. Jason was by their side almost immediately, shielding them from the source of the dust. “What’s that?” Lina shouted at the top of her voice. Her ears were ringing in her head. It was at times like this that she didn’t want to be a royal.

“It’s a thunderclap,” Sandra replied.

“I know that but there isn’t a cloud in the sky,” if it hadn’t been for the girl’s werewolf hearing, she wouldn’t have heard Sandra’s reply over the ringing in her head. And she didn’t even know she was yelling out loud. Jason held on to Sandra even after the tempest of wind had settled.

“Are you okay?” he asked her.

“Yes, I’m fine. Jim Gordon’s thunderclap is not that loud. I know one other person that would make something that loud,” the junior hunter rushed, getting out of Jason’s grip to look for her friend. Katie was the only other person she knew that was capable of a thunderclap. Looking back to the others that were training with them, they saw what looked like Cole pinning Frank Silver... “This is bad.”



Frank Silver was reaching his limit of tolerance for the wolf holding him. He possessed the strength Prometheus gift and this royal was just an annoyance to him. Nonetheless, he knew the reason for his anger. After all, he hadn’t wanted to put the girl through all that himself. Everything he asked her to do, she would comply without a complaint even though it was well beyond her abilities.

When the royal had attacked him, he hadn’t resisted, but now that there was no reasoning with him, he was getting more inclined to use force. “Cole, let him go,” Lina’s voice cut through their tense staring contest.

“Not after I have his word that he’s to stay away from her,” Cole’s voice came cold.

“Jason, do something. Tell him that he’s gone berserk,” Lina tried, but the alpha was frozen at the sight. In fact, he looked like he was ready to back his alpha if it came to it.

Frank was now at his limit. There was no way he was backing away from the mission he’d been given. He’d seen potential in the girl. He was sure of what the Thunderclap had told him. All the Mighty Warriors knew what it took to get the power they possessed. The amount of training they had to go through, but Katie wasn’t like them. She had the potential to quickly amass power that trumped them and a measly royal was not going to keep him from getting her there.

Tapping into his strength Prometheus’ gift, he pushed the royal away from him. Cole wasn’t surprised when the push came. He was thrown a few metres before landing on his feet right in front of Jason. The alpha growled at the hunter, but Cole raised his hand to stop him. Frank was quick to unfurl his bow and with it, he aimed an arrow at the alpha, “Think about what you’re doing. If it comes to it, I won’t be opposed to shooting your joints and immobilising you until you come to your senses.”

The royal only smirked, “You’re welcome to try.” With that said, he ran at the man. The fastest bow had been aimed at him and yet he still pushed forward, ‘What’s with this couple?’ Frank mused as he let four arrows loose from his bow. To his surprise, they merely scratched the royal and the wounds they caused we gone in an instant. The wolf collided with him, slamming him into the tree at the back... ‘Right where you had me... ‘

The Warrior recovered and pushed the royal off him once more, but this time, Cole wasn’t pushed as far as he’d expected. Frank’s training kicked in and he delivered a fist to the man’s cheek. Adrenaline in their systems, the two males were not pulling any punches. To his surprise, Cole was barely moved by the punch. The next blows were aimed at the hunter. Even after guarding against them, he felt the pain from the fists that were thrown.

Sandra wanted to stop them, but she hadn’t expected what she was watching to happen. Cole wasn’t fazed one bit by the overwhelming strength the man had and he was returning attacks that rivalled the mighty warrior himself. Frank had thrown his bow away after realizing he wasn’t going to be able to use it against the wolf. His skin was nearly impenetrable and he healed too fast.

“Cole, that’s enough,” Lina tried yelling. If he hadn’t been a royal, she would have broken their laws and used her royal tone against him, but this wasn’t going to work on him. Cole was stronger than her.

“That won’t work. You know royals rarely get angry. If Cole is going on a rampage, there is only one thing that can stop him,” Jason mentioned. Lina’s memory finally caught up. It was as he’d just said. Royals had the most control over their wolf sides. Cole was beyond their reach and from what they were watching.

“What if Frank doses him with wolfsbane? The man could kill him or put him in hospital,” Lina argued.

“That’s not exactly true. Cole is immune to wolfsbane and his skin is built like a tank. His body absorbs more shock than that of an average wolf. He could just as easily overpower Frank,” Jason provided information, but he looked unable to do anything to stop the fight that was happening before them. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before he went feral and ripped his target into pieces. The more Frank resisted the wolf, the angrier it would get.

There was only one more thing that they could do. Lina looked about the clearing and finally spotted her sister. Katie lay a distance from them, unconscious. The girl gasped at the sight, ‘So that’s what got Cole angry. This all makes sense now,’ she realised.

Wasting no more time, she ran to the girl and began to shake her awake. “Come on, Katie. Wake up. Cole needs you,” she called to the girl. Through the mind link and physically. Whatever could get to her first was what she needed to use. However, the girl continued to sleep. “Come on... If you don’t wake up, one of them is going to die. If you don’t stop this, something bad will happen.”

To the girl’s surprise, her face began to change as a transformation she’d seen recently took over her. Snow white fur curled around her face and dropped down her forehead in an arrow that reached her nose getting less the more it reached the tip. Bright blue eyes fluttered open. There wasn’t a sign of the hunter, “My name is Ashley. Katie won’t be able to wake up in a while. How can I help?”

“You’re here...”

“Wolf, yes. That I am...” the wolf smiled sheepishly, exposing a set of sharp fangs.

“Never mind, hurry up and help Cole. He’s about to go feral,” she helped the wolf up and led her to the fight that was taking place.

Ashley watched with an expressionless face as Cole continued fighting in her name. She wanted to do a variety of things Katie wouldn’t have done, including requesting the wolf’s mark, but that wasn’t what Katie would have done. She’d already betrayed Katie’s trust once. She wasn’t about to do it again, “Cole...” she called out to him.

Frank noticed the girl’s presence and chose this moment to put distance between himself and the angry royal. Dashing in time to miss yet another painful fist, he grabbed his bow, unfurled it and shot an arrow into a tree in the forest. Cole was not as fast as he wanted as the man was swinging away from him using the elastic cord the arrow had released. Ashley was in front of him before he could take another step.

The male stopped right in front of his mate. Her scent overwhelmed his senses, “Cole, I’m here. You don’t have to keep fighting him. I’m safe here with you, aren’t I?” The words were like needles to the male, but they reached him. Her presence was an injustice to the rage that he felt. Slowly, he embraced the girl before him. “Yes, you’re safe as long as you’re with me...” he replied. Frank fell from the tree he was in, breathing out. His face was bloodied more than he would have liked and he had aches in places he didn’t think he could...

“What the hell are you two made of?” he yelled out angrily.

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