The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 158

158 Chapter One Hundred Fifty Eight

The pack doctor finished her check-up of the girl and stood up to make her report, “The girl is alive and well. She has used up plenty of energy. Much more than she should have been capable of using. She’ll need nourishment when she wakes up, so make sure she gets all the food she can eat. I would advise that she doesn’t go to school tomorrow if she hasn’t regained her strength by then.

The muscles in her body have been torn more than I would like to see in anyone that’s undergoing training and those are going to hurt like hell when she wakes up. Other than that, she will be fine. Nothing a good sleep and a good meal can’t fix,” the doctor reported.

“Thank you very much,” the queen replied, casually dismissing the doctor, “If I may ask, has Lina contacted you.”

“Yes, she has. I sent an assistant to tend to her patient, but I will go there now to make sure everything is in order,” the doctor replied before walking out in a hurry. Her assistants rolled out the trolley to try and keep up, shutting the door behind them as they left.

“What happened with Lina?” Cole asked.

“I’m not sure. She cut us off before we could ask, but my guess is that Frank is not looking so good,” the king replied.

“I probably shouldn’t have snapped the way I did. Frank might be strong and swift with a bow, but his body is more fragile than I thought. I don’t even know how someone gets that strong without getting battle-hardened,” Cole replied.

“Well, he is the fastest archer, so, aside from the calluses on his hands, he might have never had to get into a fight. Even if he did, he probably set standards that wouldn’t get him hurt,” the queen explained.

“Let’s just hope that he pulls through just fine. We might end up with a crisis on our hands,” the king sighed. ‘It’s been long since a wolf gave a hunter that much of a beat down. It could weaken the alliance between the two races,’ Davin thought, allowing his thoughts to reach his wife.


‘Don’t go there, Davin. We know the Mighty Warriors are built sturdy. He will pull through and probably then we can know who was wrong to hit the other and have this all resolved quickly,’ she replied, trying to calm her husband.


Honour let the four in and arranged a table where they could lay the man to rest. She didn’t know what was happening, but her instincts kicked in. She brought the man a glass of water to drink and set aside pillows for him to lay his head, setting a sheet over him without warning. Lina watched in awe as the girl got to work... “Wait, where did the pillow and the sheets come from?”

“Mother likes to take a nap once in a while, so she keeps them in the office and takes a nap there when she feels tired,” the girl explained, sending her mother a message apologizing for her tardiness in advance.

The doorbell rang when a man walked into the shop, startling them. He was dressed in the right attire for a doctor, a stethoscope hanging around his neck, and didn’t waste time with pleasantries as he took immediate notice of the patient. He opened his first aid kit and got to work, checking his vitals and cleaning his wounds. The four stepped away from the man while he worked, “What happened to him?”

“He took one hell of a beating during a fight with Alpha Cole,” Jason reported before Lina could speak.

“Sounds like a strong man. Was there a reason for the alpha to be so rough with him?” he asked them.

“It involved his mate, so he was losing his senses at the time. I don’t think it occurred to him that he was supposed to go easy on the guy,” Jason replied.

During the check-up, the ringing of the bell that announced the arrival of someone else invited three more guests. A woman, the pack warrior, along with two more female assistants, “How is the patient, Morgan?”

“Not as good as I would have hoped, I’m afraid,” the man replied, not taking his eyes off the man, “We might have to transport him to the hospital to have him treated expertly. His life might not be in danger from what I gather, but we don’t have enough to get him back in shape to the best of our abilities.”

“I’m glad I thought ahead then. The car is outside. Let’s get him to the hospital,” the woman ordered. Jason helped them carry the man out and placed him in the back seats of the car making sure he was in the most comfortable position. Frank groaned whenever his stomach was touched and went into a state of half-consciousness. He was in more pain than he’d let on.


Lina reported everything that had occurred to her parents while she waited with Jason and Sandra in the waiting area at the hospital. Frank had been rushed into the hospital on a stretcher and the doctors hadn’t told them any of their observations before they went in. The king and queen were getting worried and almost chose to pay the man a visit, but Lina convinced them against it.

Instead, she chose to stay at the hospital with her best friend and the two ‘lovebirds’ so that they would wait for the results, “Who is that man?” Honour asked her when they were finally seated.

“That is Cupid Shooter, but he prefers to be called Frank Silver,” she replied.

“You’re messing with me, right?” when the girl didn’t reply, Honour got worried, “You’re not kidding. How did a Mighty warrior take a beating?”

“It was Cole...” the explanation continued, narrating everything she could to the girl.

“Was Cole injured?” the girl asked.

“I couldn’t tell if he was. He heals so quickly that there was barely a scratch on him,” Lina replied. Sighing, she mumbled more to herself, “What a disaster for a ‘first day’ of training?”

Sandra stayed beside Jason waiting for the doctor to return with the results. She leaned into the man’s shoulder, finding him to be a little warmer than normal, she inched closer. The man noticed and put his arm around her, “Air conditioners were not meant to be used during the night.” The sun had set a little under thirty minutes ago and the sky was starting to darken.


The doctors finally returned with the results from their tests. The woman kept an expressionless face since she didn’t want to scare them any more than they already were, “I don’t know the details of what happened between the man in there and the royal, but he clearly shouldn’t have gotten into that fight.”

“Is he going to be alright?” Lina asked.

“Yes, he will make a splendid recovery. He won’t be able to use his hands for firing arrows for a little bit since he got his knuckles hurt. It was like he was punching a wall. Did he miss at one point and hit a tree?” the doctor asked.

“No, he didn’t,” Lina sighed. This was the second time she was seeing Cole fight. He’d gotten far better than the time he’d faced off against her brother and his abilities had considerably grown since then.

“Okay then... He also has a few broken ribs and his head was hurt pretty bad that’s given him a mild concussion,” the woman continued, “Yeah, I guess that’s it. Any questions you would want to ask.”

“Yes, when can he be free to leave?” Honour asked.

“A week at least. That man is in no condition to exert himself,” the doctor answered. “If you want to see him, you can follow me, but I’m afraid he won’t be waking up today,” the doctor silently led them to the room that Frank was in. His shirt had been removed and bandages wrapped around his torso. His hands as well were bandaged focusing on the knuckles. A ventilator had been placed on his mouth to help him breathe evenly.

“He didn’t look his bad when the fight was done,” Jason commented.

“Well, the adrenaline must have worn off and the true extent of his injuries kicked in after some time. It happens to everyone. I’ll leave you to have a moment. Visiting hours end in forty minutes,” with that said, the pack doctor was gone from the room, leaving them alone in silence.

“Cole broke his mate’s trainer, huh,” Jason commented amidst the silence. What bothered him was the fact that he felt no sympathy towards the man before him.

“That’s not what I told him to do when I mentioned Katie getting obsessed with training,” Sandra sighed.

“Don’t you have any sympathy, Jason?” Lina asked the red-eyed male.

“I probably would if his opponent hadn’t been Cole. I watched him fire four arrows at my alpha. I’m afraid that was the moment sympathy flew out the window,” he replied.

“Huh, it was out of self-defense,” he replied.

“Self-defence would have been him accepting that he’d done something wrong so that Cole would keep from trying to kill him. He let his pride get the better of him and tried to put Cole down with his hands instead of choosing a peaceful approach. You don’t hurt a werewolf’s mate and choose a path of violence, then expect some sort of peaceful resolve,” Jason explained.

“How about we stop debating this in this room?” Honour interrupted them, “What are we going to tell the king and queen?”

“That question might be a bit late. The king asked the doctor for the report over the mind link and contacted me. They are coming here as we speak,” Lina said, keeping a bored tone as she did, “Perfect, Cole, just perfect...”

“Does Cole know about the doctor’s report?” Jason asked.

“Yes, he does. He was with my parents when they were told. What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Well, he might just be able to help,” Jason replied, getting questioning looks from everyone in the room, “Much as I hate to see him do it...”

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