The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 164

164 Chapter One Hundred Sixty Four

Crysta had no choice but to follow the alpha’s orders. Liam, to be more specific, wasn’t so happy when he was disobeyed. He might have not been the alpha of his pack and only an heir to his father’s pack, but that didn’t change the fact that he outranked everyone that didn’t bear blue of red eyes. Crysta walked away from Lina and Honour, her gut twisting as she got nervous.

When they’d gotten their own place to train or more like after Liam had forced a few wolves to move from a location of his own choosing, they got to training. Jackson’s orders had not yet been issued, but Crysta knew Liam more than that. He didn’t listen to many instructions and today wasn’t about to be the first time he did.

Dashing forward, he sprung into an attack. The girl blocked his fist successfully, surprising Liam, “For someone who didn’t see that coming, you’re quick fast. I’d forgotten what it was like to spar with someone worth my time,” the male praised her before launching into another attack. He had the girl on the defensive before long.

“Well, you’re the one who normally picks weaklings to train with you. How do you expect to improve if that is the way you go about your training?” Crysta replied through gritted teeth.

“While that might be true, I only do it to get over the formalities of having to be here for morning pack training,” he replied, increasing the speed of his attacks. Crysta was forced to try and keep up with him. Seeing as she was only a delta’s daughter, she wasn’t nearly as strong as he was and it was only her continued training that allowed her to stand her ground against the assault.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t you think the training that’s done here is useful?” she replied.

“Oh, it’s useful alright. And its only use is to allow high ranking wolves like us to assert our dominance over the weaker ones. No matter how much they train, they can never reach the power we have. Take that runt for example... I’ve watched her train so much, but Jackson is always making her run extra drills for being late. She’s probably the biggest idiot I’ve met in a while,” he continued. Crysta’s eyes blurred for a moment as her wolf surged forward and pushed an attack through an opening the alpha had been leaving since the beginning of this training.

Crysta didn’t stop herself. She couldn’t... Not after hearing what the wolf had said about Honour. Amongst all the runts in the pack, that was the only one that Crysta respected. Liam was taken aback when he received a fist to his gut that got him to his knees coughing, “How...”

“Well, you haven’t been training with anyone worth training with. You say you don’t need to train, but my eyes would suggest that I’m weaker than you and yet here you are, coughing at my feet,” she said, squatting down.


Liam grunted in pain. He was recovering, “That was a lucky hit. Don’t get cocky just because you managed to sneak one hit through. I have more questions for you, Delta. He got up to his feet and the sparring continued. This time though, Crysta had warmed up and was able to keep up with him, keeping him on his toes as well. “What do you think you’re doing? Do you actually plan to atone for the years of torment you’ve put that girl through?”

“You think it would be okay for you to keep picking on the same person that outranks you. Grow up and see the reality Liam. She’s the daughter of our king and it’s only a matter of time before she realises how much power she holds over you. To her, you’re just an insect. Katie has decided to train her. With that speed of hers, you’ll soon be nothing to her,” she replied.

“Oh, so you’re only being nice to her because you fear her. Don’t make me laugh. Nothing is going to change here until we graduate. She will remain the runt she’s always been. She doesn’t fit in. She’s a weirdo and you know it. Unless you’d like us to consider you a weirdo as well,” Liam threatened her.

Crysta only got angrier by this and in doing so lost control of her ethics. Before she knew it, she was fighting with all her strength. Liam realised the line he’d crossed. The girl’s fist flew fast and heavy. Even guarding against them felt like a chore. He hadn’t been training seriously in a while and she had kept her training up. Seeing through the openings in his defence was easy enough and Crysta had broken through his defence shortly after losing control of her anger.

Seeing a moment of weakness, the delta held the alpha by the neck, blocking his legs with hers from the back, she flipped him so that he landed on the ground with her hand at his neck. He chocked from the force she’d used, but she barely paid heed to what she was doing to him, “You keep thinking like that and you might just be put down for treason... and don’t be surprised if I’m the one who brings that judgement upon you.”

She let go of him and started to walk away from him, “You’re no saint either...” ‘Not after betraying someone you considered your best friend...’ the last part he said through the mind link. Crysta froze at his last statement. It brought chills down her spine, but also gave her even more clarity on what she should have done a long time ago...

“I have to start somewhere...” she replied. Liam was shocked by the reply...

‘No, you don’t have to start anywhere. Nothing has to change. She can stay at the bottom like it’s always been. Are you afraid of Katie? Is that who you’re afraid of? Tell me what has made you change your mind all of a sudden...’ Crysta blocked out the boy’s messages and walked up to the two friends. Lina was trying to get Honour to get a certain pose right. It had nothing to do with training or stretching. Upon hearing what the two girls were talking about, the girl blanched. They were trying to copy a pose from a heroine in one of the shows Lina had been following.

“What might you two be doing, if I may ask?” Crysta interrupted their... immersive training session.

“Well, if you haven’t noticed, we are trying to improve our coordination by trying out new...”

“You can stop there. I don’t really care, Lina. Follow me, runt. We have more training to do. I’ll leave Sandra to the other one,” Crysta cut Lina off, grabbing Honour’s hand and leading her away without another word. Despite the rudeness of the way Crysta spoke, Lina was keen to catch something she hadn’t heard in forever... Crysta had called her by her name... Lina...


Somewhere far from where the castle was, a wolf walked through the woods. He’d been through these hidden woods more times than he’d like to admit. This was the only place he knew to contact them. They didn’t give him any other location and for that reason he was bound to always return to this same place. If it wasn’t for the freedom he had as a person, he wouldn’t have been able to make these trips as many times as he did without anyone questioning his whereabouts.

He reached the camouflaged cabin in the woods he’d graced with his presence and entered the hidden door that had been painted and covered in moss to make it look as natural as its surroundings. The man entered the cabin after confirming the scents of the people he’d come to see were inside.

“Well, if it isn’t the one man I always have the pleasure of meeting,” the rogue king boisterously laughed. The man the entire world would like to see murdered sat before him in a chair sipping a cup of coffee or at least that’s what his nose told him.

“Do you have any message for me?” the man asked the king.

“My my my... always skip right to the point. If it wasn’t for my respect for such a quality, I would have thought you didn’t want to be involved with a law breaker like me,” the king laughed once again.

“Well, you do pose a threat to my cover. These frequent visits are making it harder for me to keep my cover. I need another way to contact you so that we don’t have to...”

“No, that won’t be happening. If I’m to contact you in any other way, a rogue will bring you the information that you need to know. Turning to the chair beside him, the rogue king retrieved an envelope and handed it to the man, “General Amanda is a pretty one. Would you like to have her for your own once I have taken the throne?”

“What do you mean taken the throne?” the man asked, taking the envelope from the king.

“Well, it’s quite obvious really. To gain control over all the wolves in the world and lead the humans to their final destruction through a single command, I will have to take one of the two thrones. I might just challenge both of the kings and take their thrones without another thought,” he thought to himself.

This was the first time the man was hearing of this and despite everything that went through his mind, he was forced to keep a neutral expression. It was one of the skills he’d picked up along his life. Staying neutral to any and all information that was presented to him, “Well, that would definitely be a colourful day for all of werewolf kind. Call on me in case of any help you require...” the man said, turning to leave.

“I’m glad you brought that up... I do need your help in carrying out a specific task,” the rogue king replied. The wolf froze at the statement. He’d offered his help out of courtesy, but hadn’t expected to be called on immediately.

“I need to take someone out of the picture if I am to achieve this and you will help me do it,” he replied, “When I do become king, you can have Amanda...”

“What would you like me to do for you, your majesty?” the rogue king smirked at the man’s obedience. They both bore eyes of the same colour and yet it gave him pleasure to have the other bow to him.

“I like the sound of that...” the rogue king mused.

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