The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 166

166 Chapter One Hundred Sixty Six

Cole was worried for his mate ever since it was done. The girl hadn’t spoken much after the revelation he’d made back in the den. The silence was unbearable. Even though the entire time they’d been in the class, he hadn’t been able to focus. Katie could feel his unrest and it was starting to get on her nerves. The girl’s eyebrows, ever so slightly, twitched in annoyance.

“Cole, would you let it out already?” she whispered.

Cole’s face beamed before he contained his happiness, “What’s up? Talk to me. You’ve been awfully quiet.”

“Cole, I am also trying to figure it out myself,” the silent classroom of students began to look back at the whispering duo, silencing them. They both looked at the teacher’s desk and found that the teacher was not paying attention to them. ‘Mind link, Katie,’ Cole spoke directly to her mind, ‘And you can focus our conversation being private so that no one can eavesdrop.’

The girl sighed and placed down her pen. She didn’t need to solve the third problem anyway, “I had the dream again... The one where I talk to Kyle.”

Cole was silent while he interpreted what she was saying. It was only the second time she was having this kind of thing, but that was far from the issue. It got to her, it felt real and it had happened for the second night in a row, “Did you bite him?” he asked her.

“Yes, I did bite him. The rogues were going to have him and I bit his hand to keep him in my possession. Shortly before I found the Rogue King and got shot by Jeremiah,” she replied.

Cole thought through this for a while before coming to a conclusion, “We’ll have to consult your father on this. I am not as knowledgeable as he is. Even if I was to come up with my own theory, it would still be a theory that I wouldn’t be able to prove. If he says the same thing I’m thinking, then we might have a problem on our hands. One question...” Cole asked her, pausing for a while to rethink his motives.

“What is it...” the suspense was killing the hunter and she wanted so badly to know what her mate was thinking about.


“Do you still bear hatred towards Kyle?” he asked her. Katie’s blood went cold as though the sun had left the world and left it cold and desolate. The one thing she’d never wanted to reveal to anyone was this very fact. The hunters wanted Kyle to pay for his crimes and hearing from her that she wanted nothing to do with him would be... ‘hypocritical so to speak.’ “I guess that answers that... I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re wondering, but if what I think is happening is true, then you won’t be held accountable for any of this.”

A glimpse of hope got hold of the girl, “What do you mean by that? Do you mean to say the disappearance of my anger towards him has something to do with the fact that I bit him?”

“Well, pretty much. It’s a rare situation, but it’s not unheard of,” Cole replied. His emotional unrest was gone, but that was the beginning of Katie’s unrest. She wanted to know what was going on in Cole’s head, “Don’t worry about it, Katie. You do trust me, right?”

“I should have used that on you just a moment ago,” the girl grumbled, burying her mind back into the confines of mathematics, a subject she had a talent for and nearly no use for.


The bell rang, signalling Katie dreaded training time, “Cole, will you be accompanying me to the training grounds again. Yesterday turned out to be...”

“No, I won’t. I need to take care of that thing you’ve got going on with Kyle,” he replied. Katie was stunned, trying to figure out how he’d skipped over what had happened the day before and let Frank train her without his supervision. The royal closed his books and stood up, picking up his bag. Katie almost missed the slight wince that came from him. “Take it easy, okay...”

“I will,” he smiled, placing a peck on the girl’s cheek and walking out. Caden had packed his bag as well. He bowed, “Later, Luna Katie,” he said before walking out to follow Cole.

Katie blushed red on hearing the title. “Since when did...”

“Caden and I decided to acknowledge the fact that you are the future Luna of the Lycaon pack,” Jason clarified.

Sandra, on the other hand, was smirking with her face stuck in her book, “Someone is starting to sound like a wife already. And to think she was only eighteen years old,” the girl dramatically placed the back of her hand on her forehead, “Oh, the romance... It’s choking me...”

Jason was laughing at the girl’s antics while Katie blushed even redder. “Oh, I see someone was never taught to conceal their emotions. How did you become a hunter when you can get embarrassed like that?”

Sandra lost her smile and silently groaned... Trevor simply couldn’t take a hint, “Why are you still so interested in this humble group of werewolves. I am studying in the capital of Sirius, my very birthplace. So I don’t see what could possibly have you so curious about me.”

“You’ll have to forgive the fact that I don’t believe a word that comes from you. You can see how hard it is for me to believe you’re a hunter when you haven’t even paid the top floor a visit. You know there is all manner of luxuries up there. We can watch over the whole school from the surveillance room there. A true hunter would know the benefits that came with accessing that facility,” he described.

Katie knew the angle he was taking and couldn’t help, but be appalled, shocked, and impressed at the same time, “You’d actually stoop as low as using treats to tempt into joining you up on the top floor.”

“I’m just a curious hunter. I will be drawing the patrol routes for the trip. Do you have a preference so that I can fix you at the time of your convenience? Or are you a retired hunter that no longer knows how to do her job?” he asked her.

Katie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Although on second thought, she realised this was Trevor she was talking to. He seemed to be capable of using any manner of techniques to reach his end goal, “What happens if I completely refuse to join you in the patrol?”

“Well, if you didn’t know this already, there are pro hunters up there that just come to chill out and see how things are going. If they find out that the only hunter in the school was not even taking part in keeping civilians safe as is the duty of a hunter, they might start to question where it is you lie in all this. I already filed a petition for the verification of your license,” he spoke up.

“The license comes after the hunter. If I didn’t have one, I would just show you Prometheus gifts and you’d know that I am a hunter,” she replied.

“Well, we have seen Lina Sirius run almost as fast as a hunter with the agility Prometheus gift, but you don’t see us running around claiming she’s a hunter. Considered you are related by blood, you could be the same case,” he replied with a smirk on his face.

“Katie, you don’t have to play this game with him,” Jason interjected.

“Quiet, wolf. This has nothing to do with you,” Trevor spat at Jason. The short interruption was enough to break Katie out of Trevor’s argument and she was thankful for that.

“No, you’re right, Jason. See you later, Trevor. I will do my job however I see fit. After all, Prometheus doesn’t choose people who aren’t competent enough to handle the tasks he gives us. As for your invitation to the top floor, I will have to turn it down.” Lina ran into the class at that moment and froze at the sight before her. Katie went silent as well, “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong. Frank just called claiming you should already be halfway to the training grounds. What are you still doing here?” she replied, “And Sandra, we have a lot to take care of. Is Jason coming along? Dealing with the Hulk as a sparring partner might prove to be an impossible task.”

“You’ll have to work on your combat until I am sure you’re ready,” Jason replied.

“You make it sound like I’ll never be able to beat you,” she replied with a groan.

“Well, you might be able to beat Wyatt by the time we’re through with you, but I’m a different case,” Jason replied with a painful smile. The phrasing of his answer bothered Katie although she gave up on thinking about it when no answer returned to her.

“As you just heard, Trevor. I have no time to waste with you,” Katie mentioned, bouncing out of her seat. She was only halfway to the door, with the others behind her when she heard the boy’s comeback.

“A pro hunter going through training... That must be embarrassing. Are you defective or something?” there was venom in the boy’s voice and Katie was reaching her tolerance limit... ‘Does this boy just live to annoy me...’ she mentally screamed.

‘Can we... you know... rough him up a bit?’ Ashley knew no other way to help her friend other than to offer a violent solution.

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