The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 176

176 Chapter One Hundred Seventy Six

In a location unknown to the royal families, well, except for one person that was yet to be unveiled. Deep within the dungeons of the small establishment, chains fell to the ground as a guard began to uncuff one of their prisoners, “I’m glad you finally came to your senses. The king will be very pleased with the decision you’ve made,” the guard spoke up, cleaning the boy’s wounds to the best of his abilities with the cloth he’d brought.

However, the grime that covered the boy eventually proved to be too much for him and soiled the cloth beyond recognition, “I have no idea what had come over me, but the king can rest easy knowing that I am fully on his side in this war. I would like to see that girl on her knees after all. After all the humiliation she’s put me through, it’s the least I could wish for,” the boy replied.

“Ah, revenge. Hold on to that. It’s a powerful tool that will keep you at your sharpest,” the guard helped him up and led the yellow-eyed boy out of the cell. Kyle could not believe the torture had come to an end and not to mention it was all because of the same person he now claimed to despise. His position among the ranks of the rogues had not yet been compromised for as much as he knew and as long as it stayed that way, he could continue to be of help to the ones he rightfully served.

“Where are we going?” Kyle asked the man in front of him.

“I am taking you to your room. It is where you’ll be staying. You also need to take a bath. You stink like rotten wolfsbane. We can’t have a high ranking rogue smelling like the pit of werewolf hell,” the man commented, cringing at his own descriptions. Kyle sighed and simply let him take the lead. The corridors were dimly lit by candles on the walls. From the cold in the air, he could tell that they were underground, however, that was all he could know.

“Do you know where we are?” Kyle asked him.

“There are reasons why you were brought here unconscious and reasons why you leave here unconscious. There aren’t many people in this world that know the location of this place. I’m afraid I don’t know where we are,” the man replied, “And even if I knew where we were, the rogue king is the only one that can permit you access to such information, so I wouldn’t be telling you without his permission.”

Kyle sighed once again and let their conversation simmer down. He was walking a little bit longer before the man piped up again, “So the reports about you meeting this person that you named the rogue killer. Were they all make-believe?”

‘Why did everything have to circle back to that one pesky little werewolf girl,’ Kyle internally screamed.


‘You will do well to respect our alpha,’ his wolf piped in mentally.

‘I know, I know... Old habits, I guess...’ “No, those stories were real. Every single one of them. I saw it with my own eyes, you know.”

“How did you see it with your own eyes when you’re a rogue as well?” the guard asked.

“There is clearly a lot you don’t know about me it seems... I was the spy that was sent to Brigadia to collect information on a certain person that was said to pose a threat to the Rogue King himself. I didn’t know how important or how dangerous that person would be until I met them. Living undercover was never easy. Watching more spies coming in with different missions. Doing my best to keep them in line. They got themselves killed due to their arrogance as well. I even lost count of the number of rogues that died at the hands of that one hunter,” the boy mused. His mind was torn between pride and fear. He knew he had nothing to fear from the girl as she wasn’t his enemy anymore and yet he was proud of how strong she’d become. All at the same time, he had watched her mercilessly bring down rogues that tried to infiltrate Brigadia.

“No one said anything about a hunter. You were sent to observe a werewolf,” the man argued.

“Oh, I was observing a werewolf alright. I would tell you more about my findings, but I believe the rogue king would want to hear from me himself,” Kyle boasted.

The man remained silent for a bit before answering, “If that’s the case, then you might want to bathe as fast as you can. The king will be leaving quite soon and he does not like to be kept waiting.” Stunned by this response, Kyle began thinking through the numerous changes this sudden movement was going to bring. He’d thought the king would stay in this specific facility where he would lead the others and put an end to all this, but now he didn’t know how that was going to work.

They finally reached a door to a room that the guard stood beside. Kyle hadn’t been paying attention to his surroundings as it had now gotten a lot brighter and he could feel the breeze coming from outside. He pushed open the door to the room the guard beckoned for him to enter. The only window in the room stared directly into the stump of a tree, shielding any sort of clue as to where he was. The floor, walls and roof were made entirely out of wood and based on the slight sway of the floor when he walked across it, he could tell he was in a building built entirely out of wood.

The guard noticed his wonder and launched into an explanation, “This entire building is made of wood and designed to camouflage as part of the impenetrable part of the story. Someone can look at this very facility and think it was just dense plant life.”

“Brilliant,” Kyle replied before checking out his alleged room. All basic supplies had been set up for him. All except for a phone, which meant he wouldn’t be communicating with the outside world. It didn’t matter to him anyway. He merely had to wait for his master to fall asleep and approach him in the night through the link they shared. To one side of the room, he noticed another door and walked over to it. Inside was a shower, a toilet and everything he needed to freshen up, ‘How do they get the water to run without giving up their location?’ he thought to himself.

“I’ll have a fresh set of clothes brought to you. In the meantime, soak up and get ready to meet the king,” the man announced before leaving in a hurry.

“Won’t mind if I do,” Kyle said more to himself while he filled the bathtub with warm water, ‘Where do they even get warm water from?’

Kyle was only in the shower for three minutes when loud bangs sounded at his bathroom door, “Hey, I thought I was clear when I told you to bathe quickly.”

The boy sighed, “So much for enjoying a nice hot bath. At least the smell of rotting wolfsbane is off me.’ He hadn’t realised how bad it was making him break. The normal air, free of wolfsbane was starting to feel far more refreshing. He’d been deprived of it for far too long that he felt he could nearly taste it. What more could a traitor like him wish for...

“Well, are you going to get out of there or what?” the guard’s voice came again. Kyle got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his body, not failing to notice how toned his body was getting. A side effect that he now knew all too well. It was only a matter of time before this would catch up to him. He would have to find a way to explain his change in physique before the rogues got suspicious. Hiding the colour of his eyes could only get him so far.

Opening the door, “Did I take too long?”

The guard took a short pause before shrugging off the boy’s appearance, “Whatever, your clothes are on the bed over there. Get dressed. You’re about to meet the rogue king himself. Considering he’s asked for you himself.”

Kyle hurriedly got dressed when the guard had just left. He was a mess of thoughts and emotions. ‘What am I going to even tell him. He knows a lot...’

‘Hey, Kyle, stick to what the alpha told you to do. Pretend to be any other kind of spy recruit and make sure you deliver the basic information about Katie,’ his wolf intervened, cooling his nerves. ‘To think j was still in the spying business...’

“Well, it was only a matter of time before this kind of this got out. I can’t believe I get to meet him now, after all these years without any way to contact him,” he mused, even though his opinion of the man had changed over the time he’d been in the dungeon. The rogue king was a cruel leader and one that Kyle didn’t want to follow. Morals we’re still raw and setting in the rogue’s mind.

The guard led him on through the numerous dimly lit corridors. He soon began to notice the stairs that led up and down the building. Stairs that he’d barely noticed when they’d been coming up. “Here we are. From here n out, you are alone. I cannot proceed with you through this door. I sure do hope you tell me of your time in Brigadia once you’re done explaining it to the rogue king,” the man said before walking away. Kyle kept trying to see anything past the plain meaning of the words he’d used. ‘Is that man a rogue at all?’

Shrugging off his thoughts, Kyle pushed open the door he’d been brought to and had to cover his eyes at the light that invaded them. The room the king was in was much brighter and much wider than all the others. The light was natural, which meant it came from outside. The scent of freedom in form of forest dew wafted into the boy’s nose. He could barely resist the chance to pounce out of the rogue encampment, but he kept his urges to himself.

“So you finally came through to your senses, young spy. I was beginning to think you were a lost cause and a terrible investment,” the king spoke up. Kyle allowed his eyes to adjust until he could take in the sight before him. Tables and chairs were arranged in this room to allow it to act as a meeting area. The light from outside came in through windows, however wide, calculated to keep the insides of the room hidden from anyone who happened to pass by.

The rogue king was dressed in black clothes that fitted him quite nicely. What caught the boy’s eye was the man’s leather overcoat that had precious gems embroidered into it. It was a sight to behold.

At the rogue king’s side stood a hulking man dressed similarly. He looked more like a club bouncer and he radiated power on par with that of the king. However, his eyes were red and this told him that he was looking at one of the rogue king’s two beta alphas.

“Well, I’m glad I came to my senses as well. I don’t know what had come over me,” the boy replied with a brief smile on his face.

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