The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 178

178 Chapter One Hundred Seventy Eight

Kyle had learned how to make his late-night communications at will. It was becoming second nature for him to find himself talking to his alpha in his sleep. He sat in the mental space he’d reconfigured, waiting for his alpha to show up. He knew nothing of what was happening in her life... It didn’t bother him no matter how much he wanted to know about her life. After all, he had nearly cost her the lives of countless humans that she’d sworn to protect.

She’d gone and betrayed the only person that cared to know what colour was his favourite, what food he liked to eat, what dreams he had for the future. A tear went down his cheek as the memories of the past went through him. They were so near and yet so distant. He’d singlehandedly destroyed everything he’d built with her. A mission to be a spy for the rogue king had split his mind and ripped his heart in two.

‘I envy you, Ashley,’ he whispered into the darkness.

“What was that?” a feminine voice rang out. Katie’s voice rang out clearly into his mind and it still bore the same amount of kindness it always had. She didn’t bear any hatred towards him and sometimes he let it get to him that they could go back to being the friends they once were. He allowed light to filter into the mental space he’d created, allowing a scene of a beautiful forest to spring to life.

“I was just thinking out loud. How are you, Alpha Katie?” Kyle greeted his alpha.

The girl looked around their surroundings trying to get her bearings while Kyle merely watched her, seated by a tree. “Is this where you actually are or did you manage to alter everything somehow?” she asked him.

“No, I was able to alter everything you see. I am not actually here. Your plan worked... a little more than I thought it would. I have rejoined the ranks of the rogues, however, they have so many secrets even amongst themselves that it seems I am unable to find out much. I am sorry about that,” he responded.

“It’s okay, Kyle. You did what you could. Could you at least tell me if you’ve laid your eyes on the rogue king just yet?” she asked him, curiosity getting the best of her.

“The rogue king left early this morning for the kingdom of Lycaon. I’m not sure if that means that the base I currently am is located in Sirius. I can’t tell much considering they won’t let me know the location of this place without the rogue king’s permission,” he replied and then went on to narrate everything that had happened that day. “I was sure to tell the story exactly the way you wanted me to. Are you going to tell me why you had me lie about you possessing one Prometheus gift? If they’d checked my memories on that...”


“They would have found the lie to have been true. Considering what kind of wolf you are, anything I tell you becomes the truth. It doesn’t matter if you know what the truth is or not. If I say something, then that is what it shall be,” Katie cut him off. The boy’s eyes widened in realisation.

“That’s very sneaky of you, Katie. I like it...” the boy smirked.

“Oh, shut up, Kyle,” the girl chuckled before getting into deep thought once again. I will inform the hunters of this development. I hope everything goes according to plan.” She sighed.

“Is the might rogue killer actually scheming in the background?” Kyle asked her, wiggling his brows.

“You make it sound creepy... Stop getting any ideas, Kyle. I’m only doing what won’t get me into any more trouble than required. Cole made me promise to keep from making any irrational decisions. Now I’ve got to play most of my moves smart. It’s very hard to keep up with everything that’s going on. It was only recently that I discovered my sister was going to go up against one of the alphas in the pack to try and prove her dominance as a royal. It’s a stupid idea. I mean, we are trying to fight a real enemy and here are these wolves having rivalry amongst themselves.”

Kyle couldn’t help but laugh at the girl, “It’s like you’re forgetting about the relationship you had with Dexter. The two of you were always trying to prove who was above the other. Dexter clearly knew who was more powerful, but his hard-headed nature wouldn’t let him give up,” the boy explained.

“And he continuously kept trying and trying to get me off guard. Just how many visits to the infirmary was he going to have before he realised he was never going to beat me,” Katie sighed.

“Well, if you would ask me, I’d say that was his way of getting your attention,” Kyle replied. The bit of information got Katie off guard. When she thought more about it, Dexter had felt like a nuisance at some point, but that made him all the more common in her daily activities. She had to deal with his antics until a time that she warned him to get him suspended.

“Well, I never noticed what he was trying to do then,” Katie smiled. Their time was coming to an end.

“One more male that did that was Lionel. I know I wasn’t there at the Founder’s Festival, but from the previous ceremonies, I could tell that boy wanted you to notice him so badly,” he replied.

Katie’s cheeks got flushed, “Dexter and Lionel are two different cases,” she argued, her image fading even more from view.

“How so...” Kyle asked. He could sense she hadn’t told him something about Lionel, but time wasn’t on their side. They’d already spent an hour in this mental space and Katie’s mind was shifting into a deeper form of sleep that couldn’t let her keep this up.

Katie held her tongue as she vanished from view. Lionel had confessed his feelings to her during the Founder’s Festival and that wasn’t the same for Dexter... was it? ‘Ugh, what is wrong with all of them? I was the most feared hunter in the whole of Brigadia.’ she felt like screaming out. The scent of her mate calmed her mind and she was fast asleep in minutes.


“Katie, you might want to wake up,” Cole nudged the beauty that slept on his chest, “Wow, you slept really deep. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just... didn’t detect any trouble during the...” her mind went blank when she looked out the window. Out over the horizon was the largest water body she’d ever seen in her life. It stretched as far as the eye could see. Seagulls cawed in the air. The sun was only rising and it made a beautiful reflection on the surface of the waterbody.

“I take it you’ve never seen the sea before,” Cole took note. The girl nodded and continued to watch as the bus took a turn away from the waterbody. Katie’s senses began to flare up. There was a lot in the woods that brought her senses to flare up like this. She put her hands to her head to soothe the continuous inflow of information. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just way too many creatures in the woods,” she responded. Cole couldn’t help but stare at the girl in awe.

“You might have been stuck in a remote town your whole life, but you’re closer to nature than any of us that have had the chance to be in nature,” he mused. The voices in the girl’s mind started to go down as she adjusted to the different creatures in the woods.

Sandra sat by Jason with her hands folded. “A game reserve... How barbaric? When do we get to the hotel?” she asked the man beside her.

“Well, we still have quite the drive left to get there, to be honest. The reserve is so large that we might as well have finished half the journey,” he responded, holding in his laughter.

Sandra turned to him with a blank expression on her face. Her idea of a reserve could not have been more inaccurate. She looked out the window and managed to get different glimpses of the wildlife. Birds of different colours tended to their young, while others hunted for food. Some of the just lazied around their nests. The girl looked beyond the treetops and caught a glimpse of a bushy tail dashing into the woods as the bus passed by. The reserve... She pulled her phone from her pocket and pulled up a map... The reserve was easily fifty miles across...

“Who has the power to designate all this land untouchable?” the girl mused.

“Do you still think making a reserve would rob the creatures of their wild nature?” Jason asked her with a smirk on his face.

“You could have at least told me it was this big. I didn’t think it was this big,” she groaned.

“Well, now you know.” Katie opened the window to let in the wind that whipped her hair backwards. Just as she’d expected, the air in the reserve provided a thrill of the wild that only called out to her. She wanted to run through the woods, a look Cole could read straight through.

“And here I thought I was a fan of the wild,” Cole chuckled.

“Well, you could join me for a run when we’re free,” Katie replied with a wink.

“Aren’t you the one who keeps saying Jeremiah is always tailing us?” Cole asked.

“Well, we’ve been on a bus for hours. He’d also need time to catch up to that. I don’t know what means of transport he’ll use, but he’ll definitely be here by the end of the day,” she chuckled.

“You say it like he’s a friend that you’re counting on...”

“Oh no, I still want to make him taste dirt. I just know he won’t be making any dangerous moves,” she replied.

“Well, that would have been the case when Frank was always around to protect you...” Cole replied... ‘I guess that’s accurate,’ the girl thought to herself. She didn’t have the protection of Cupid Shooter anymore. Although, for some reason, that didn’t seem to faze her.

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