The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 181

181 Chapter One Hundred Eighty One

The king sat in his office going through the last of his day’s paperwork. Exhaustion purged his mind and threatened to seize his tireless work, but he persisted. Queen Martha sat in a chair near his with her head rested in her arms on the desk. She’d fallen asleep trying to help her husband. Every once in a while, he’d pass a hand through her hair, sending sparks through him. The effects of the mate bond never got old. One never got used to them and never wanted to.

There was a knock on the door that startled the woman awake. She placed her head back on the desk, a slight headache threatening to plague her mind, “He’s finally here, huh.”

“Yes, he is... Katie’s information points to him alone. We have to hear him out before we make our decision on what we are to do with him,” the king replied. Katie had told them everything, without the man’s presence. While she wasn’t sure if he was on their side or not, she knew he had something shady about him. This had also led her to reveal the presence of a beta alpha sired by her in the ranks of the rogues.

“Well, Katie’s method of information of gathering is crazy, to begin with,” Martha replied.

“Yes, that is true, however, it wasn’t like she had a choice when she bit the boy that day. I just wish she’d told us that earlier. Well, better late than never,” the king placed his hand on a button at his desk, “It’s open,” he spoke up.

The door pushed open, letting the man in, “I’m not one to like being summoned,” the man began.

“I know, Uncle. You like appearing at times convenient for you. You must know then that I have called you here on a matter that is urgent and needs to be addressed urgently,” the king said to him.

“Was it so urgent that I was not to go on a trip that I had arranged on my own? Where is that soft wolf of a boy you chose to be your heir?” the man asked, finding that the prince was not around.

“He asked that he leave to visit another pack. He’s getting quite anxious to find his mate. He’s already checked through most of the packs in the Sirius empire and he can’t seem to find her.


“Oh, that’s sad to hear. I guess the goddess also sees things my way. He’s not fit to lead this pack,” the man responded.

“I am well aware of your insecurities about my son, Uncle. But like I’ve already said countless times, that was not a decision for you to make and it is only my consent that the boy needs to be named Crown Prince,” King Davin responded with a smile on his face.

“Ugh, whatever, what is so urgent that you had to call me here?” the man asked.

“We’ve received information that you are working with the rogues. I’ll just get straight to the point. Is it true or is it not? Keep your mind link open so we might be able to confirm the truth. You don’t have anything to worry about. I didn’t think it would be...” the king stopped rambling when the man before him didn’t reply to the accusations that were being thrown his way.

Sean remained quiet and tried his best to conceal any expression from his face that would make him any more guilty than he already was. His cover had been blown without him doing anything. He searched his mind for the mistake he could have made. He couldn’t tell at what point he’d made a mistake. He couldn’t tell when it had been that he’d let this happen.

“What led you to such a preposterous conclusion?” he kept his voice levelled to avoid conveying any emotion, however, that was beside his common behaviour and definite giveaway.

“I would tell you, but you would probably find some way to give that information to the rogues. We heard that there was a mole within the royals. I never could have thought it was you of all people,” the king’s sighed. His voice was filled with sadness. Through the mind link, he called on the pack warriors that weren’t far from his office to take the royal and lock him in the dungeon.

Sean didn’t resist his arrest and stood up, allowing them to bind his hands with ease, “You could be making a large mistake you know,” Sean spoke up.

“Alpha Phillip, make sure he gets the most comfortable cell. He’s still my uncle,” the king told the beta alpha that bound the royal.

“Very well, your majesty,” Alpha Phillip replied.

Sean found that reasoning with the king at this point was a lost cause. The man didn’t seem to be capable of listening to anything else he had to say. In his mind, this all depended on other pawns of the goddess that had driven him into this situation in the first place. Alpha Phillip sent pack warriors ahead of him to prepare the dungeon the royal was going to be placed in. He had not yet had a hearing and considering his status among the wolves, treating him with animosity was not yet an option.

“Don’t you think I might escape if you make me too comfortable?” the man took a stab at idle chit chat.

“Even if you manage to escape, the hunters will have you before you can get too far. I won’t be too inclined to go easy on you either if that were to happen,” the alpha replied. Sean cringed at the thought of having to go against one of Davin’s beta alphas. He shuddered at the thought and decided to stuff any other hopes of escape he had lurking in his mind.

“Well, then would I at least get a playmate in my dungeon once in a while?” the man asked him.

“You are really trying to push your luck now, aren’t you?” the alpha replied with a smirk, “I’ll ask the king and see if something can be arranged.”

Sean sighed at the man’s response. Even when he’d been accused of working with the rogues, the Sirius royal family continued to treat him with respect. They were simply too soft-hearted. That was the same reason he didn’t find Drake to be fit for the role of king. But then again, he was just like his father. The man’s eyes had seen years beyond what a normal werewolf was capable of and he was yet to see the downfall of the Sirius empire, for the exact same reason he had for their weakness.

“I guess a playmate would not be too bad, regardless of the conditions that king gives me,” he replied, finally reaching the lowest chamber of the dungeons. This part of the dungeons was cleaned regularly of moss and kept in sparkling condition for reasons the royal had never been able to find. When the king found out about a betrayal within the palace, he had done what he could to keep this specific cell clean. He didn’t know he would be the one ending up on the other side of the door to this cell.

The alpha led him in and took off his bindings. The room had a bed within it and everything he’d need to stay comfortable. Unfortunately for him, the shower was merely a partition to one corner of the room with a metal bar that held a drawing curtain. “The shower only has cold water. The king saw no use in adding such expenses for a traitor,” Alpha Phillip explained, “But the toilet’s got flashing water, so you don’t have to worry about that. You will be given three meals a day with no regard for your choice in the matter.

Whatever the king decides you have for a meal will be left to him. I would stay on my best behaviour to make sure he keeps the meals reasonable. There is no reception this deep into the dungeons, although that won’t matter since you can always communicate through the mind link. The king will have you blocked from private mind link conversations that have nothing to do with you, so to communicate, you will have to speak directly to him.”

“Quite the set of rules he’s got there,” Sean sighed, falling into the comfy bed that had been made for him.

“You’d have to expect a lot of restrictions considering your current situation. He’s pretty convinced you’re the one that had the rogues get the confidence to invade the palace eighteen years ago,” Alpha Phillip coaxed.

The royal noticed the attempt to draw out information and only shrugged, “They barely needed a nudge. They already seemed convinced that those two children would be the end of them and they made the choice to attack all on their own,” Sean sealed his lips, having said that much. It was enough for him to remain locked up for sure, but not enough to get the king into a rage over his actions. ‘Damn that goddess... I hope you know what you’re doing...’

“Very well. If that’s all you’ll say, I will take my leave now. I would mind the right side of the headboard. There tends to be a bit of an ant problem. Try to stay in this room, will you?” the beta alpha said while walking out of the room.

Sean watched the door and listened to the numerous clicking sounds of the locking mechanism. By the time they were done securing him, he was sure there was no way he could escape. He almost called them back that he would die of starvation when a machine above his head jumped to life, blowing a cold breeze into the dungeon. ‘Just great... Of course, they accounted for the air conditioning, but not the hot bath water,’ he mentally groaned. Taking a look at the toilet that was said to have flashing water, he grinned at the simple set-up of the toilet. It was right next to the bath area with two rolls of toilet paper at the top of the water cistern.

“I know this is the best dungeon, but it’s still a freaking dungeon with below royal living standards,” he mumbled through gritted teeth. ‘This must be the lowest level I’ve ever been forced to... and all for what... How did they even find out that I was a spy in the first place?’ thoughts ran through his mind, although he was unable to solve a single one of them on his own. It was all just questions and no answer. ‘I’m sorry, Amanda. I got caught...’

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