The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 186

186 Chapter One Hundred Eighty Six

Liam was astounded by the confidence with which the white wolf before him spoke back. He’d always seen her be beneath him. This made him livid. “So, your sister shows up and you start feeling like you’ve grown a pair of wings,” the wolf spoke into the girl’s mind.

“Back off, Liam. You know Katie is not allowed into the fight between you and Lina. The rules of a duel are clear,” Crysta spat at him, trying to get his waves of malice to point in some other direction.

“What are you trying to protect, Crysta? Don’t tell me you actually feel sorry for her after all these years,” the alpha continued.

“Don’t shift your venom to me. You’ve been stuck in a loop of imaginary power for far too long, Liam. You know none of us would ever let you lead the Den. The only rightful leader for that position is Lina. That has always gone unsaid within the Den,” Crysta defended the girl. Lina was taken aback. For someone who’d been bitter toward her for so long, she was witnessing one turnabout.

“Oh, is that what you believe...”

“Enough, Liam. You’ll get the chance to prove the runt’s inferiority when the time comes... Tomorrow,” Wyatt said, walking up to the other alpha, “Save your strength and anger for that time. She will know not to cross us ever again.”

These words seemed to calm the alpha down. Everything that came from Crysta and LIna was only fuel to a fire that had already been lit. Lina let go of a breath she was not sure she’d been holding. Everything was finally calming down again. She could go back to enjoying nature. The sun was vanishing beyond the horizon and darkness was starting to set in. “Just so you know, Lina. We’ll never accept you as a part of the pack,” Liam said as he turned away from the girl.

The confidence that had been welling up inside the white wolf began to fade rapidly as the darkness that had plagued her for the largest part of her life set back in. The fear that she could never fit into the pack that she’d been born into. Crysta noticed the change in the white wolf’s composure, “Lina...” she was gone before another word could be said. Reaching her through the mind link was already rendered impossible as she instinctively blocked her mind from the pack.

“Oh, that was just great Liam,” Crysta barked at him.


“I didn’t say anything she didn’t already know. I was only being blunt about the plain truth. We’ll never...”

“Maybe you’ll never accept her into the pack. The rest of us know what it means to bear the eyes blessed by the two royal families a long time ago. She will be accepted by the rest of us and if you have something wrong with that, you know she possesses the power to strip you of your power as an alpha. One measly alpha doesn’t mean a thing to a royal. Keep this up and the royals might just get tired of your stupidity,” Crysta didn’t realise she’d been yelling at the alpha.

Liam, in his anger, struck the wolf before him with his paw, sending the smaller wolf rolling away from him. Crysta steadied herself with her claws before she bit a tree at the treeline. Liam’s wolf glared a bright red as rage seethed through him, “Just what do you think you’re doing, Crysta? You were one of the ones that let this happen. What makes you think you can walk away from all of it? The social ladder was established a long time ago. You cannot just decide it’s going to be flipped over on a whim. The runt is below us... That’s how it has been and how it will always be...” the black wolf was walking closer to the smaller delta, his power rolling off in waves that forced his will on the other wolf.

“You don’t realise what you’re trying to go up against, do you Liam? Have you cared to ask about the story behind the girl you are trying to dismiss,” Crysta asked?

“What are you babbling about now?” Liam asked her. Wyatt remained calm and shifted his attention to the delta that had sparked his interest as well.

“I speak of her sister. You try to undermine her coming as something insignificant, but you know nothing about her. I have taken the liberty to ask around. She was raised by Chase hunters. She’s a hunter of a class of her own and a werewolf that we know nothing about. Lina gets the confidence to stand up to you after all these years. That’s not something just about anyone can do. I’ll give you a hint. The thunderclap the other day. It was bright outside and yet... we all heard, clear as day,” the girl spoke in riddles for she didn’t believe everything she said herself.

“Are you so scared that you will say everything you can to save your skin?” Liam was amused.

“Guys, we better get back to the hotel. It’s getting pretty late,” Wyatt spoke with a tone of finality. Unlike Liam who was a spitfire, Wyatt was much more vicious and wasn’t questioned when he chose to make a decision, something that he rarely did. The two formed a duet that was feared by all werewolves within the school. The three of them were soon running through the forest...

“Do you think Lina is...” Crysta was stopped when her paw suddenly got caught in the ground. Without warning, the other two wolves also tripped and found that they could not proceed with their run. The ground around them was constantly shifting.

“What is this?” Liam was the first one to ask in a rush.

“Stop struggling, dummy. It’s quicksand... and we are in one hell of a large pit of it. We should be able to get out just fine if you could stop freaking struggling,” the alpha warned his friend, along with the girl before him.

“We didn’t come across this when we came through here,” Liam complained, slamming his hands into the mud in frustration. Crysta had finally stopped struggling as well. However, it wasn’t fun to stay still when one was constantly sinking into the ground. However, working together in this kind of situation was the only thing that she reasoned could get them out of this situation.

“What now, boys?” she asked them.

“Well, we should be able to slowly swim out of this quicksand. I advise you don’t panic though. Stay in your wolf form and pad your way out. That should help you... Oh great, my leg’s stuck,” Wyatt sighed, “This day keeps getting better and better.”

“Now this is an interesting turn of events,” a new voice reached their minds. They all turned to see a massive black wolf seated calmly a few metres away from them watching them sink slowly. The wolf had blue eyes, confirming the only royal they’d come with besides the two females that they both knew possessed white wolves. Cole Lycaon was somehow right there watching them sinking, “What brought you guys out here in the first place? I’m just heavily curious.”

The wolf before them was calm as though they weren’t going to sink in a few minutes, “Could you get us out first before you ask questions. If you haven’t noticed, not all of us enjoy watching our lives flashing before our eyes,” Liam retorted, adding a hint of sarcasm into his voice.

The black wolf walked around the pit to the back where they’d entered it from. Cole then stretched out to the nearest wolf before him and pulled him out slowly by a scruff of fur at his neck, “This is so embarrassing,” Wyatt sighed.

“Reminds me of a mother wolf transporting her young,” Crysta mentioned.

“You did not have to point it out,” Wyatt added with a groan.

Once the three of them were out of the quicksand, Cole asked them a question they didn’t know he would be asking any time soon, “Where is Lina?”

Liam, on the other hand, was looking about for company, “There is no way the mighty Cole Lycaon came out here all on his own. Where are his alphas? Or at least that mate of his that seems to be causing an uproar through the whole of Sirius.”

“Well, you guessed right. I did not come on my own and I don’t know where my partner is. We split up as she went on to look for Lina. Now tell me where Lina is,” Cole repeated his order, this time with more urgency.

“She went on ahead of us. You should have met her before you met us. You know how fast that girl is. I have no doubt she ran right on top of this quicksand before there was a chance that she could sink into it,” Wyatt was quick to answer. The other two knew he wasn’t speaking the truth.

“Have you tried contacting her through the mind link? Ask your significant other. She might have already found her?” Crysta intervened before the alpha would realise they were trying to fool him into believing a phoney story.

Wyatt gave her an odd look, but she ignored him and continued to divert the royal’s mind away from their folly, “I have tried contacting Lina for a while now, but my messages won’t go through. Let me try with Katie. She probably already found her.”

The massive wolf went into a daze as he started communicating with his mate. Wyatt used that moment to send Crysta a private message, “Why won’t you lie to him? Are you trying to suck up to those in power now as well? I know of your...”

“Oh, shut up, you idiot. Haven’t you noticed he was able to track us down without any help? That’s only something that can be done by a pack member. If he could do that, then it’s true that he would have been able to see through your deception through the mind link. Do you still think through your words before you speak?” Crysta barked back at him.

“Thank the goddess. She found her,” Cole replied. Crysta sighed in relief. The girl was safe now that she was with her sister. That was more than she could have asked for. After all, the only reason she’d tagged along was to make sure the girl was safe from these two. “The three of you have a lot of explaining to do... And I’d suggest you did that before my mate gets her chance to interrogate you. She tends to lose her temper...”

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