The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 192

192 Chapter One Hundred Ninety Two

Katie stepped away from the two girls and leaned against the wall aside from them. If only there was a way she could become invisible, this would have been a good time to do it. Lina glared at the delta before her, an expression Katie found hard to decipher plastered on her sister’s face. Emotions were mixed into her countenance as though she was deciding how to feel about the person before her.

“I know that Lina... and I won’t try to pretend I didn’t do anything to make your life terrible these past years. I know what I have done and I know what I should have done, but still...” the delta bit her lip and looked away from the royal. The words couldn’t quite get out of her.

“Still what, Crysta?” Lina called out to her.

The delta sighed, “I won’t let it go on the way it’s been all this time. I might be too late. I might be on time, but I will do what I must to put an end to this,” her voice was almost a whisper.

“Sounds more like something you tell yourself to sleep at night,” Katie pitched in all of a sudden.

Crysta snapped at her, a look of shock on her face, “That’s...”

“Cruel, I know,” the girl said, pushing off the wall and walking up to the delta, “However, if you want to accomplish the small dream I just heard you whisper, you’ll have to be a lot louder than that.”

“I will do it,” Crysta growled at Katie.

“Oh, I know you will try. I’ll just be watching to see how far you’re willing to go,” Katie replied, “Good night, Crysta. We’ve reached Crysta’s room.” Katie put her arm around her sister and steered her away from the seething delta. A smirk that she hid from Lina appeared on her face. She was happy to finally see someone step up amidst the unfairness that surrounded her sister.


The door of the green floral room opened the moment they reached it, revealing a slim girl dressed in a green night gown. She didn’t bother with greeting them as she was very sleepy to take pleasantries into consideration, “You spend a really long time in the bathroom, Lina,” Honour yawned, rubbing her eyes.

“You opened this door before we knocked. Stop pretending to be sleepy,” Lina scoffed and pushed past her friend. Honour got out of the girl’s way just in time to avoid being shoved back into the room. Lina stomped over to one of the two beds and allowed herself to fall into the bed.

Katie stepped into the room and closed the door beside her, sighing, “I would tell you not to forget where the shower is, but there are more important things to talk about than that.”

“I will take a bath, no problem. What are you still doing here, Katie?” Lina asked.

“Well...” she stalled, “I wanted us to be clear that I won that small race we had.”

Lina perked up from her bed and faced the hunter, “No, that is not true. I won it and we both know you cheated. Since when does your wolf look exactly like mine.”

“Oh, that was cool, wasn’t it?” the hunter swooned, remembering the feel of the wind when she ran in her new form. She cut through the air with so much ease that she didn’t realise how much the air itself had been holding her back. Her mind soared back to the experience and finally to the point where she was sure she had beaten the girl to the clearing before the hotel.

“No, it’s not good. You don’t know what happens to werewolves that look weird like me. You don’t have to be happy about having a form that’s...”

“I’m getting tired of hearing you putting yourself down,” Katie snapped at her. When she noticed the look of fear on her sister’s face, she calmed down, rubbing her temples, “You’re the fastest of all of them. I’ve been a hunter the biggest part of my life. I know what speed means for those of us that have hunted down rogues. I hope Sandra has been teaching you well.”

Lina’s eyes widened at the realisation, “I thought...”

“I don’t like the idea of watching werewolves fighting werewolves when rogues still roam the planet killing both races. It’s pointless and childish... However, I didn’t say I was against it. Do your best tomorrow,” Katie told her, searching for the door. ‘This would be a good time for an exit...’ Ashley sang in her head.

‘And now it feels like you’ve just ruined it...’

‘Well, I would be thinking of where Cole was right about now if I were you,’ Ashley stirred her focus. “I need to go check on Cole and the two rejects...” Katie mentioned before opening the door, “Have a good night.”

The two of them replied and with that, the girl walked out of the room and into the hallway. She let her bond open up to her mate and began to follow where it is she felt he would be, ‘See, I told you it was much easier for you to look for someone through...’

‘Oh, would you stop praising your abilities already? He’s not in our room and that is what should be causing you reason to worry,’ Katie tried.

‘Oh, you haven’t seen what I have. Cole is more than capable of taking care of himself,’ Ashley replied.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ the wolf was silent and non-respondent after that, earning a loud groan from Katie as they neared a room that radiated testosterone.

The door was open and five werewolves occupied it. Cole stood with his alphas facing Liam and Wyatt who were seated still on a bed paying attention to the royal that spoke to them. The voices from the room went silent as soon as the girl had seen them. Cole turned to face her, “Hey honey. Is something wrong?”

“No, I was just wondering where you were,” she replied, staying at the threshold of the doorway, “Jason, where did Sandra sleep?”

“Wondering where many people are is more like it,” Cole smirked.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, your follower is bunking with Crysta. I’m not sure if that’s a wise combination, but it is what it is. The delta wouldn’t have it any other way. It was either Honour or Sandra and that was final. I felt sorry for Bree and Ginger. Crysta barely pays them much attention these days...” Jason communicated.

Sensing his mate’s unrest, “You understand what we’ve just discussed. I don’t think I need to add anymore on the matter,” Cole summarised the confrontation and walked up to her, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just realised there are a lot of people to watch out for and I can’t be in all those places at once,” she replied as they walked away.

“I can vouch for Crysta. She has purely good intentions,” Caden spoke up, keeping emotion out of his voice while he did.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Katie responded without sparing it a second thought, “Would you get me to their room at least. That should be my last stop before I get to bed.”

“It’s quite late, Katie. You should get some rest,” Cole tried, even though he was well aware of her response to his suggestion.

“I will get the rest I need, Cole. All in good time,” it was no use arguing with her. ‘You’re impossible, my love,’ Cole’s voice echoed in her mind bringing a smile to her face. She pecked him on the cheek, “I will make my way back to you when I’m done.”

“Don’t take too long,” Cole replied, taking the stairs up. Katie followed the two alphas down the stairs. The care with which the royal spoke brought warmth to her heart. ‘It’s nice to get tired knowing you’re going to end up in bed with someone as amazing as...’

‘Your thoughts leave me speechless sometimes, Ashley...’

‘And yet you never let me finish them,’ the wolf groaned, ‘One of these days, I will take over your body and do the things that we were meant to...’

‘And then you wonder why I stop you from finishing thoughts of that kind,’ Katie cut her off once again. This time Ashley remained quiet and started to recede to the back of her mind, ‘We aren’t so different though...’ Katie could feel a smile coming from the wolf.

“What are you smiling about?” Jason asked the royal. He’d been watching her, along with Caden, but the two had chosen to remain silent. It wasn’t the first time the girl had made expressions without provocation.

“Oh, nothing. An inside joke with my wolf,” Katie replied.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” the girl asked.

“Well, Luna Katie, you tend to let the emotions that come from your conversations with your wolf slip out. It’s clear for many people to see and also a little bit...”

“Spit it out...”

“Creepy...” Caden gasped at the word that had just escaped his comrade’s mouth. He stepped away from the two of them.

“Do you guys need a room?” he asked. Jason flashed him an angry look, but the man only shrugged at his friend. He wasn’t the one in trouble after all.

“No, not really. I like Jason’s honesty. What about you, Caden? Do you think I look creepy when I make expressions from the conversations with my wolf?” Katie turned to the alpha, ignoring a now-swelling Jason. The alpha looked as though he was about to explode with pride for his noble deed of honesty, while his counterpart turned blue with fear of insulting his Luna.

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