The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 195

195 Chapter One Hundred Ninety Five

“Eighteen years is a long time, Thorrin. My memory isn’t what it used to be. Go on, Micah. I love your storytelling...”

“Why, thank you, mother...” the man bowed low as though he stood before royals, “If you don’t mind, I will continue my ballad. Each and every one of us stared at the pair as they took slow and I mean painfully slow steps towards the cake. After all, this was the moment everyone waited for in the ceremony. The cake shared the couple that was being wed and a demonstration of undying love. Anticipation and excitement were all that we could think of.

There was no doubt the couple themselves had been waiting for this moment. It was clear as they held onto each other with so much tenderness it could make Aphrodite jealous. The only person missing at this event was dear Thorrin. The hunter had claimed to be handling a last-minute call to work and missed the wedding deliberately.

None of us would have expected what happened next. Right before the couple could reach the delicious cake, a thunderclap and a tempest of wind invaded the gardens, taking with them the cake and the hopes and dreams of the onlookers. Spread into thousands of crumps and clumps of whipped cream and icing sugar, sticking to a humanoid figure was the cake that the family had been saving their appetites for.

The hunter that had just crashed the party stood from the wreckage...”

“Enough... How many times must I apologize for that one mistake? I didn’t want to miss my brother’s wedding. I came rushing to the party as soon as I finished the work I was doing and happened to miss my step,” Thorrin bellowed.

“Yeah yeah, brother. That is what happened and we love you for the sentiment. However, you did rob a scrumptious meal from everyone that attended that party,” Micah snapped out of his acting to respond to his brother.

“And I paid for the damages that were caused. What more do you want from me?” he replied.

“Calm down, son. You know you’re brother was jesting. We know your intentions were true,” their father spoke up, noticing the rising anger in his son and its inability to simmer down.


“Whatever... This meeting was meant to end the moment that cake came in anyway. You can all do whatever you want now. This meeting is over...” with that, Thorrin stormed out of the lobby and outside the mansion.

“Hmm, I wonder what kind of mask he wears when he’s working out in the field. He’s far too short-tempered to...”

“He can handle work just fine, Micah. It’s this place that brings up all the emotions. I think it’s a beautiful thing actually,” Marie cut him off, getting up, “Honey, might we do what we never got the chance to do?” the woman offered her husband a hand. Evelyn looked into the book that she’d been writing notes into.

“Writing minutes of this meeting is going to be harder than killing the Rogue King himself,” she tossed the book away and retrieved the cake knife that rested neatly on a plate beside the cake.

She brought the knife up to the couple and presented it to them with a short bow, “This might be long overdue, but hey, you haven’t aged a bit. It’s like you only paused the wedding and forced everyone out before going on with the event,” the woman smiled.

Marie picked the knife from the woman’s hand, “Thank you, Evelyn.” Her husband brought his hand to his wife’s and held the knife with her. The family stood around them once again and watched them as they walked up to it to make the first cut. Unbeknownst to the rest of the family, memories of the couple’s time with their daughter flashed between them.

They’d raised the werewolf for eighteen years and had gone through a lot in the time. No matter what they tried, it wasn’t just the two of them... It was the three of them. It always had been... A bright white flash made everyone aware of the camera in the room. The couple inwardly thanked the owner of the camera and proceeded with the ceremony. They would cut the first slice of the cake into many pieces and feed each other a piece and seal it with a kiss.

Claps filled the room from the small crowd of Chase hunters that watched this happy couple display their undying love for each other. When the lovebirds were done, a loud pop sounded, snapping everyone’s attention from the couple. A sloshing sound and the thick smell of champagne reached their nostrils. Music, albeit unexpected, filled the room and set the family into a partying mood faster than they could have thought. It was only after many minutes that the couple noticed a group of hunters had come in with the cake to celebrate their arrival.


The hunters sat on the sofas spreading stories of the past and laughing at the numerous jokes that were made about their past. Some were new faces while others were old friends that the couple hadn’t thought about in a while. However, Alice wasn’t one of them as Marie had hoped. She stood up to leave the gathering, “What is it, honey?” Tom asked his wife.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just going to check on Thorrin. He hasn’t returned since the meeting and I’m getting worried. I just want to make sure he’s okay,” she said to him.

“Very well... Don’t let him keep you too long. If you can get him to come back here, that would be great,” Tom replied.

Marie nodded and walked out of the lobby and out into the gardens. The fresh air did a lot to bring her out of the haze the party had caused her. She was walking through the winding paths of the gardens for a while before she finally found him. Thorrin... the most powerful hunter in the world, sat on a park bench by a fountain, his eyes on the water as it splashed down into the pool. He had a few seeds in his hand that he threw into the water at random.

“Sounds like a blast in there,” his voice came out sadly.

“Yeah, only one more person and it would be a blast for the history books,” the woman replied.

“Well, one good entertainer would definitely put a spin on that party. Micah tries his best, but I can’t imagine the chaos that two of him could cause,” he mused.

“I wasn’t talking about your brother or...”

“I know... I was just messing with you. However, you misjudge me. I wouldn’t be a good thing at that party, so just forget it,” he replied.

“Now what would make you say something like that?” the woman asked him, “Your family loves you, more than you care to notice. You wouldn’t have been made head of the family if it wasn’t for that exact reason, but you snap at everything in your path.”

“And yet, for some reason, they won’t let me be,” he replied, “Why are you out here, Marie?”

“I’m here to check up on you,” she responded, sitting next to him. Thorrin pushed over putting the space of a whole-body between them. “Is something wrong?”

He remained quiet for a bit almost forgetting that he had to reply, “No... Nothing is wrong. I’ll be fine.”

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