The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 202

202 Chapter Two Hundred Two

A black stretched limo, a small crew of pack warriors, mostly betas and deltas and a four-hour drive found the crown prince of Sirius in a pack of wolves that still resided within the Sirius empire. Well, there was a lot that was in that domain and he usually preferred to travel by air, but that didn’t seem to be a luxury this time. Besides, he wanted the time.

The drive was long and he allowed it to go on in silence until the very end. All the while, his mind wandered about a myriad of thoughts, but most of all, the real reason he’d decided to visit this pack. There was something he was looking for and this was the only place that would provide him with this answer.

The car finally came to a stop. His sensitive ears could pick up on the sounds going on outside the car. He sat in wait as the wolves got ready to receive him. The door finally opened, and he walked out, ensuring a firm posture and a regal posture that insinuated power and only power. It was a requirement that he found physically exhausting.

A man approached, however, much younger than he’d expected. His resemblance with the person that he had expected to see was uncanny, “Welcome to the Golden Moon pack, Prince Drake. Would I take your father’s absence as a sign that he is not interested in a pack located this far from the capital?” the man before him spoke up while he received him.

“Ah, Alpha Lionel, it’s been a while and no, you misinterpret my father. He has far more to deal with back at the palace,” Drake replied, “Is this what a warm welcome looks like this far south.

“Well, when we of the Golden moon like to stick to the point. Will I be getting more information on the king’s pressing matters? The golden moon pack would like to help in whatever way we can,” the man replied.

“I appreciate the offer, Alpha Lionel, however, I do not know of my father’s intentions and wouldn’t want to make a decision that is against him. That’s beside the reason for my visit though,” Drake replied, growing impatient.

“Ah, the search continues. It seems you are growing restless. Your mate will come to you when the time is right, your highness. You merely need to be patient and calm about it all. You might not even know that she’s in the capital,” Lionel commented, signalling for him to walk with him. The driver gave the keys to the car to someone who would park it and fell in line with the deltas that followed the two leaders.

“Well, I know what you mean to tell me, but as you already know, we are granted our mates when we turn eighteen. Royals are sometimes known to find their mates before they even turn eighteen. I am turning twenty-three soon, Alpha Lionel. I cannot afford to stay quiet as the years go by,” he replied.


The man sighed, “You remind me of a time I used to chase a girl I was sure would be my mate when she came of age. I was stubborn at the time and ill-advised in the field of patience. If you don’t learn to be so, you will find yourself driving you and your wolf to insanity,” the man replied. Drake took time to regard the alpha that he was speaking to. He’d met Lionel before... This wasn’t him.

“Your advice has been heard and noted,” Drake replied, “You sound different, Lionel. Has something happened? Did you find your mate?”

The man chuckled, “No, I haven’t found her yet. However, I was made the heir to this pack not so long ago. Since then, I’ve turned a new leaf. Under the advisement of my father, I will make sure I bring my pack more prosperity than ever before,” he announced.

It was only a matter of time before the packhouse came into view. The wolves preferred to live in forested areas as it provided them close access to nature and comfort to their wolf counterparts. The packhouse here had been built into the forest with the least amount of modern technology. There wasn’t a sign of a paved road the closer one got to the packhouse, however, the grass was tended to and the ground levelled the closer one got to the packhouse giving it a natural touch.

Drake finally realised the source of the quietness that filled this place. All the wolves had been paraded at the front of the packhouse in lines, “One would say that you knew I was coming,” Drake observed.

“Yes, we did know when you would be arriving and made the necessary preparations for your arrival,” Lionel replied and walked him through a lane that had been left clear to allow them through. Drake’s wolf didn’t even perk up at the mass gathering like he usually did. He could raise his hopes up before even getting the slightest of signs that his mate was among the members of this pack.

“If you don’t mind me asking, would I know where your father is?” Cole asked the alpha.

“Oh, father decided to take a trip to the capital of Lycaon. He’s among the alphas that have decided to return to the royal to support him in the protection of the capital,” he explained.

“I’m sorry. Did I hear you right?”

“Yes, you did. I’m sure you know of the king’s condition. He’s sick and dying... the information is being held from the masses to prevent mass panic and there are rumours that the prince of Lycaon has vanished. Rogues everywhere... threatening to storm the capital. When this information reached most of the alphas, they chose to leave the packs with a few warriors to reinforce the protection of the king of Lycaon. It’s a noble cause, but if my father dies in a war that might break out, we will be left with a pack with only half a leadership,” he replied.

“Well, I guess you know more about patience than I could have imagined,” Drake replied before finally reaching the front of the group of wolves that had been assembled.

Gesturing with a wave of his hand, “To the right, you have all the mateless females that have come of age. The others are females that have either come one year to acquiring mates or lost their mates. Take your time in your search,” Lionel said to him and walked with the alpha while he went from one wolf to the other.

“Such a fragile and yet strong thing, the mate bond,” Lionel mused.

“You make it sound like something you haven’t made your mind about. Do you find it meaningful to an all-powerful alpha or me, a royal?” Drake asked him.

“Well, I definitely have my thoughts about it, however, whether it should be used as an excuse for someone being capable of leading a pack is just plain hogwash to me,” there were gasps through the crowd of females which the alpha ignored and continued milling through the women with the royal.

“Well, ‘excuse’ is a strong word. Have you ever understood why a wolf chooses to get a companion? Just one companion that they spend the rest of their lives with. A companion that matters so much that they could be called a missing part of them that had been given life. A companion whose death could just as easily lead to the other,” Drake asked, looking into the eyes of a beautiful brunette. The mind of his wolf touched the mind of the brunette’s before retracting... ‘It wasn’t her...’ Disappointment immediately spread across the girl’s face and she let her shoulders droop, however, Drake only moved on like he’d seen nothing. He was used to the reaction at this point.

“You would subject me to the lectures I have received from my parents and grandparents and everyone else that hears my take on werewolves having mates of their own,” Lionel groaned.

“Have you ever been alone, Lionel? Have you ever been truly alone?” Drake asked the alpha.

“I don’t think I understand that question,” Drake replied.

“Well, what’s the longest you’ve even turned off your mind link and kept everyone out of your mind?” the royal asked him, moving on to a blonde and getting the same monotonous reaction.

“If I remember correctly, it was about an hour. I don’t remember ever going longer than that,” he replied.

“That was quite brave of you. How did you feel at the end of that hour?” Drake asked.

“I speak for myself and not those about me when I say it felt like the life was being drained out of me,” he replied, “My thoughts were much louder and slowly throwing me into a depression unlike any that I’ve felt before. What does this have anything to do with a mate?”

“Well, having a mate is similar to having someone that can never let the world go silent around you. You can block everyone out, but blocking your mate is something much harder. You will never be alone once you’re with her and you would never dream of being without her. Your thoughts are clearer and you can make decisions based on a different point of view. Your mate will never be like you. They are always different and complement you perfectly. I guess what I’m trying to say is that once you have your side, you’re complete. And a leader that’s complete is in all ways more powerful than one that isn’t,” he replied.

Lionel was quiet for a bit. He’d not heard the story told with this kind of analogy. It only made sense that the prince had ever been cut off for much longer than an hour. His opinion on the matter began to waver, “I’ll think on it.” His words brought a smile to the prince’s face. The girl before him misinterpreted it and brought forth an awkward time of explanation.

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