The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 212

212 Chapter Two Hundred Twelve

“Is there something else you wish to tell me, Eagle?” Katie asked the bird.

“Well, I do have one last thing I have to ask you. For the past day, there have been wolves milling through the woods and grasslands of the wild. They bear ill intentions and are scaring the creatures of the wild. Do you have any knowledge of these creatures?” the eagle asked her.

“Oh, those ones... I’m afraid it’s my fault they are here. They seek my destruction,” she answered with a heavy sigh.

“That is unlikely. The power of your aura doesn’t make that seem possible,” the eagle replied with what the girl could have sworn was a chuckle.

“Yeah... While that may be the case, I can’t keep myself from worrying. They could have a plan this time,” she mumbled more to herself, “Makes me wonder if power is all one needs to win a war.”

“Would you like me to pass the message along? The wolves that roam the wild will be observed by every animal in the woods and there won’t be a time when any of them will be able to hide from you,” the eagle offered.

“That’s a generous offer. Won’t it be much trouble for all of you?”

“How many times will I tell you that we will serve you until the very end, well, your very end?” the eagle said with a hint of finality. Bidding the girl farewell and took to the sky. The students that noticed this remained stunned for a moment. One of the guides searched their mind for a possible explanation for what they had just witnessed. The two of them had simply sat next to each other for a long time. Katie had looked to be speaking to no one in particular until the bird flew away.

“Can anyone explain what we were looking at a moment ago?” one of the students asked.


The eagle soared higher and higher into the air, heading back to the nest Katie had spotted. The girl’s ears got every bit of the commotion that was taking place beneath her but chose to ignore it all. “Hey, are you okay?” a voice reached her, along with a scent she was still failing to get used to(even though she had no intentions of getting used to it). Cole wrapped his arms around her and pulled her from her seat on the railings taking her indoors.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what’s going to happen tonight or what might happen,” she replied.

Cole searched her eyes for something else, “Hey, talk to me...”

“I can talk to animals, okay. Damn it,” the girl covered her face. Cole, on the other hand, was frozen for a bit, looking between his mate and the balcony that had hosted an eagle when he’d walked into the room. ‘Talking to...’

“You mean you were able to talk to that eagle... A real conversation?” the royal asked and she nodded in response, however, she wouldn’t meet his eyes. His silence didn’t help her at all either, “That’s so cool.” He finally replied...

“Huh...” Katie peeped through a slit in her fingers.

“I’ve heard about it before, but those are just stories. Who could ever think something like that was real. I know the chosen are to have a total of three abilities, but I didn’t realise how random those powers could be,” Cole groaned, “Can we trade? I can do away with the healing power of mine.”

“Is trading gifts granted by celestials even possible?” Katie asked her mate whilst trying to digest the reaction she’d just gotten from him, “Besides, what use is an ability that only works in a place where there are animals. When we return to the capital, there will be less of the wild there. I won’t have much use for the power.”

“Huh, for a hunter, you’re not being as open-minded as I thought you’d be. Animals will always be able to find you if you call for them. At least that’s what I’ve heard from the legends that move through the werewolves. The capital is not without the wild either. Birds can work as spies for you and report anything you want to know...” Cole stopped talking when his mate raised her hand up in gesture.

“I think I get your point. I need to lie down... Probably get some rest before the sun sets... Lina and her friends are going hunting for moon lotus flowers... and I want to follow them when they do so,” Katie replied, going limp once she was above their bed.

“Oh, moon lotus flowers... Do they really believe such a thing exists?” Cole asked. Katie looked up at her mate...

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well... The moon lotus is a flower that has been written about in many books, however, it doesn’t make sense for a flower of that nature to exist. Even though there is proof that it has been seen before from peering into the memories of the people that said they saw them and drawings of what they looked like. What I’m trying to say is that no one has seen a moon lotus in ages... Scientists have begun to make up theories about them not being real... After all, what kind of flower blooms only under the light of the moon,” he explained.

“Oh, I think I understand what you mean... However, the Eagle did tell me of their existence in the forest, however, they haven’t bloomed in a long time,” Katie said, drifting into a light sleep.

Cole let the girl rest and spoke after she couldn’t hear him, “I’m afraid you might have to be their guide to the flowers then. It’s almost impossible to find them when they haven’t bloomed under the moon’s light. They could just as well be random flowers in the vast forest...”


The former spy of the rogues walked through the empty base looking for something to entertain himself with. There was nothing he could do in this place. After loitering in what he found to be an underground base for hours, he chose to get out for a breath of fresh air. There was barely anyone left in the base... A few rogues cleaned about and made sure everything was in order. However, besides that, he found nothing interesting.

Sniffing the air told him of their absence... The rogues had completely left the base without his knowledge... ‘Did they go without telling me? The nerve on those guys... I could have been a major asset to them...’

“Hey, new guy... I’ve seen you walking about aimlessly. Get over here...” the boy froze at the voice that spoke to him. He’d only found the exit to the outside world... It was different from the one that the rogue king used when he was going out... He looked about and finally spotted someone at a rack polishing workout equipment. From the man’s somewhat toned body, he could tell that he was trained... Well, everyone was trained as long as they weren’t spies.

The spies were sent out before they had any real muscle on their bodies. When or if they returned, they were completely out of their element. Well, except for those that forced training on themselves while on their missions. Kyle had chosen to take on the character of a nerd and had to play the part. Pretending to be a nerd and working out just didn’t mix, “Oh, you meant me...” the boy exclaimed when the werewolf glared daggers at him.

“Do you see anyone else here?” the man scoffed, “Now hurry up and help me with this.”

Kyle ran up to him and got to work polishing the different pieces of equipment. Some of them were weapons while others were dump bells and everything else that could help the rogues build their bodies into the perfect killing machines, “Speaking of everyone, where is everyone?” he asked the man whilst polishing a... hammer (His mind had failed to formulate what it could possibly be used for...)

“Didn’t you hear? They went out on a hunt. Something about bringing down the Chosen ones before they marked each other. It’s a mission that’s very important to the rogue king. I’m guessing you weren’t told because you would have become dead weight if you had chosen to go... After all, that’s all you were during your rescue mission... dead weight,” the man spat.

“I might have been dead weight, but I served my purpose. I told them all they need to know about the rogue killer. This mission wouldn’t be possible without that information,” Kyle tried...

“And the price of that information was nearly five hundred rogues... What’s that supposed to be, some kind of win. And here I thought they would bring in someone who could increase the strength of the rogues a hundred-fold... Instead, they come back with a kid that can barely defend himself from a puppy,” the man spat once again.

“Hey, I did my part. I sent warnings, time from time... I told the rogue king to leave that place alone. The hunters there... It’s like they weren’t even guarding a remote town,” Kyle argued.

“And so, what... Do you forget the mission of the rogues? Did you find any of the beta alphas to be hurt? They were both perfectly fine... There was nothing wrong with either of them... And why is that you ask? It is simple... The hunters there were weak... I heard alpha Aidan the other day saying the girl was slower than he’d expected. The information you gave was inaccurate,” the man yelled back at him.

“I gave accurate information. Do you think Alpha Chad would have been taken out that quickly yet he had a hostage?” the boy asked him.

“Excuses... I smell excuses coming from you... Finish up all this and make sure you run fifty rounds about this clearing. Make yourself more useful... Your days as a spy are over... Now it’s time to pay for the lives you cost us that day,” the man threw down the dumbbell he was holding and stormed out of the clearing.

Kyle looked about the clearing and noticed how closely packed the trees were... It was completely fenced by the thick trees that were pressed so tightly together that it looked as though they were one tree stretching out in a circle... He continued to polish the equipment... A few minutes into the silence, he began to feel the presence of his alpha in his mind... ‘This is an odd time to be receiving a transmission from her... And this feeling... It’s so familiar... Almost like the tension, I felt before that night...’

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