The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 225

225 Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Five

Caden was tasked with coordinating the wolves rushing through the forest. He knew the direction they were supposed to be going and all he had to do was keep track of the wolves as they rushed through. Through the mind link, this was more than easy. With the help of the three alphas they’d come with and Crysta, he was able to get them well-coordinated and keep the panic to a minimum.

Most of them were spooked by the fact that rogues had only surrounded them a moment ago. It didn’t help that they were saved by plant life either. Both experiences made the wolves hard to control, “Crysta, how is your side?” he asked from the back of the pack.

“Well, they are pretty much relaxed now... They aren’t talking yet though. It might take some time for them to completely shake off the experience they have just gone through,” she replied to him.

“What about you, Wyatt?” he asked the alpha he’d assigned to the other side of the pack.

“Same here, really. There is nothing out of suspicion. I hope the rogues we left behind don’t break free and chase after though. I believe we’ve had enough of a scare for one night,” Wyatt replied.

“Liam,” Caden called out.

“There is nothing wrong here, either. I thought they’d all be too scared that they’d trip just from trying to run faster than they should through the woods, but they are surprisingly calm. So everything is fine at the front right as well...” Liam replied.

The same reply came from Derek at the front left of the pack. Everything was going as planned and Caden was starting to feel relaxed... until a message came through the mind link. This message was personal though and was not to be heard by the rest of the wolves that he was running with...

“Alpha Caden...” it was Katie’s voice, “I want you to look at the wolves you’re running with carefully. Try mind-linking with any that look suspicious... I have a bad feeling in my stomach.”


A sinking feeling of danger sank into Caden’s mind. He felt as though he’d lose his supper just from what he’d heard. He rushed forward and into the wolves and started to look around like his Luna had suggested. At first, he was relieved to see the normal vibrant fur of the pack wolves... That was until he saw one of the wolves running with them bearing messy fur... It was matted with dirt and the scent that came off the wolf was unlike any that came from a pack wolf.

Upon trying to mind-link with the wolf, there was no response. It was only then that the beta alpha realized it wasn’t just one of them... the rogues were many and scattered through the wolves as they ran. ‘They mixed in with the rest of us when we were panicking...’ he thought to himself.

Before the beta alpha could despair, a voice rang in his head, loud and commanding, “Do not despair, Alpha Caden. Mobilise the wolves that can fight and make sure you keep track of the rogues... guide the pack wolves slowly to the side of the pack and get the rogues to the centre of the running pack... Once they rogues are all together, give them hell.”

“Easier said than done, Luna Katie,” he replied.

“Well, for the sake of getting the pack out of this unscathed, this is one of the plans I could come up with... If the rogues aren’t attacking even after infiltrating the pack, then I have one more request to make of you...” Katie said to him.

The wolf didn’t like the tone behind his Luna’s voice, but nonetheless, he could do nothing but comply, “What would that be, my Luna?” he asked her and paid attention to what his Luna had to say to him. Hearing everything that he was supposed to, he switched to carrying out her orders. They made sense to him and he wanted to do everything he could to make sure he put the rogues down before anyone was hurt...

The image of the rogues going mad in Brigadia a while ago flashed through his mind. He’d watched them reign carnage on the hunters that had them surrounded... the bloody images in his mind only motivated him to carry out Katie’s orders spectacularly... Starting a private communication with the three alphas and delta, he began giving orders to them... “I don’t want the others to notice the situation we are in otherwise there will be mass panic and the rogues will be coaxed to bring down as many as they can. The rogues need to believe their plan is still working... otherwise, they will take down as many as they can before they can meet their death. It’s one of their tactics that makes them very dangerous...”

“I’d say they are silly for not using that strategy now...”

“If what Katie says is right, then the plan keeping them docile at the moment will allow them to wreak far more havoc,” Caden replied, allowing them to take in what he was saying before they could carry out the plan.

“I have an idea,” Derek spoke up all of a sudden. He explained his plan to the others and waited for confirmation.

“Has this ever been done before?” Caden asked as he seemed to be the only one unfamiliar with this plan.

“Well, yeah, we’ve done it before... although, back then, it was just for fun,” Crysta replied.


The alpha rushed to the front of the pack, “Listen up everyone... To ease the tension, we shall be doing something you all know very well... We are going to run in a diamond formation, however, I will be the one shuffling everyone...”

Caden pushed to the back to watch what was about to happen. The rogues couldn’t hear anything going on in the mind link which he depended on in this plan... Derek began working his magic, placing orders on individuals. Each one that was told to reposition themselves was to slow down and the others around were to adjust accordingly to allow them to gain their new assigned position...

It was like moving puzzle pieces, but thankfully, the objective was a simple one, get the rogues to the centre of the pack and isolate them from the rest of the wolves... Everything was working right until a voice reached Caden’s ears... It was a clear voice from someone who wasn’t shifted. He allowed his eyes to scan through the pack and surely after a while he spotted something that should have been a part of them... ‘A human...’

“Caden, let’s hear some good news,” Jason’s voice filtered into his mind.

It was impossible to think of good news after what he’d just seen. Like clockwork, the voice he’d heard had reached the ears of not just the pack wolves, but the rogues as well. The rogues could hold off killing other wolves, but the whole mission they followed was to wipe out the entire human race... The situation had changed completely, “Umm... I’m sorry to disappoint you on that... I have bad news instead...”

The rogues began to lose their composure... Looking at the formation within the pack, they weren’t completely confined to the centre and he’d hoped that wasn’t the case, however, their renewed attraction made them realise just how close they’d gotten to each other... ‘Damn it...’

“Jason, there is a human here... We need back up really quick... the rogues... they are everywhere...” his words were followed by the hostile growls from the rogues as they picked up on what was going on. Their plan was falling apart and there wasn’t much that he could do about it... ‘Switching to plan B... Minimize casualties... Not my favourite plan, but the best that I can manage at the moment...’ It felt as though he was trying to convince himself more than telling the others. The five of them tore through the pack with the aim of engaging the rogues.

The other wolves noticed and instinctively spread out, leaving the rogues at the centre surrounded by the four alphas and delta without warning... It had all, but worked except for one thing that Caden had hoped to stop... Two rogues had broken away from the others and were pursuing the wolf carrying a human girl that had come along to watch the duel. ‘How hadn’t we noticed them?’ Before Caden could change his direction, he slammed right into the collection of rogues they’d managed to gather...

The rogues had not had the time to process everything when they realized they’d been isolated... well, two of them had gotten away, but the rest of them were now surrounded... “Jason...”

“Just take care of the rogues, Caden...”


Sandra couldn’t help but feel like something was going to go really wrong the more they ran. Jason sensed this from her and tried his best to press on... However, he didn’t know what use he would be if they got to their destination when he was already exhausted. Caden’s reply had shaken him a bit... He could now tell that the girl on his back had heard it loud and clear as her heels dug into his sides...

“Hey, perhaps you could...” he was stopped by a new communication from his fellow beta alpha, “Jason, there is a human here... We need back up really quick... the rogues... they are everywhere...” this was the only thing that he needed to hear to pour renewed energy into his system... However, it was different for the girl on his back. Upon hearing this, Jason felt significantly lighter and the next thing he saw was the same very girl many metres ahead of them and finally out of sight... ‘What did I just see?’

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