The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 227

227 Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Seven

Seth lay beside his wife rolling in the ever-increasing boredom of the moon palace. She hadn’t taken her eye off the scrying pool in such a long time that he was beginning to think she’d forgotten him. However, each time he dared to look into the pool, he saw something that was cause for worry and let her be for the moment. She didn’t dare send him there to help and yet she continued to worry about them deeply.

“Why do you just watch and do nothing?”

“It’s because, at times like this, the other gods are watching as well. Since I’ve been moving about asking for their help, they are now watching them more than ever. If I intervene, they will know and be forced to start an investigation about the things we’ve been doing to help them,” she replied. Through the link they shared, he could sense the deep worry she had for the wolves down below.

He was about to suggest something when a knock at their door got their attention. The moon goddess looked up at the door with worry in her eyes. None of them had expected a visitor, but then again when was there ever a time when a goddess expected a visit. Everyone seemed to be a goddess who came with always knowing when it was that someone would be visiting.

Celeste got up from her place by the scrying pool and beckoned for Seth to take her side as she willed the door to open. On the other side of the door stood a presence that none of them expected to ever show up the moon palace. The presence of this new arrival was enough to force both of them on their knees with barely an effort, “I wasn’t expecting you to visit me so soon, father...” the moon goddess spoke up.

“I’d rather speak to you in your more respectable form. As for you boy, leave us be...” the god’s voice boomed across the halls.

“That will not be necessary, father. He will stay. It’s been a while since you left your place at home,” the moon goddess spoke while her form began to morph into a form she’d been known for at a time before the coming of the werewolves.

Zeus eyed Seth, rethinking the thought of turning him to ash. The boy had so much influence over his daughter that it bothered him to the core, however, getting rid of him was just another way for him to lose his daughter at the same time. He’d already forced her hand in many things and she’d tolerated him to the best that her free-spirited soul could allow. This would be stretching his luck.

Swallowing his pride, he allowed himself to disregard the once mortal and move on to matters that had brought him, “Can’t a father come down from his palace to visit his daughter in a lower realm such as this one which I see remains the same...”


“I don’t expect to find anything with Olympus when I return to it. You’re two years early, father,” the moon goddess said to him.

“Oh, I only came to witness the awakening of the one that would be taking your place in two years’ time. We should catch up when the time comes. There has been a lot happening on Olympus while you’ve been tampering with the mortal down on earth. It shouldn’t have been good for you to deal with those fleshlings,” the king of the gods spoke up.

“And I see you still hate them just as much as you always have...”

“Yes, that is true. I would see them destroyed given the chance, but alas, there are a number of the gods that would rather have the humans stick around. I hope you don’t think for a moment that I have not been witnessing your meddling with them,” the king spoke up.

“Is that what brought you here, father?” the goddess replied.

“No, it’s not. If you’re in such a hurry to listen to what I came to do, I’ll get to the point. I came here to make sure you still remember what it is we agreed on when you decided to watch over the humans and offer your guidance in allowing them to co-exist with that traitor’s creatures?” the king spoke formally this time.

“I remember what we spoke of, father. In about two years from now, I am to give up my title of goddess of the moon to a mortal that I have chosen to ascend to this position as a minor god of the werewolves,” the goddess replied to her father, “the mortal was chosen long before she was ever born and she is to be finding out about this arrangement in a very short while from now...”

“And this is what I came to oversee...” the god of gods replied.

Seth had his mouth agape while he listened to the conversation between the two gods. His mind began to work out the missing pieces while they spoke with each other, “I’m not sure I follow... When was all this decided?”

He would have flinched if it hadn’t been for the goddess holding his hand when the god of gods turned to face him, “Well, if you weren’t so young, you might have known that your dear Artemis was never meant to spend an eternity taking care of those fleshlings. She was supposed to spend two hundred fifty years watching over them and no more than that... In two years, that time will finally run out and she will return to Olympus, relinquishing her title to someone of her choosing... Or someone chosen by the fates to take her place.

“Who has been chosen to take over the position of the moon goddess after all this time?” Seth was only getting more curious.

“How about you hold off the questions?” Artemis asked her betrothed. It was rare for the man to speak to her in this form. She was more composed and barely showed her emotions and yet... after spending all this time with Celeste, he could tell what lay behind her cold beautiful stare.

“Very well,” he replied to her, letting his curiosities rest.

“If there isn’t anything else you would want, father. The palace is open for you to tour... I would give you a tour personally, but as you know... I do not have my grandfather’s power to bring time to a halt. The werewolves are involved in quite the scuffle... One that I must attend to...” Artemis replied to him.

Zeus debated his reaction... something he was doing the second this day. This realization made him realise how much of a soft spot he held for his daughter, but alas, he didn’t have to put up much resistance with a decision such as this one, “If you don’t mind, I would like to watch you work. After all, I felt as though this time I would like to see for myself how the moon goddess carries out her responsibilities.”

“So it’s true that you have been keeping a closer eye on me this entire time,” the goddess replied whilst her form changed yet again into the one Seth had grown used to.

“Well, yes... I have been watching you more closely. You’re about to come home after all... It’s only natural that a father would get curious about what his daughter has been doing after all this time watching over the humans... Are you anywhere close to finishing that pointless war you started with the traitor?” the god of gods asked.

“You still hold the position of best at holding grudges, father. I was able to get over the argument I had with him and yet you can still remember what he did millennia ago,” the goddess replied as she took her place by the pool. She adjusted it showed to scenes... Two extremely large scenes...

In one scene... she watched over a reserve that was now in chaos as the fighting had broken out while within the other, two armies charged at each other at top speeds... arrows raining from both sides to down their enemies... Seth had not been paying that much attention to know that there was something as much as a war taking place on earth. He did his best to hide his ignorance as he watched the two scenes. He had no idea what his goddess was going to do to bring this war to a close without intervening while the god of gods himself was right next to her. ‘Perhaps, I really should have left the room when the king had asked me to...’ he thought to himself.

It was the biggest war that he’d seen in over a hundred years... ‘When did this happen?’ he asked his goddess through his mind link... To explain that... I’d have to go a little bit into the past... Twelve hours to be exact... Sudoku is not the only thing you should be paying attention to.’

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