The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 238

238 Chapter Two Hundred Thirty Eight

“You speak to me like I’m going to join you without a second question. You live a shady life. I can’t even tell which side you’re on. I could just take this information to the king, you know. Who knows? You could be the rogue king himself,” Jeremiah narrowed his eyes at the man.

“So many questions you must have. I agree, they are all valid suspicions. However, if I was the rogue king, I would bite you right here and now and order you to do everything I want. Besides, that man, after meeting him, is beyond anyone’s comprehension. I can’t say for sure if there is a hunter alive that can take him down. Maybe the Perfect Warrior, however, it is hard to say,” the man replied.

“Why are you telling me all this? Stop assuming I’ll join you,” Jeremiah tried fighting it. Deep inside, he cursed himself for falling for the man’s words. His offer was tempting. He wanted to help the hunters bring down the rogue king and he was offering a method that wasn’t so easy to come by. He would be able to tell the hunters everything he knew about the rogues from the inside.

Even as he tried putting up a front, his mind worked faster than he wanted it to. He already knew the only person in the world that he could trust with all the information he ever found out about the rogues. The only person that was bound to listen to him without asking any questions and act on her instincts. She wanted the rogue king put down so much that there was no way she would have refused something of this kind, Katie Chase.

“I can see it in your eyes. I saw it even when you fought to defend me. You’ll do anything to bring the rogues down. How many kids your age have trained themselves well enough to bring down two rogues by this time? You’re different. I can tell within you that a Prometheus gift is awakening. Listen to me, boy. You have talent and there is a way you can put it to good use in a way no one else can. This opportunity doesn’t come to anyone. It’s rarer than the gifts you chase for your entire lives and you happened to stumble upon it at the same time as your gift. Take my offer, kid. We could make a difference,” the man’s words only sealed his decision.

After staying silent for a while, Jeremiah spoke up, “You knew I was going to accept before you even said a word, didn’t you?”

“I hoped you would. Besides, I’ve been looking for someone I could work with far longer than you can imagine,” the man confessed, “you might just be the person I’ve been looking for.”

“I don’t need to be buttered up with more sweet words. I’ll take you up on your offer, Mr...”

“My name is Sean Sirius. You will find working with me to have its perks,” the man replied. This was how the two men met. And it was this partnership that led to a series of events. Following the events of Jeremiah’s bravery, his family was granted a rank of nobility and a good share of the prince’s fortune as gratitude for saving the man from the rogues in the woods. The appearance of his Prometheus gift was only proof that he had indeed put his life on the line to protect the man in the woods.


He was declared a hunter not long after... The prince then introduced him to the world of the shadows. After proving his worth to the rogue king, he was sent by the rogue king as a spy against the royals. He was the one asset of the rogue king that could be allowed to sneak through the hunters. The rogue King, being a busy man, rarely had jobs for the boy and he spent a while simply training and getting more and more lethal at his craft with a bow.

Seeing his worth, the rogue king started to send him on more missions where he was to make sure to keep the hunters in line. He performed his jobs well and helped the rogues escape where necessary, however, what he learnt about them only proved more troubling than anything else he ever thought he’d witness. He learnt of the hunter’s patrol routes beforehand and gave the information to the rogues. To keep his hands clean, he also caused coincidences such as fire alarms to get the humans moving so much that none of them would be in danger from the rogues.


Jeremiah told them the biggest part of his story to keep the male royal from ripping him to shreds, “Katie, I have a lot I would like to tell you about them, but I haven’t had the chance to do so yet. Believe me when I tell you that you know nothing about them at all.”

“That’s good to hear. Well, before you interrupted us, we were heading to the cell tower to get communica...”

“I know where you’re going. I’m just wondering if you have some kind of death wish going that direction,” Jeremiah said to her with a deadly serious tone. The tone with which he spoke brought chills down their spines.

“Two royals, a beta alpha and two hunters, what do you take us for, boy?” Gallant argued, oddly disturbed by the boy’s claims.

“I don’t think that will be enough to bring down the creature you’re going to find there. And to make matters worse, you can’t kill him without creating another like him somewhere else in this world,” Jeremiah sighed, leaning against a tree, “You can’t just rush into this without a plan.”

“Looks like there is a hunter out there with a head on their shoulders,” Cole chuckled, “How many rogues are guarding the cell tower?”

“Huh, wasn’t I clear when I said ‘creature’?” Jeremiah exclaimed, raising two fingers to make air quotes, “It’s only one rogue there. He’s getting oddly bored waiting for you and he’s very sure you’ll go to him.”

“He’s just one rogue and you think we won’t be enough for him. Your confidence in the rogues makes me think you’re on their side,” Caden complained, having a mental debate on whether the man was really that powerful or whether the spy before him was exaggerating.

“Well, I had the chance to live among them for a while. I have seen them in their training. Heed my warning, Katie. You’re impressive in so many ways, but you’re a few years or months behind the skill you need to go against them on your own,” Jeremiah repeated his warning.

“It’s like the one at the beach. He was far too skilled for a rogue and had no problem facing up against Jason and me. He held his ground and even managed to push us back... Well, that was until three arrows went through his chest,” Cole spoke. The admittance of his potential defeat felt like rubbing salt in a wound.

Katie finally had a handle on how much they were trying to warn her of the danger before them, “Well then, in that case, we deserve to come up with a plan to defeat him or at least subdue him.” Katie said to them. Her mind was set on seeing this through. Even after all they had told her about the man before them, she wasn’t fazed by the warnings.

It was a look of determination that Jeremiah had come to love about the girl. He knew what it looked like. It was the same as it was back then. The little girl that didn’t know the meaning of the words ‘give up,’ “That same look of determination is the reason I shot you with four arrows back then.”

Without saying much about why he’d done it, cole could already understand what he meant by the words, “So she was really up against the rogue king and his two beta alphas and still planning to fight him with a boy on her back?”

“Yes, I could tell her muscles were screaming for relief and yet her eyes and growl only screamed ‘I’m coming through...’ The rogue king was going to kill her for sure had she taken a step closer to him. So I shot her with four arrows to get her away from the rogue king’s reach and also to get Kyle off her back. That is what they had come for that night. They would have killed her that night if it hadn’t been for the hunter that made it only seconds later and Lina who wasn’t far behind.

“You used arrows bathed in wolfsbane. How do you explain that?” Caden asked.

“I didn’t have any other arrows to use. If I’d chosen to clean them, she would have been killed while I was cleaning them. I took a risk that night... I’m glad she’s standing before me right now because of it,” Jeremiah explained.

More questions swarmed the girl’s mind, but she kept them to herself. After all, at the moment, they were all scolding her for her reckless tendencies, “This time will be different.”

“It’s like talking to a brick wall,” Jeremiah lamented, falling to his knees.

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