The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 245

245 Chapter Two Hundred Forty Five

The hunters backing Micah attacked the man without warning. Micah didn’t do anything to stop them as he saw no way that could have helped him or them in the slightest. The man was quick on his feet and he saw the hunters’ movements far before they ever made them. Grabbing the wrist of the first one with a motion so fast that the hunter might have been standing still, the man turned and flipped him over his shoulder. Whilst the hunter was still airborne, his back aimed to the ground for a painful crash, the rogue turned on the other and struck his throat with the base of his palm, choking him and dazing him as well. The unsuspecting hunter was now starting to see black spots in his vision from the lightning-fast attack. Micah chose this moment to attack the rogue... while he was still trying to deal with his comrade.

The fight was taking place within the confines of agility. A gift that Micah didn’t have, however, he had to do what he could to fight against the general before him. Aiming for the man’s side, Micah went to stab his gut. However, the man’s motion and focus shifted to the new combatant almost like he’d anticipated the surprise attack. With a lateral swipe with his hand, the side of his palm knocked Micah’s hand off-course specifically aimed at the wrist knocking the blade free in the process. The man grabbed him by the rest and pulled him towards him. Knocking the hunter off balance, Samson punched Micah with deadly force in the gut.

The other hunter that was only recovering from the hit to the throat was about to attack when the man pulled at Micah’s wrist and swung Micah in his direction. The energy from the rogue was enough to lift Micah off his feet and have him completely used as a projectile, sending the two of them crashing against the wall. Behind him, the other stood up only to fall to the ground unconscious with a boy standing behind him. Blood dripped down the side of the boy’s mouth as he’d bitten all the hunters in the room, “You don’t even care for keeping them in the right shape before you bite them,” Samson sighed.

“What’s the fun in that? The bite is a gift that allows them to heal from whatever injuries I deal them. I’m honestly doing all of them a big favour. They get to witness the miracles of turning into a werewolf, isn’t that amazing?” the boy said with excitement in his voice. He twirled around his comrade and looked at the man who was only trying to get up from the floor before them, “This one is quite strong.”

“Yeah, he was quite strong. I was impressed. When I pulled him, he resisted a great deal compared to the rest. He’s clearly well-trained,” Samson replied, “I had to resort to brute force with him.”

“That’s a high compliment coming from you,” the boy said, whilst staring at a staggering Micah as though he was an interesting specimen.

“You monsters have my respect. Thorrin wasn’t kidding when he said you were powerful. You took out the entire security detail in such a short time. It makes me wonder what the reason for all this was,” Micah said through gritted teeth.

“Well, that is high praise indeed coming from him. I almost barely got away from him with my life, but alas, he isn’t here and I have gotten much stronger since then. No doubt he has as well... which is why he felt it was best for him to go after our king,” the man said, “You don’t look too good yourself. I was sure I used enough energy to knock you out, but would you look at that? You’re still standing. Now that I take a closer look at you, I can see you have the same looks as that nuisance.”

“Shall I...”


“No, Benji. This one shall be mine. I shall make him my very own beta. I think it’s fitting of someone like him,” the man replied calmly, “Don’t take this the wrong way. I hold no grudge against your brother. I just like how poetic this sounds...”

Micah felt his intentions far before he started moving and tried his best to move in hopes to get away before it was too late, however, the man before him was quick on the uptake. There was no way he could escape. Even with his eyes closed, he could only draw one conclusion about what was going to happen. The wind was knocked out of him in one swift move and everything went black. Benji leaned back against a wall and in a serious tone, spoke up, “The door is right there. We can finally fulfil the mission the master sent us here to do.”

“Yes, we can... and we shall waste no time in accomplishing it,” Samson replied, standing up and retrieving a handkerchief from his pocket that he used to wipe his mouth clean of the blood that trickled from the sides.


Thorrin stood panting with his comrade after what felt like an eternity of battling the two enemies before them. Exhaustion threatened to eat his muscles alive. They screamed for relief, but the enemy before him was not one he could just turn his back from, “You know, Thorrin. The title of Perfect Warrior is quite fitting. You’re not as weak as I had thought you would be. I haven’t taken a hunter this seriously for as long as I can remember. You’re all pawns for the Man god. I don’t really understand what he’s thinking putting you against us anyway. He gives you half the power you need to defeat us and you go along with it. It’s pathetic. However, it’s different for you. You have all of it. It’s like he was sure you could do it.”

Thorrin smirked at the man’s words, “Well, I never thought I’d be getting motivated by the very enemy I’m fighting.”

“Do your best to keep me entertained while my generals take care of everything, would you?” the king said to him. Thorrin shot past the beta alpha and was in front of the rogue king before Jim or Thane had the time to react. However, the king himself moved fluidly to counter the man’s attack. The two of them were soon locked in a battle of endurance. The king was quick and nimble as well as powerful. One direct hit from his attacks would render almost anyone unable to fight anymore. The same could be said for Thorrin... and yet for as long as the fight had droned on, none of them had been able to land a decisive hit.

Jim breathed badly as he watched his comrade continue to fight even when it had seemed as though he was out of energy to continue with the fight. It was intense to watch and he felt as though the Perfect Warrior would collapse soon. It was as though watching the two of them fight would tire one out just from watching. They both moved at incredible speeds that they couldn’t afford to take one look away from each other.

The king fought well and held his ground and managed to do it while barely looking strained, while the Perfect Warrior fought a losing battle... That is what anyone watching would be led to believe. Watching the man fighting before him, Jim began to laugh. Thane looked at the one he was meant to fight, “Have you officially lost your mind? Just declare it already.”

“No, that’s not it... Watching my comrade put his life on the line and fight with everything that he’s got just reminded me of something. I’ve been a complete and utter fool,” Jim replied amidst his laughter.

“Would you like to elaborate on that?” Thane asked, crossing his large arms and lending an ear.

“You’re an odd bunch. You’re so confident that you would indulge my words,” Jim wondered.

“Well, there isn’t a being in the world that can defeat us. If you two are meant to be the most powerful amongst the hunters, then I don’t see something to fear from the hunters. So, yes, do go on...” Thane announced.

“Well, if it’s okay with you. Thorrin once told me something. A Mighty Warrior isn’t just an exceptional hunter... They are the pillars of survival for all of mankind. At the time, I didn’t understand what he meant by that, but I guess now I do,” the man spoke. At the same time, he once again allowed himself to reach into the pool of energy he got from his gift, “at this moment, beta alpha, you are standing face to face against the Thunderclap, one of the Four Mighty Warriors. You better be afraid.”

While the man spoke, the air seemed to distort about him. He was pooling a large amount of power. Now that he thought of it, he remembered something similar when he was making his way to Brigadia once. There was a girl there that had used so much power that she’d produced among the loudest thunderclaps that he’d ever heard in his life. It had been a stupid move at the time, however, after all the training this old man had been through, pulling off something like that was not going to be a problem.

Over the years, Jim had learnt to hold back with his speed to conserve energy and completely forgotten that this was on the table. Thane began to feel the sting of static from the air, the hairs on his arms and legs raising from being charged. Something was different about the man before him, “Oh, it seems you’ve chosen to take this seriou...” Jim was right before him before he could finish his statement accelerating to a speed beyond that the man had expected.

The beta alpha brought up his hands to protect his head from the double kick that was aimed at his face. Jim landed on the man’s forehands and followed through with all the force from his speed. In the next moment, the beta alpha shot across the clearing and right into a tree. The rogue king faltered at the thunderous clap that rang through the forest. At the moment that he faltered, his opponent spun around in a deadly round kick that connected with the rogue king’s side, a crunch sounding at the moment of contact and sending him flying across the clearing as well and in the same direction as his beta alpha, “I’m glad to see you finally remembered why it is we called you the thunderclap.”

Jim was brimming with power from his gift. He’d forgotten what it felt like to truly let go of his limitations, “Yeah... I’d completely forgotten.”

“This is such a hassle,” the king’s voice came as he groaned, preparing to get up from his spot on the ground. Just as he was about to stand up, a look of absolute horror flashed across the rogue’s face. The king fell back down to his knees, “What...?”

The Mighty Warriors were shocked to see the man falter in his composure. The look on his face was one of horror and he spaced out regardless of the enemies before him. His eyes looked at nothing in particular and it was soon clear that what scared him was nothing his eyes could see. The beta alpha didn’t look that ready to fight either. The hunters looked at their enemies who seemed to be slowly deteriorating in their confidence. “There is nothing you can do to prove what any of them have just said.”

“Any of who...” Thorrin was stopped by a rustel beyond the treeline.

Just then, Jackeline and Frost emerged from the cover of the trees with a phone in hand, “Would you like to hear it from the future king himself or the future Luna? Take your pick. They are both on the opposite side of this phone call.”

“Wait, Jackeline, are you telling me he’s right there with you?” a feminine voice came through from the other side of the phone.

“Yes, Katie... he’s right here before me. Thorrin... I mean, the Perfect Warrior was just giving him a thrashing. As I can guess, the other captives have already told him what happened. He knows what’s happening and that all this was for nothing...”

“I see... Well, his plan in Sirius failed as well. So perhaps he can be captured without putting up much of a fuss knowing running away will breed him no results as well. The hunters have agreed to make a full sweep of everything in no man’s land. The flush-out plan that was made eighteen years ago is going to be implemented. We’ll find out where every one of his breeding centres is and put an end to his wicked acts. It’s only a matter of time,” Katie spoke from the other side of the phone.

“What about my beta alpha?” the rogue king spoke up.

“Oh, he speaks... Your beta alpha has been well contained. You have nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of him as best we can,” Cole spoke up from the other side of the phone as well, “Cutting off communications was definitely one way to bring yourself to ruin. In trying to keep us from calling for reinforcements, you also stopped him from communicating with you about recent developments. When he saw the marks on our shoulders, he wanted to tell you everything. He fought valiantly to escape, but there is only so much you can do against the rogue killer.”

Jackeline reached into her coat and retrieved cuffs to place around the rogue king’s hands. The man barely put up any resistance as she put his hands behind him and started cuffing him. Thorrin was bewildered when everything was all of a sudden over, “What exactly happened?” he asked the woman before him...


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