The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 251

251 Chapter Two Hundred Fifty One

Marie told the girl everything she knew herself about the situation at hand. The rogues had finally attacked the capital and she was yet to be briefed on everything that had happened. While the girl wasn’t surprised by what was going on there, she was wary of the casualties that would result from an all-out attack by the rogues. Later on, she told her about the news of the rogue king’s apprehension.

Just like Katie had reacted, it was anticlimactic and the two of them couldn’t really come to terms with the fact that it had ended the way it had. Katie didn’t have reasons for why she felt that way rather than her turning stomach while Sandra took on a more rational approach. “I don’t think the world can truly feel safe as long as the rogue king is still alive. If news of his demise got out, the world would be so much happier.”

Shocked by the girl’s words, Katie began to wonder which approach sounded less like that of a psychopath, not forgetting the fact that she was completely fine with the idea of beheading the wolf. “Well, I don’t what is going to happen to him now, but we should be fine with what we know now, I guess,” she tried.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Sandra replied, searching for her friend’s gaze. Katie had been spacing out every time the two of them took a moment of silence, “Come on. You know you can tell me anything on your mind without having to worry.”

“I know someone else that said something similar once,” Katie responded before she could stop herself. The girl quickly looked to see her friend’s mouth open in shock from the accusation, “No, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Then, by all means, tell me what you did mean, Rogue Killer,” Sandra spat.

“Hey, don’t say my nickname like that. You make me sound like a heartless maniac,” Katie complained only to space out once more... She was quiet for a bit. Sandra gave the girl time to gather her strength, “Well, that name was given to me by him, wasn’t it?”

“You mean Kyle? Is he the one on your mind?” Sandra asked, finally noticing a trend. Katie heaved a sigh and nodded in confirmation.

“Yes, he is on my mind. With Jeremiah’s help, I can find him. We left the boy to guard the beta alpha back at the cell tower. With the right injections of wolfsbane, he can keep the wolf sedated,” Katie said to her.


“I don’t quite understand what you are saying, Katie. Do you think Kyle is close by?” Sandra asked her.

“Yes, I think he is. I don’t know how I can tell. Maybe it has something to do with him being connected to me through a link, but I’ve felt closer to him ever since we got to the reserve. I’d decided I would rescue him the moment we defeated the wolf at the cell tower, but I hadn’t expected to find Aunt Marie there. The woman stopped me before I could do anything about it,” Katie explained.

“I see... Would you like us to go after him? Just the two of us. It would be like a reunion amongst friends. We would finally knock the sense into that boy and drag him back here with a tonne of wolfsbane in his system. The number of people that want to bash his face in has only been growing in number. It would be a shame to keep them from getting that opportunity. Not to mention you...”

“Have no anger towards him whatsoever...” Katie intervened before the girl could make further assumptions. Sandra took her time to think through what she had just heard.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I bit him, Sandra. Since he was the only person I’ve ever bitten. It makes him my beta alpha by default. His death will be like losing a limb and I bare no ill will towards...”

“I know what happens when a royal bites someone for the first time and, to be honest with you, I don’t think Kyle will ever be the same again after something like that. The Kyle that betrayed us is as well as dead,” Sandra sighed, falling back into the bed, “And we better rescue this one before you get a stake through the heart.”

Excitement coursed through Katie’s body when she heard her friend’s intentions, “Do you mean it, Sandra?”

“Yeah, I will help you get him from wherever it is they are keeping him. But I’m only doing it for your sake. I would very much like to see the traitor buried deep in the ground-” ‘But you just said...’ “-which I won’t be doing when we find him.”

Katie pulled her friend into a hug when she was done declaring to help her, “I guess I should be giving this back to...”

“Oh no, keep that as a gift from me. I didn’t know why I felt like giving it to you at the time I did, but now I do. You were meant to get your gift today. Consider that your graduation gift... well, before I get you the official one and a more appropriate gift on your accomplishment.”

“Thank you very much,” Sandra screamed, wrapping her friend in her arms once more.

Katie chuckled, “This day is full of hugs.”

“Deal with them,” the girl replied, pulling away from her friend, “Although I did wish I could get both gifts as you did. I guess that’s something reserved for the truly gifted ones in this life.”

“Oh, come on, Sandra. You of all people should know one gift is more than enough to take down a royal if used well,” Katie responded.

“I know, I know, but just think about it. The rogue killer and the one she mentored all those years only to have her get both gifts as well. The looks we’d get from the organization. We’d be...”

“You dream quite a bit, don’t you, Alastair?” Katie mused, “Yes, you do. Very much indeed. Instead of trying to get something that’s heard of to be nearly impossible. Why don’t you focus on instead becoming one of the Mighty Warriors at an age younger than anyone ever has?” At this, the royal began to smirk evilly, “Prodigy would be beneath you. You’d be a god amongst your peers.”

“There you go again stating the impossible as always,” Sandra slumped over with a look of disappointment, “You forget that I don’t lack your pain tolerance, Katie. No, I think you simply lack pain receptors.”

“What is that supposed to mean? With the right guidance...”

“With the right guidance, I’ll dig myself an early grave. Besides, Katie... You said it yourself. The rogue king was apprehended. The hunters will be making a sweep of the entire world and putting an end to all rogue activities. It might not take a long time, but they won’t need new recruits like us.”

Katie’s mood fell at the girl’s suggestion. She was right about that. With the rogues gone, there was no need for the hunters. Normal werewolves were already well behaved as it was and they lived among the humans with no problem. Those that hated the werewolves were getting less and less from what she’d seen in the capital. It was only a matter of time before the world would head into a peace that had not been seen for centuries.

“I know what you mean. Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. For now... let’s go and get the pipsqueak in need of lifetime redemption,” Katie said to her. The two girls got up and headed to the door. Opening it, Katie was surprised to see Cole standing at the side of the threshold, leaning against the wall with his head thrown back against the wall.

“So you were indeed planning to sneak away. The sun’s about to rise you know. Would you have been able to be back here before it was time to leave the reserve?” he asked her.

“I was... I mean, I am going to get him out, you know,” the girl steeled her nerves against him.

Cole turned to face her, maintaining his neutral expression, “When you finally find him, what will you do? Bring him back? I know that will only get him killed.”

“I will bring him back and I will order everyone to cut him some slack. If you haven’t forgotten Cole, his death is not good for me,” the girl responded with a hint of forced determination. The royal had more power over her than she realized.

“What makes you think you’ll be able to pull it off? From what I know, the boy won’t be left without protection. Are you in the right condition to fight rogues right now? What happens when you find one of the rogue king’s beta alphas or his generals for that matter?” he asked her.

“The rogues aren’t exactly putting up that much of resistance now that the king has been captured. Cole, I think I’ll be fine. Although, if I do find that the situation is beyond what we can handle, I’ll back out,” she explained.

“We... You sound like you’re going with an army,” the royal chuckled.

“Huh... I wouldn’t call a hunter and an indestructible royal an army, but yeah, it’s quite reassuring to have them around before stumbling into Rogue territory,” the hunter replied.

“I don’t remember agreeing to come with you two,” Cole groaned, “How long does it take you to get tired of running about?”

“You aren’t saying you’re tired now, are you?”

“I said nothing of the sort. Let’s get going,” Cole put on a brave face, pushing his smile to its limits even though he’d not foreseen the exertion that he was now certain they were about to go through. Unlike his mate, he knew his limits and didn’t push them as much as she did. It was something that was unique to her and her alone.

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