The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 262

262 Chapter Two Hundred Sixty Two

It was only after everyone was seated that Honour’s grandmother started the story that had been passed down in their family for so long they didn’t bother to keep records of how long it was. An estimation was all they could keep track of, “It was about two centuries ago when the story of our family began. The goddess of the hunt was in the need of an object of vengeance against the humans. As a goddess, there was much she could do to bring the humans to an end and I’m not so sure what rules kept her from using ordinary means, but she came up with a completely devious plan at the time.

It was the cultivation of all the cruelty she could muster at the time. She’d been wronged by the Man god Prometheus and she had to do something to him that would leave him torn beyond repair. There aren’t many things one can find in the world that can do that to a god, but she found something. The Man god valued one thing above all others in his eternal life and that was the creation he’d made and even gave fire against Zeus’ better judgement and was punished for it.

She chose to turn the humans against each other and bring them to kill each other until nothing was left of them. Back then, humanity was starting to prosper. Humans had proven to be intelligent indeed and there weren’t many things she could come up with that were effective at the time. If she was to wipe out the whole of humanity, she was going to use a power that would stay present until all humans were gone. A powerful curse...

What better curse than that of the moon?

One visit to the moon palace was all the goddess needed to have control of its power. It was said she struck a deal with the goddess Selene. In truth, it was when our family began. A lone child was sent down on earth and handed to a human family to raise. Since the werewolves were cursed using the moon’s power, the child was no human either. She was but a weak average werewolf child that was fated to give birth to the one who would later take her place back in the heavens.”

Honour’s heart beat even louder at the words that came from her very own grandmother. It wasn’t every day that someone said you were descended from a bloodline of a fallen goddess, “Grandmother... I don’t understand.”

“The deal that was struck was to last a good two hundred and fifty years. In that time, the goddess planned to accomplish total human annihilation,” the old woman continued.

“It can’t be true. The goddess has been trying to save humanity and stop the rogues...”

“Honour...” Honour’s mother made a move to silence her but was stopped by the old woman.


“I know you have a lot of questions, a young one and you have the right to ask anything on your mind. It’s true our family is weak and has no connection to the royals, but that was the point of it all. The goddess Selene was to be kept as far from the power of the moon so that the goddess of the hunt could utilize its power with no interruption. We are the weakest werewolves in the world, but also the werewolves with the power of bringing the goddess down from her throne,” the woman explained, “For she never belonged there in the first place.”

“Why would the moon goddess turn against her original mission if she was meant to wipe out all humanity?” Honour asked the old woman.

“Well, that is quite simple really. As the years passed by, the goddess of the moon grew to love her creations. Prometheus didn’t blame her for falling in love with them either and he was the one that agreed to help her in her mission to bring peace to the two races that now ruled the earth. A faction of the wolves chose to veer off the new path that the goddess laid down for them. They didn’t agree with her newfound love for the creatures that were the reason for their creation in the first place and so the rogues came to be,” Honour’s grandmother explained.

“So what are you trying to tell me, grandmother?” Honour asked when she found that no other question could be asked other than why she had been told this entire tale.

“On your eighteenth birthday, the two hundred and fifty centuries will come to an end and you will be summoned to your place at the moon palace and you will take the goddess of the hunt’s place as the moon goddess,” the woman announced as tears broke from the wells in her eyes.

“What...” Honour placed the cup on the table as the news finally registered in her mind. Placing her cup on the table, she turned to her mother. The woman stood at the threshold and tried to dodge her daughter’s eyes, “Mum...” She was stopped by the pooling tears in her mother’s eyes. None of them had the nerve to make up a story as silly as the one they were telling her at the moment. So it had to be true...

“What about everything I’ve come to know since I was a child? How a wolf finds their mate when they turn eighteen... one that lives to protect them and only find comfort in their wellbeing...”

“You will have a mate,” Lina pitched in, “You will have one Honour.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” the girl asked her friend.

“Because I’ve met the current moon goddess’ mate. I also heard that he was there on the day Katie was born. He helped them fight the rogues while the moon goddess had Katie stolen from her crib,” the girl said before her.


“We were in Brigadia when it happened. The day the moon goddess came down from the sky,” Lina said to her, “so believe me when I tell you that you will have that life. Besides, you won’t be alone in all this.”

“Lina... I need some time to think,” Honour managed, rushing out of the room, without sparing the room another glance.

“She had to be told much earlier than this,” the old woman shook her head in disapproval.

“I was trying to keep her from harbouring a burden that was still miles away from her. She didn’t need to know about all this now,” her mother argued.

“Enough, the two of you... Honour doesn’t need any of that right now,” Lina snapped at the bickering females, “Whether it was late or early, what would you have done in her shoes? What would you have thought if someone just told you one day that you were fated to become a goddess?”

“You have something wrong, dear. The girl is already a goddess. Her power is just suppressed by her loose connection to the moon. When the goddess of the hunt officially leaves the moon palace, it will call for her and her power won’t be held back much longer,” Honour’s grandmother explained, “It’s impossible for any of us to put ourselves in her shoes for they aren’t the shoes of a human being. The gods and goddesses are quite different from us.”


The rogue rushed through the woods at the pace the weaklings that had rescued him could manage. After all, there was no reason to his escape without them. They held the key to his success in his mission. His mind searched for all possible explanations for what they could have come up with, but he couldn’t think of any.

He’d had a spy to tell him of the moon goddess’ plan to bring about his end by taking some of the lethal power she’d bestowed upon the royals and he’d done everything he could to bring that to an end. Now that he thought of it, he’d been cautious at the time when he tried to kill the children. Looking at his generals, he remembered their absence at the time.

The rogues weren’t as strong at that time as they were now. ‘If I’d had my generals at that time, those children wouldn’t have grown up to be a pain, “Your majesty, what did we just witness?” General Amanda asked

“Well, that would be the power of the gods trying to snuff out what they would consider a weed in this world,” the man replied cryptically. He’d felt the power coming off the girl during his fight and even known just how much exaggerated her power seemed to be.

“Why didn’t we kill her while we had the chance? If she gets any stronger, we might not be able to put an end to her,” the woman argued.

“I know what you mean, Amanda, but what we just witnessed was more than just strength and years of training. That was a girl desperate to keep me from escaping. Which is why I want to know what our new friend has to say to us?” the rogue king commanded, facing the yellow-eyed wolf that ran with them.

“Oh, you mean me... I’m honoured, my king...”

“Skip the flattery and get to the point,” the rogue king spat at him.

“No need to be rude about it. In any case, the moon goddess is going to have a replacement two years from now. There is a girl somewhere in the Sirius empire. I don’t know who she is just yet, but I know she will be the mate to the future king of Sirius and she will be the next moon goddess,” the man announced. The king’s first reaction was to shun this information as it sounded even more blasphemous than anything he could have ever thought of.

Right as he was about to strike the man, Victor backed away and continued speaking, “Just think about it, your majesty. The possibility of there being such a person means you can have the power of the royals returned in an instant. I can prove my words... just give me the chance to do it,” Victor was now backed up against a tree waiting for the man’s final decision with his eyes closed.


“Well, we’ll have to pay a visit to the Golden Moon pack... and retrieve a Seeker,” Victor said with a smirk on his face... ‘I’ll get my vengeance, Drake Sirius. Just you watch me...’

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