The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 283

283 Family Interrogation

The king led them through the castle, past the guards and down into the dungeons where they found the door that to the cell that held their Grand Uncle.

They waited in stiff anticipation as Beta Alpha Phillip worked on the lock of the steel door barring them from Sean. Finally hearing that satisfactory click the door swang open and the king stepped in without any hesitation.

The guards that had come with them almost reached out to keep him from going in, but froze when they realised it was the king they would be offending by doing that. Instead, they got ready to defend him should anything bad happen inside of the cell.

Inside of the room was organised presentation waiting for them. A used set of utensils was set by the door ready to be taken away. The royal within the cell was seated atop his bed, crosslegged and comfortably reading a book with only the soft yellow light of a lamp to aid him peruse through the text.

“It’s been raining quite heavily this past week... or weeks. With no direct connection to the moon or some way to see the sun all the way down here, I can’t seem to tell when we switch days,” the man commented without taking his eyes from the book.

The family entered the room and had the door close behind them. With quiet complaint from the guards, they left the family to themselves, “How are you doing, Sean?”

“I’m doing well... except for a certain ant problem,” the man eyed a peculiar crevice too close to his bed for comfort.

Shrugging off the memories that ran through his mind, he placed his book down and looked at his family with warm welcoming bright blue eyes.

He then pointed to the two far corners of his bed, “The young ones can sit there. The adults are more than welcome to remain standing.”


“You don’t seem to0 bothered by the fact that I put you here,” the king commented, ignoring his uncle’s obvious attempt at banter.

“I am not bothered in the slightest. I’ve been preparing for the worst. I’m also disappointed, to be honest. You should have put in one of the ordinary cells where the inmates get to jeer at me and spit... or killed me for that matter,” the man responded with a chuckle.

Sean’s tone bore no venom towards the king. In fact, it almost sounded as though he was sure to get himself into this situation somehow and was ready for the consequences. Either that or he had a plan to escape the restricting walls.

“Darling, perhaps this was a waste of time,” Queen Martha turned to her husband, having noticed the calm demeanour of someone that wasn’t going to give them answers.

“No, Martha, not yet. Sean, if there is something you can tell me, just tell me,” King Davin’s composure was starting to crack once more. They hadn’t even spoken that much to the treacherous royal.

Sean was quiet for a bit before answering him, “And here I thought you didn’t have any hope left for me. What’s wrong with you, Davin?” he sighed.

“My father...”

“Trusted me with every ounce of his soul... I can only imagine that’s what made you have so much hope in me. Out of respect for you father, I will at least let you in on something,” the family got ready to hear what the man had to say for himself, “I have been working for the rogue king for a much longer time than any of you could possibly imagine. To be accurate, I would say... twenty years...”

The room was quiet for a bit before the king spoke up, his voice rising steadily with trembling rage, “So, it was you that told the rogues of the birth of the children then?”

“I didn’t say something of the sort. Although that would have put me on the Rogue king’s good side,” Sean’s eyes glazed over as if considering the option.

“Then what happened?”

“I don’t think you’d believe what I have to say. I can feed you any kind of information I would like right now and all you’d have to do is choose to believe me or not. I wouldn’t want you doubting me just because I gave you my word,” the man replied. This was going nowhere and oddly, they all understood his logic, “In any case, I do have a way to prove what I have been doing all this time.”

The king moved back and leaned against the wall. He knew there was nothing easy about this situation and hadn’t known what to expect either. The frustration was almost too much to contain. Finally giving in to his wife’s recent request, “Martha, you’re right. It was a waste to come here after all.”

“It’s good to see you’re head’s finally working again,” Sean fell back on his back and opened the book he’d been reading, “I think this visit is over.”

Lina tried to come up with something to tell the man, but didn’t know what to say. He kept his gloomy demeanour as he always had, but his reasoning was not flawed. If anything, he seemed to be helping the king come to his senses.

However, that was what had brought them down as a family. To speak to him as a family. It went without saying that the king needed the rest of the family to keep him grounded.

From Drake’s point of view, Sean had merely bought himself time to convince the king another time. Or was probably still coming up with a story that he could use to manipulate him. Nothing from this short visit had changed his mind about the man before them.

When the king was about to reach the door, Sean spoke up, “Whatever you do, don’t decide on killing me just yet. If you can do that much for me, I can promise you that I won’t escape.”

“At this point, even your promises feel like lies,” the king sighed, “But I will grant you that request for as long as I can hold out. It won’t be in my power for that long, you know.”

“Can’t argue with that,” the old royal replied before the door slammed shut, locking him back in the loneliness he was accustomed to. ‘This cage and the outside world have always been one and the same for me anyway... empty.’ the man’s voice echoed through the mind link of the Sirius family.


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