The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 88

88 Chapter Eighty Eight

Katie and Cole lay there talking about anything that came to mind to pass the time. Their main goal was to spend more time with each other. While Katie was certainly aware of why this came naturally to both of them, Cole was at a loss for words. Suspicions crept in but were swatted the moment they made his heart jump and become erratic. In the end, he just settled into his role and kept the lovely girl that rested on his chest company.

The sun was setting when Cole decided to mention the dance that he was supposed to be attending, “Are you going to go to the dance in those clothes?” she asked, looking at the suit that had become dirty during his fight with Jeremiah.

“No, I can’t go like this. I’ll have to go back to the suite and get clothes,” he replied.

Katie got off him and allowed him to stand, “Well, it’s about an hour before I have to go. Need an escort to your suite and back... Personal bodyguard?” Katie asked.

“I was going to just shift and run there... Then probably just drive all the way back... The car which I left at the festival...” the alpha said, recollecting the results of the paintball with Jason. They’d used the car on their return journey and left at the makeshift parking lot outside the festival grounds.

“Well then, let’s go to the car then... Can I drive?”

“I don’t think... Wait, you can drive?”

“Why do you sound so surprised?” Katie asked him.

“I was just wondering what your parents were trying to do by pumping you with that many skills. It’s unbelievable,” he said to her.


“Does it bother you?” the question was packed with enough sincerity to make Cole regret his comments.

“No, it doesn’t. Shall we be off then?” he asked offering her his hand to take. She took it gracefully and allowed the alpha to lead the way. The wolf within her was as happy as a child who’d been given candy.


When Katie had gotten him back to the festival, everything was calm again and everyone was calm once again. There was no reason for her to have changed clothes since she wasn’t going to be attending everything else that was going to happen on that day. She stopped the car in the parking lot, the music that governed the nighttime of the festival wafting into the car.

Cole realized the mood was just right. He looked at his watch and saw that it was still twenty minutes to seven. Something he’d been trying to achieve the whole time. “Hey, can you spare the last twenty minutes to dance with me?”

Katie looked at her watch. ‘Sneaky alpha,’ she smirked. Her next look was at her clothes which were too simple compared to the black perfect suit the man was dressed in. “I’m not dressed,” she said sounding genuinely disappointed.

“That doesn’t bother me. You’re the only one I was looking forward to dancing with tonight,” he said.

“Hey, Cole. I was wondering where you had gone...” Jason interrupted. Katie looked out the window and froze at the sight of Sandra and Jason. The two of them were dressed to kill. Jason in a black tuxedo and Katie in a stunning blue sleeveless dress that had a floral design falling down to her ankles gracefully. Her hair had been tied into a neat bun at the top of her head showing off the entire beauty that hit behind that dark hair.

“You guys are... wow, I don’t have words for it,” Cole exclaimed.

“Stunning, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, glamorous...” Katie rambled.

“All of those intertwined, yes...” Cole chuckled.

“We’ve been wondering where the two of you were. Katie, get out of there now...” Sandra asked her to hurry and rushed the girl off. Jason stayed with his friend and led him through the festival...

“What are you guys planning?”

“Well, you’ll have to wait and see that,” Jason said, leading his friend to the school. The festival had calmed down a whole lot and lights had been put up, designing everything well and giving it a calm serene feel to it. It was peaceful and it seemed as though everything had come to a stop to prepare for the nighttime of the festival.

“When did you guys get dressed?” he asked his friend, the outfit reminding him of Jeremiah. Someone that still made his stomach turn.

“Well, after our scuffle, Sandra wasn’t going to let me stay that dirty. She made sure I got changed almost immediately,” Jason chuckled, “I notice someone was driving Grayback. How did you let her do that?”

“I don’t know,” Cole had completely forgotten how sacred the car was as soon as Katie asked to drive. He hadn’t even known what her driving felt like or if she was out of practice. He’d accepted without a second thought.

The school was covered in warm lights that didn’t hurt anyone’s eyes, drawing on soft colours like yellow. Students that recognized the duo stopped for a moment to take in the appearance of the two men as they made their way to wherever it was that Jason was leading them.

The school gym, which was their destination was unrecognizable. The large room had been transformed into what was now a dance floor. The cage that surrounded the indoor basketball court was nowhere to be seen and neither were the hoops adding more space to the room. A few students sat in the bleachers, some in groups while others were couples.

The sound systems were already set and a slow song was currently on with no one specifically dancing to it. Jason tapped his friend’s shoulder to stop his observation of the room, “What is it, Jason?’

“You might want to look there,” he said beckoning to the entrance to the gym. Cole wouldn’t wipe the smile off his face when he saw the angel that graced the room with her presence. Dressed in a white sleeveless dress that gracefully dropped to her shoulders, Katie looked like an angel in the eyes of the alpha.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was already seven, the time she was supposed to be leaving. “How is she here?”

“We asked her parents for a little more time and they were happy to give us thirty minutes, but no later. So for thirty minutes, she’s all yours,” Jason said to his friends as they watched the hunter walking down the stairs to join them near the bleachers. Jason left his friend and joined up with Sandra who’d brought Katie in, moving on to the next part of their sneaky plan.

“You look stunning, glamorous, dressed to kill, dressed to...”

“You couldn’t resist, could you?” she chuckled cutting him off.

“No, I couldn’t. I knew that necklace would look good on you,” Cole said, his eyes scrutinizing her countenance.

“That look... It’s like I’m under a microscope,” Katie chuckled nervously, her hand flying to her hair, tucking the hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture.

“You didn’t tie your hair up as Sandra did?” Cole asked.

“No, I didn’t. I do that under different circumstances. Do you not like it?” she asked. Cole knew it wouldn’t be good for him to see her neck even though he wanted to. At the moment, she didn’t look one bit like a hunter and everything like an angel. The music changed and got louder taking on a slow tone that was irresistible to dance to.

Cole looked to the DJ’s booth and noticed the two troublemakers. “Now why does this sound familiar?”

“Reminds me of an old story that they used to read to us when we were kids. Let’s forget about that though, in the meantime. May I have this dance, Katie Chase?” he asked, offering her his hand.

“It’s the whole reason I’m here...” she replied, taking the alpha’s hand. They started dancing, the two of them completely forgetting their surroundings. They were the only ones on the dancefloor, but the longer they danced and the more the mood affected the others that were present. More couples started to join the dancefloor, including Sandra and Jason.

“This was all I needed to make my day, I guess. I was so sure you wouldn’t be here at this time,” he confessed.

“Well, when I heard that my parents had offered me some more time, I couldn’t turn up the opportunity. Samantha and Sandra worked fast,” she explained.

“Yeah, though you still have only a short amount of time before you have to leave,” he said to her.

“Yes, that is true and I’ll have to go quickly. They say I’ll be cutting it close,” she said.

“Sounds like part of what I’m not supposed to know. I’m growing sensitive to that part of the Chase family secrets,” the werewolf chuckled.

“I’m just glad you’re taking it well. I was worried that you’d still be in the same mood I left you in last evening. Thank you for your help during the speech this morning...”

“Don’t mention it. I was happy to help,” he replied. Katie was trying her best to hide the raging bliss that she felt in the arms of the Royal. She was happy to be here like it was where she belonged. Her wolf only intensified what she felt for the Royal.

“Stay on your toes tonight,” she said to him.

“That’s not the first time I’m hearing that,” Cole noted, “Are you in trouble?”

“No, but I might need you tonight,” she said, her secret threatening to spill the more she spoke to the Royal. The spark she felt from his hands were starting to intensify making her supremely aware of the hands-on her waist. Her mind was not helping her situation either.

‘Katie, the moon is rising...’ a voice came into her mind, sounding familiar to none other than the moon goddess. She gasped when she heard the voice, “Cole what’s the time?”

“It’s 7:35... Oh no, we got carried away,” she was out of his arms almost immediately.

“I’m sorry that I have to go... I would have wanted to stay longer. I’ve honestly never wanted to dance here until today,” she confessed while she stepped away from what seemed to be her current addiction. Her wolf was not impressed happy by the hunter’s reaction.

“Hurry before you’re late...” Cole said, “I’m glad we at least got to dance...”

‘So understanding,’ she thought as she left, though the thought escaped her mind when she remembered Jeremiah. As she left, Cole clenched his fist. He’d got what he wanted, so there was no reason for him to be upset about her departure. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but feel like following the retreating angel.

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