The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 90

90 Chapter Ninety

Cole took a seat in the bleachers after Katie rushed out and sighed, watching his best friend dancing with Katie’s best friend. The two looked genuinely happy in the presence of each other. He didn’t want to admit that he envied them for they were not sure what significance their closeness posed. Remembering the words of Martha Sirius, the Queen of the Sirius kingdom, this kind of closeness was ideal if the moon goddess wanted the mates to keep in touch so that they could both be present by the time they are to find out that they are mates to each other.

Otherwise, the two were to never meet again. ‘Weren’t they here to stay?’ he thought to himself. The two found himself deep within his thoughts, “Hey Cole, how did it go?” Jason asked, walking up to him with Sandra at his side.

“It was wonderful. Better than I thought I’d like it,” he said.

“I’d say... Katie had never looked shy before,” Sandra chuckled, taking a seat beside the alpha, her face lost its smile faster than it should have.

“I haven’t seen any of the pro hunters around,” Cole asked.

“They are mostly being transferred to the outer patrols. The junior hunters are the ones conducting the activities in here with the help of a few professionals...” just then, Cole plunged his hand into his coat as something was starting to vibrate from within it. His phone was ringing with a number that he did not know.

Almost at the same time, a scent hit his nose, one that he knew very well. Katie had been gone nearly thirty minutes, but that was of no relevance. When he was told that it would be soon, he hadn’t thought it would be this soon. Sandra looked at the number and froze, she recognized the number, but couldn’t tell why that number would be calling Cole of all people.

Her purse began to vibrate as well and she retrieved the device only to find the same number blaring on her screen. The phone was calling them at the same time, now worry starting to seep in. “Who is it?” Cole asked.

“It’s the Director...” Sandra said, somewhat panicked. She picked up the phone and lowered the volume so that only the three of them heard his voice over the speaker. It was a conference call with a number of hunters already listening in and voicing their greetings...


“Can I have everyone’s silence? I’ve made this call to all of you because of how urgent it is. I was merely waiting for Alpha Cole Lycaon to answer the call. I have only confirmed Sandra’s phone... Am I to assume Cole is listening...”

“Yes, I’m right here, Director Anthony,” he said.

“Well then... That makes everything much easier. All pro hunters know what day this is...” the man said.

“The Founder’s festival?” Cole asked, partly astounded. Who didn’t know that?

“Cole, you are the one person that gets to her the fastest. We don’t know which direction she’s headed and even if we try to track her, she’s probably moving too fast for any of us to catch up to her,” the man said.

“Who are you talking about?”

“I speak of the person that bears the scent that you must be getting a full dose of right now. Follow that scent as fast as you can before someone gets hurt. We are to find her immediately,” Sandra chose to break protocol at the moment as the Royal seemed to be frozen at the moment. She mouthed the name of the person in question, “Katie...”

Cole was out of the gym before the Director had time to explain his encrypted messages. “He has gone after her,” Sandra informed them.

“Well, that can only mean you told him who to expect... No matter... It now falls upon your shoulders to find us a way to communicate with the Royal as he tracks Katie down,” Anthony said to her.

“I have a way of doing that,” she replied, looking at the werewolf before her. Through the mind link that the two shared, it was going to be easy for them to communicate back and forth.

“Okay then... Just sit tight and stay alert... All hunters around the festival are to tighten security and not let any werewolf through. We don’t know the colour of her fur either so you are all to look out for a werewolf with blue eyes. On the other hand, Cole Lycaon’s wolf is black in colour and no one is to stand in his way. With that said, the call ended.

“Ask Cole where he is,” Sandra asked Jason. The wolf’s face got a glazed look while he focused on talking to his friend. “How did Katie escape? I saw that equipment...”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw the equipment that was going to be used to hold Katie, steel chains and everything around her was reinforced,” she explained, trying to think through what could have happened, “Did she shift before she got there? No, the Director would have said that.”

“If Katie shifted and broke out of something that required that much energy to break out of, then I’m afraid we should be chasing her down as well,” Jason said, worry seeping into his voice. There weren’t many things that could force a werewolf to resort to extreme methods to escape.

“There has to be something that gave her wolf the right amount of motivation to go through all that trouble to escape restraints that powerful. If they were anything like the ones we saw in the dungeon, then Katie didn’t just break out because she lost control, she broke out because of something else...” he explained himself. The two were up and running out of the school after they realized that.

“We have to follow them immediately...”

“Cole just answered me...” Jason said to her, “We have to go.” Jason started running faster and Sandra could barely keep up the pace. To be honest, she could tell that the wolf was holding back so that her human legs could keep up...

“What is it, Jason? I need to inform the Director,” she said.

“Katie was headed for the festival, or at least that’s what he thought at first, but she wasn’t headed for it at all. She’s headed somewhere else... She says he should call for backup if he can and that’s when he contacted me... He’s called Caden as well. We don’t where he is, but he called him...” Katie got her phone out and began to dial the Director’s number.

She relayed the information to the Director and that’s when another conference call was opened, this time with Katie’s parents as part of the call. “Katie is not going to the festival. She’s going somewhere else. We don’t know where, but Lycaon says it’s nothing to do with the festival and she won’t stop for anything.”

“Could it be?” Aunt Marie’s voice came through. Sandra and Jason were now out of the festival and heading for the treeline when Jason started relaying some more information.

“Katie has confirmed her motive...” everyone over the conference call went silent, “I don’t understand everything just yet, but I’ll say what Cole told me. When she sh-shifted, she caught the scent of Kyle Dwyer and that’s who she’s going after,” Jason said.

A few seconds later and the conference call filled with much more hunters’ numbers, “What’s with the conference calls? What’s going on? What is the Director up to?” a chorus of different questions came through the phone call before the Director raised his voice.

“Silence... Everyone pay attention. I am assigning a number of hunters to assist Katie Chase... No, I’ll use her real name, Katie Sirius. The target is Kyle Dwyer whose scent has been tracked. We are to bring him in alive and protect the lives of the Moon Goddess’ Chosen. Unfortunately, both of them appear to be on the front lines of all this,” he yelled over the phone.

Jason leapt into the air shifting into a dark brown wolf. He turned and lowered his colossal form so that the junior hunter could get onto his back. Three hunters approached them from the festival grounds, Kenneth, Samantha and Trevor as the most experienced pros that were nearby. Jason got ready to run, the whole party ready, “Lead the way Jason,” Samantha said. Picking the scent of his alpha, the wolf started the run. ‘Don’t do anything rash, Cole. We are coming to aid you. If Kyle really is there, he’s going to have quite the protection.

The hunt for Kyle was on and Katie Sirius was leading it. At the Brigade Hotel, a group of Royals felt the connection of the long lost member of their family rekindle. “I guess we should go meet our daughter,” Davin Sirius stated, leading his family to the elevator. They’d been waiting far too long and now that they’d found her, nothing was going to get in their way.

At the Hunters’ Agency, the Director paced about... something wasn’t feeling right about this. The Rogue king would have done anything to have that girl killed. If Cole had indeed already met the girl when she’d shifted, then she was indeed in control of her actions. That would only mean that they were no longer chasing a wolf on the loose, but rather they were following the Rogue killer to a slaughter.

And if the Chase hunters were right about something bad happening on this day that they even called the Thunderclap, then Katie was in need of all the help she needed. Anthony walked out of the agency, slipping into his leather jacket and brandishing his phone to make one last call, “Frost, Jackeline, I’m sending you the locator for Sandra’s phone. She’s following Katie. We might just need all the help we can get on this one...”

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