The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

At first, Wen Hui called the child out without any real purpose. It was more like a psychological compensation, wanting to squander a mother's rights, wanting to tell Madam Fang that although the son called you "Mom," the blood ties with me cannot be severed. When Fang Yan ditched his wedding and ran out to see her, she only felt that she had status in the child's heart and was not an irrelevant stranger.

During the wait, her boyfriend said to her, "This kid is really an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. If you hadn't sent him back to the Fangs, how could he comfortably be the young master? No conscience."

Wen Hui impatiently said, "Okay, what's the use of talking about this? He wholeheartedly recognized that woman as his mother. Who knows what bewitching potion she gave him."

"Hui, if you really want to vent your anger, I have a way," her boyfriend used to be a scammer, with a nimble mind. "He looks down on you, precisely because he thinks you can't do anything to him. Give him a taste of color and let him know he's not that important. Won't that work?"

Wen Hui was tempted: "What's the method?"

"In a bit, trick him out and let Xiao Duo go back," her boyfriend said with a grin. "After doing the young master thing for so many years, it's time to let Xiao Duo have a turn too, right?"

Wen Hui was shocked: "How could we do that? We can't trick him, can we?"

"If we can't trick him, tell the truth. Say the brat ran away. The Fangs care about face--they probably won't make a fuss and might even help cover it up," her boyfriend persuaded her. "Wouldn't that be even better? Xiao Duo is much more filial than that brat."

Thinking about her aloof eldest son and filial younger son, Wen Hui was persuaded.

She didn't see swapping the two children as a big deal. They were both Fang Liming's sons, and shouldn't have been treated so differently in the first place. If it were the younger son, who knows, he might be even more filial to her in the future.

Xiao Duo was also tempted.

He had always envied his twin brother--luxury cars, beautiful women, anything he wanted he could have, beloved by all. They were born from the same mother, so why was there such a big difference?

For so many years, he didn't resent his mother. She had said that she kept him because she really couldn't bear to send both children away. But to say he felt no resentment would be a lie.

He didn't know how many times he regretted that it wasn't him back then.

Now there was a chance to live his brother's life, even if only for a few days. He was willing no matter what.

So the plan was set.

Because he envied his brother, Xiao Duo had always imitated his brother's looks. After putting on his clothes, even Wen Hui couldn't tell them apart.

Her boyfriend got bolder. He first took Fang Yan's watch and put it on himself, then said, since they were doing it already, why not go all the way. Let Xiao Duo properly suck up to Boss Fang--it would be best if he could actually pull it off.

Of course, Xiao Duo got such an opportunity, he shouldn't forget to be "filial" to them too.

As for Xiao Yan, he told Wen Hui, "Let him live Xiao Duo's life for a few days, teach him a lesson."

Wen Hui agreed. She harbored no small amount of resentment towards this eldest son, and wanted to discipline him.

However, the seemingly "perfect" plan fell apart in less than a few hours.

Xiao Duo died.

Wen Hui was heartbroken and dumbfounded, not sure if Fang Liming had deliberately tricked her or if it was true. For a moment, she almost wanted to confess everything.

But her boyfriend said, "Don't be stupid. If he finds out what we did, do you know what the consequences would be?"

Wen Hui shuddered.

She certainly knew how ruthless Fang Liming was. A self-made man from decades ago, who wasn't a brutal figure?

They couldn't stay here any longer. Take the money and run.

So the switch became a kidnapping.

There was still more than an hour until the exchange time, but Wen Hui couldn't sit still. She paced around indoors, standing by the window in a daze.

Just then, she saw some movement outside the spinning teacups ride. She hurriedly called her boyfriend over, "Someone's here."

They were instantly on alert.

In the dim light, they saw a disheveled girl run over from the spinning teacups. Her hair was flying every which way, her steps staggered and chaotic, she even almost tripped.

But she seemed oblivious, only looking back continuously.

Soon, a tall, sturdy man chased up behind her, sticking close.

The girl desperately tried to escape, but her strength steadily declined. Running to about 20-30 meters from the haunted house, she was caught by the man behind her, who roughly pushed her to the ground.

Seeing that she was about to be strangled by the man, the girl rolled over, tumbling down the stairs and landing right in front of the haunted house door. She quickly got up and limped to the haunted house entrance.

"She wants to come in," Wen Hui panicked a little, asking, "What should we do?"

Her boyfriend was very cold. "Of course we can't let her in."

Wen Hui frowned, "She's just a young girl...we can't just watch her die."

"We're struggling to save ourselves, why bother with her?" her boyfriend said. "Let me tell you, don't impulsively be merciful. If something goes wrong, both you and I will suffer."

Wen Hui felt a little heartless.

She wasn't some kind, merciful person. Going out on her own at 18, becoming a mistress for a tycoon, how many of those women were kind? Back when she worked for Fang Liming, a female colleague took a liking to him. Wen Hui cornered her in the bathroom and gave her two fierce slaps, swelling her face up like a peach. was different.

"Open the door and let her in to hide for a bit," Wen Hui pressed the button on the control panel, opening the hidden door of the haunted house. "She won't dare come in, it's a haunted house after all."

Her boyfriend couldn't stop her in time, and could only watch as she opened the door.

The lock disappeared. The girl stumbled back from the force, but immediately rushed in, slamming the door shut behind her and leaning against it, gritting her teeth.

The man outside pounded on the door, shaking it violently.

But the haunted house door was specially made. The external lock was just for show--no matter how he pounded, it wouldn't open. Panting heavily, he lingered outside, refusing to leave.

Her boyfriend complained, "You let a problem in, now what do we do?"

"We should get going," oddly enough, she felt regret after opening the door, but wouldn't admit it. "Let's hurry and keep an eye out, the ransom should be ready."

Her boyfriend asked, "Are you bringing your son?"

Wen Hui gritted her teeth, "No, let them come get him when the time comes. We take the money and leave immediately."

She glanced at the monitor showing the girl, then turned off the power.

With the power off, all the mechanisms and doors in the haunted house would lock. The front door couldn't be opened either. Although a bit scary, once Fang's people arrived, she could be rescued.

It was the only bit of kindness Wen Hui could show the stranger.

Wen Hui steadied herself, picking up the keys. "Let's go."

Her boyfriend pressed on his vest, feeling the bulge within, and was slightly relieved. "Remember what I told you? Have them split up the money. We'll take one portion and leave."

The 30 million was a bluff to begin with. They were greedy but not stupid.

So when the money arrived at the department store, they planned to have it split into five portions, delivered to five different places.

Someone like Fang Liming probably wouldn't call the cops, but his security capabilities were limited. Splitting up would greatly increase their chances of getting away with 6 million.

As the two left the control room, walking down the dark employee hallway lit only by their phone lights, there was a sudden muffled "bang" from the corner behind them.

Wen Hui listened carefully, shocked. "Is that Xiao Yan?"

"I'll go check," her boyfriend didn't want the duck flying from his mouth. "You go start the car."

This was "street smarts"--if things really went south, running earlier was better than running later.

Familiar with the place, he felt his way to where Fang Yan was held--really just a bathroom, decorated to be very scary. Not only was there a door that could only be opened from outside, there was also a hidden door.

Don't tell me Fang Yan found the door and escaped?

Cursing his bad luck inwardly, he groped his way forward in the dark.

Walking down a hallway with scary bare-headed mannequins, his shoulder was suddenly weighted down.

"Fuck!" Even though he knew this stretch was particularly creepy, the sudden shock still made him want to jump up. He reflexively swung out his arm.

Then a snow-white arm reached down.


The mist sprayed right in his face.

"Ugh, who's that?!" He fumbled to fend her off, reaching into his vest pocket and pulling out a gun. But before he could steady his grip, his wrist was twisted and a weight pressed down on his back, slamming him heavily to the ground.

Pain shot through his knees and his head spun.

He struggled to open his eyes, only able to make out a slender figure walking up to him, her face blurred and unclear.

Then, darkness overtook him.

Jian Jing put away the pepper spray, having used up the 3 seconds of spray she had drawn earlier, now confiscated by the system. But it had been worth it this time, just look what she had discovered!

A revolver - a familiar sight in old Western films, and a prized collectible for many gun enthusiasts.

But don't assume this gun was some ancient relic from a museum.

Kimber's K6s DCR, newly on the market in 2018, with a silver stainless steel barrel, hardwood grip, and a red front sight, the gun was about 16.8 cm long, weighing 652 grams, about the same as an average leather handbag, relatively lightweight.

She had no idea where he had bought it, but it definitely wasn't cheap.

Jian Jing hadn't expected to run into someone armed, but by a stroke of luck, she had drawn a card before sneaking in.

Due to the hazardous environment, it was a special card.

[Name: Special Card - X-Ray Vision Device]

[Description: Black tech product, can be used with main unit or stand-alone. Achieves "see-through" effect using physics of X-rays, no radiation.]

[Note: Usage limited to mission duration, please don't use it for evil~~]

[Name: Special Card - Storage Space (0/5)]

[Description: Still envious of the built-in inventory in games? Now you have one too! Can store non-living objects, total 5 slots, similar items can be stacked, max weight per slot 10KG]

[Note: Carry with you, safe and secure]

It was thanks to the X-ray vision device that she could swiftly maneuver through the haunted house's complicated mechanisms and accurately locate where Fang Limin was being held, luring them over with noise.

She had climbed up to the top floor using the steel frames already in place in the haunted house - there was a concealed passage up there, for staff to suddenly pop out and startle visitors - attacking them from above.

Also, with the X-ray vision on the whole time, she also spotted the gun tucked against his chest, allowing her to take preemptive action and smoothly avoid danger.

"Tap tap tap", Wen Hui heard the commotion and came running over.

Jian Jing leapt upwards, grabbing onto the overhead steel beams. She flexed her arms, hooking her legs forward, and climbed back up to the top level.

Wen Hui anxiously ran over: "Are you okay?"

She had just leaned over to check when the hairs on her neck stood on end.

Someone's hand landed on her shoulder.

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