The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Before arriving, the guests had received information that: This hospital ostensibly treats patients, but in fact sells organs. After a high incidence of patient deaths overnight, the doctors and nurses all disappeared without a trace.

After arriving, through the diaries in the wards, everyone understood that the hospital claimed some patients had been discharged, but in fact they had not. They likely became monsters.

Therefore, it's not hard to guess that the hospital may have been doing secret experiments, using patients as experimental subjects. As a result, it created a bunch of strange things, leading to some dying, some mutating.

But Cao Yu compared the medical records and found all the patients were related to an exploded chemical factory.

The plot suddenly became convoluted.

"Was the hospital good or bad?" Jiang Baiyan mumbled, "Very strange."

Jian Jing picked up other materials on the table and flipped through them, saying: "It looks like the hospital was researching and observing those infected patients. Look, there are a lot of medical reports here."

Compared to the medical records Cao Yu obtained earlier, these reports were more complete, with blood tests, X-rays, and medication records. If the hospital had created monsters, there should be experimental records.

"Let's go check other rooms." Jian Jing didn't want to stay with the rats and was eager to leave.

The door to the underground lab was unlocked. They quickly entered the corridor.

A new map was unlocked.

The long, creepy corridor had many locked iron doors on both sides. Each door had a different lock, one was like a safe dial, one was a long horizontal bar, and another was a square grid.

"Passwords, equations, sudoku..." Jian Jing was puzzled, "More math problems."

She thought for a moment and chose the safe dial first.

Like an old safe, the dial had 10 digits from 0-9. The password was entered by turning the dial.


It opened.

Jiang Baiyan: "???"

He was very confused: "Did I time travel an hour into the future?"


After the broadcast.

Comment 1: The brother's confusion is my confusion.

Comment 2: Did Teacher Jian get the script?

Comment 3: The script is confirmed.

Comment 4: Did I fast forward??

Comment 5: Where did this password come from??



"It's the letter order of bcra," Jian Jing explained.

Jiang Baiyan was still confused: "Is there such a word?"

She said, "Recall the only password we've had today."

Jiang Baiyan tilted his head to think, then realized: "The blood words in the ward?"

When their group started the game, the first ward they were in had the blood words "Qrivy" on the wall. Jian Jing said it was a Caesar cipher, shifted by 13 places, decoded as "Devil."

Following this rule, decoding bcra would be...

"Oh, open," he got it, "How did you guess?"

"Since the police took photos, it means he must have been to the underground lab," Jian Jing explained. "If he had already gone mad, how could he write the encoded word? This is more like a hint, in case someone found it. I felt it was very likely a password hint, so I tried it."

As she spoke, she shrugged: "Actually I thought of Noah's Ark first, but I'm not good at spelling it, so I just tried something simple."


After the broadcast.

Comment 1: Not good at spelling...So real!

Comment 2: First time feeling Teacher Jian isn't that amazing.

Comment 3: Actually Noah's Ark fits the theme better, since it was Bible stuff earlier.

Comment 4: The settings were probably adjusted for filming, didn't you notice the documents are all in Chinese?

Comment 5: That's a Grade 4 level word right?



"Bang bang bang," gunshots sounded from the other end of the corridor.

Hurried footsteps approached, it was Han Bo, Zheng Keyan, and Coco. Seeing each other, they were clearly relieved: "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine." Jiang Baiyan was curious, "Did you run into monsters? Weren't they asleep?"

Coco said: "They were asleep! But it was a good opportunity, better to kill them now than let them wake up later and cause trouble."

Jian Jing smiled: "You arrived just in time, let's go in together."

This password locked room was a special ward.

A monster sat on the bed, hugging a doll, its tentacle arms stroking the doll's head gently and carefully. Faint warm light flickered on its neck.

On the floor was a rotten, messy white lab coat.

In the lab coat's pocket was a square with an equals sign, the key for the next door.

"That should be the key to the next door," Jian Jing said decisively.

Han Bo was sweating: "Teacher Jian, shouldn't we focus on why it isn't asleep?"

Yes, under the enchanting red light, the monster in a dress hugging a doll had not fallen asleep. Although it sat quietly without moving, it was clearly awake.

"It says here, special infected subject. Unaffected by red and green lights, retains pre-infection traits, object of close observation," Jian Jing read the medical record by the wall and casually flipped through it.

"Is it Helen?" Jiang Baiyan lowered his voice.

"Should be her." Jian Jing said. "We have a harmonica right? Let's try that."

Jiang Baiyan nudged Han Bo's chest with his elbow: "Can you play it?"

Han Bo said: "For harmonica, I can try."

Jian Jing handed over the harmonica they had taken earlier, and added: "The sheet music that was with this harmonica was for a Christmas song."

"Oh right, Jingle Bells, that sheet music?" Han Bo frowned trying to recall the music. Looking serious, he was a bit handsome. "Let me try."

He focused to remember the song, then blew the harmonica.

Pleasant music floated out.

The monster hugging the doll immediately reacted, jumping off the bed and slowly walking towards them.

Jian Jing signaled to Han Bo.

Understanding, he backed away, leading the little girl away from her original spot.

The two slowly left the ward.

Jian Jing deftly reached out and slipped back in, swiftly grabbing the square with the equals sign from the lab coat pocket and passing it to Coco: "You guys go open the door, I'll help Han Bo."

Coco's eyes flashed slightly and she smiled sweetly: "Okay."

She pulled Zheng Keyan along to start deciphering the equation.

This password wasn't difficult. The grid already had numbers placed inside, just rearrange the order and symbols to get a valid equation, then put the key with the equals sign in to unlock.

The problem wasn't hard, even Zheng Keyan who wasn't great at math could help.

The two girls discussed for a few minutes, then high-fived in excitement: "Done!"

The door opened.

Jian Jing and Han Bo came rushing back, bringing the missing Cao Yu with them.

"Where did you go, Teacher Cao?"

Cao Yu smiled bitterly: "Went the wrong way, ended up upstairs. Didn't see you guys so came back." As he spoke, he peered inside.

This was an office. There was a safe on the desk, clearly containing important clues. But between the office desk and door was a reception area.

Two sofas were placed opposite each other, with a coffee table in between.

On the coffee table was an international chess set.

The sofa against the wall was empty, a damaged bloodstained white lab coat lay there. On the opposite sofa sat a hulking monster, with shredded meat and bone fragments scattered around its feet.

Ugh, all signs indicated this monster had eaten the owner of the lab coat.

"This is also a special patient," Jian Jing thought for a moment and determined. "Regular monsters have iron plates, Helen's was copper, and numbered 002. He's 001."

Han Bo's scalp exploded: "So we have to play chess?"

"Yes," she nodded. "This should be George."

"What happens if we lose?" Coco asked.

Jian Jing: "Get eaten."

Everyone felt a chill, exchanging looks: "Who knows how to play international chess?"

Cao Yu smiled bitterly again: "I know a little."

"It's up to Teacher Cao then," everyone tacitly made way.

Cao Yu naturally wouldn't miss a chance to show off. He took a deep breath and slowly went to sit on the sofa.

The monster had no reaction.

Until Cao Yu picked up a chess piece and placed it on the board.

The monster moved. Its tendrils writhed as if pondering, then two tendrils pinched a chess piece and placed it in position.

While the monster was completely focused on the game, Jian Jing crouched low and silently slipped past the sofa into the office area. She quickly scanned the desk, planning to open the safe first.

To her surprise, the safe was empty.

The lock was open, and the door opened with a pull, but inside was empty. She was stunned for a moment, seeing Cao Yu's game still in progress, and simply flipped through the scattered documents first.

The amount of information here was much more.

She saw on the table an unfinished letter, the content of which was as follows:

"Dear friend, when you receive this letter, I may already be gone from this world. Things happened much faster than I imagined, and I regret very much not knowing whether it was right or wrong to agree to join the X Club back then. Unfortunately, no matter the answer, there is no chance to choose again.

"Let me tell you what's going on with the letter I sent you earlier. You graduated the same year as me, with grades at Harvard even better than mine. You must have already guessed, right?

"Yes, the report I showed you was very special, belonging to a group of special patients. I don't know if you've heard the rumors in this state, about the special visitors who arrive on a certain night... I thought it was nonsense, until the X Company found me. Oh yes, you still don't know about the X Club, it's a special club funded by a group of tycoons, with the sole mission of pursuing the truth...

"Because of my medical talents, I was recruited into the medical department, responsible for investigating C Factory. You may not have heard of this company's name, it's so ordinary that even people living nearby can't remember what it's called, let alone what they do there.

"A place so mysterious, of course, is not ordinary. This is a secret government base, recruiting some locals as cover. But according to the club's intelligence, this is precisely the place where the rumors of researching alien visitors is happening!"

The handwritten letter had sloppy penmanship, clearly the writer was shaken and unable to remain calm.

But Jianjing saw this and could only think of one big "embarrassing".

This is such a stereotypical haunted house story for Country A.

She turned the page and continued reading.

"We couldn't sneak into the factory to investigate, and could only observe from the outskirts, waiting for a chance. Unexpectedly, the accident happened, the factory had an unexplained explosion, with many casualties. Relevant personnel were all taken away by the FBI, but a small number of peripheral staff left as cover were kept. Many unbelievable symptoms appeared on them.

"We gathered them at the hospital, using treatment as an excuse to observe their changes. First, the white blood cells in their blood increased dramatically... (omit a bunch of medical descriptions), their organs began deteriorating, seemingly already completely occupied by cancer cells, dividing so quickly... Perception of sounds and smells decreased, resolution of light perception greatly increased...

"Everything was going very smoothly at first, but just half a month ago, something terrifying happened... they began dying, mutating, devouring... the infection was complete... I don't know how to deal with the current situation... they've already become them?"

The second page ends here.

The third page was not finished, with only a few scribbled words:

End... kill... must... urgent... replacement... invasion plan?

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