The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

[Extraction complete]

[Name: Strength Enhancement Card (1 point)]

[Description: Enhances physical fitness, increases resistance, and reduces the risk of sudden death]

[Note: A healthy body is what's truly good]

Although it was only one card, there was quite a bit of information. The "Enhancement Card" prefix indicated there were other types of cards, and the "1 point" was somewhat confusing - unclear what that meant.

Anyway, there were still 10 points left to see what else there was.

"Draw another one."

[Drawing card]

[Name: Skill Card - Observation (Beginner Level)]

[Description: Grants basic observation skills when used]

[Note: Noticing danger in time is more important than dealing with danger]

The description seemed quite useful. Jian Jing was a little incredulous. It's said fate is unchangeable, spending cannot change the inevitable, yet being reborn once, she had actually become lucky?

While her luck was good, she decided to press on: "Again."

[Drawing card]

[Name: Item Card - Wolf Repellent Spray (1/1)]

[Description: Specially formulated wolf repellent spray, a dose can make an adult male unconscious within 5 seconds, self-calibrating, guaranteed to incapacitate with one spray]

[Note: Please do not use for illegal activities]

[3 cards drawn, use them?]

Jian Jing didn't use them. She felt something was a little off.

Although the 3 cards were very useful, somehow, it didn't seem like the style of the normal world. Physical enhancement aside for now, observation skills? Wolf repellent spray?

She didn't immediately use the cards, and mentally asked: "Can the cards be taken out?"

[Item cards only]

"Take out."

A spray bottle suddenly appeared in her hand, 10ML capacity, very compact, fit perfectly in her palm. The medicine inside was colorless and odorless. The label on the bottle said "Wolf Repellent Spray".

"Put away." She tried putting it back.

Her palm was empty again.

It seemed quite reliable, but Jian Jing was still cautious and didn't immediately use them. She hesitated between the strength enhancement card and skill card, weighing which had a higher safety coefficient.

To be honest, having a system at hand and resisting the urge to use it was unrealistic. She had some ominous feelings, as if she had overlooked some key information. But the possibility of traps couldn't be ruled out either. Choosing the lesser of two evils, she decided.

Just as she was struggling with the decision, footsteps sounded from outside the door, seeming to head towards her ward.

With her memories still muddled, Jian Jing made a split-second decision to use the skill card.

[Skill Card - Observation (Beginner Level) has been used]

At the same time, her visitor opened the door and walked in.

Jian Jing's attention immediately fell on his suit: double-faced fabric, the outer layer was navy blue, the inner layer had red checkers, the material was smooth and lustrous from the wool blended with linen, with some faint white snowflake patterns. Although worn on a person, there were almost no creases visible.

She immediately judged that this was definitely not an insurance or salesperson, but a wealthy, tasteful man in good physical shape.

"I've told you many times, don't read this anymore." The visitor strode to the bedside, not very politely taking away the copy of Cat Detective that had been spread on her quilt.

Jian Jing looked up to recognize his face.

The visitor was 1.8 meters tall, with sharp brows and eyes, handsome features. Aside from the high-end suit, he also wore a Vacheron Constantin watch on his hand.

With one hand he closed the book and casually placed it on the bedside table.

This action allowed Jian Jing to observe his hands.

The other party's fingers were fair and smooth, without any wounds or calluses, certainly not someone who did manual labor. There was a little black ink stain on the outside of his ring finger. No ring or tan line on the ring finger, likely unmarried.

He was close by, she could smell a hint of coffee not yet dissipated.

In summary, a successful businessman.

"Chairman Kang." After sifting through her memories, Jian Jing finally found the corresponding person. "Why are you here?"

"As you can see, visiting the sick." Kang Mu Cheng placed the flowers in the vase, putting them on the windowsill. In the bright sunshine, the exquisite flowers blossomed vying for beauty, and the overly sterile hospital room suddenly became vibrant.

Jian Jing unconsciously relaxed.

Kang Mu Cheng was the connoisseur who had discovered Cat Detective years ago, and was currently the deputy president of the publishing house. And this time, her suicide attempt at home was also stopped in time by him rushing over to send her to the hospital.

In other words, he was her benefactor in many ways.

"I really don't understand, what reason do you have to choose suicide?" Don't be fooled by the flowers Kang Mu Cheng brought, he was a cold and piercing man, contrary to expectations. "Just because of those terrible reviews?"

As he interrogated, he also sat down at the edge of the bed, taking advantage of his height to look down at her: "You should know, critics are also paid to do their job. The sales of Demon Doctor aren't as bad as you think, it's just Morning Star Publishing has been aggressively promoting their latest golden author, stepping on you to move up."

Jian Jing made a sound of acknowledgement, digesting the relevant memories.

Physical books were highly developed in this world, and writers had considerable income and high social status. Many publishing houses went all out competing for sales rankings, aggressively promoting their signed authors, just like the idol industry in another world, inevitably involving some hype.

Morning Star Publishing and her publisher Golden Crow Publishing were rivals, and the two often competed.

"Your actions have no use except making people ridicule you for a bit." Kang Mu Cheng said, "The only way to fight back against bad reviews is to write even better works."

His expression was calm, Jian Jing couldn't make out his thoughts, and couldn't help asking: "What if I can't write anymore?"

"Literature is art, and also business. If you don't have the corresponding talent, either quit or endure." Kang Mu Cheng paused, then his tone changed, "What, are you telling me you're ready to admit defeat?"

Jian Jing had just been reborn and hadn't thought that far ahead yet. She smiled and said, "Just asking casually."

"I believe you have the talent." Unexpectedly, Kang Mu Cheng softened his tone, comforting her, "Demon Doctor just went on sale, don't jump to conclusions yet."

Jian Jing gave a self-deprecating laugh, and didn't say anything.

Not wanting to put too much pressure on the patient, Kang Mu Cheng changed the subject: "Do you remember what I told you back then?"

Jian Jing couldn't recall it for the moment, and looked back at him blankly.

Fortunately Kang Mu Cheng didn't need her to answer, and said on his own: "Writing is your business, selling is my business. You've already done your job, leave the rest to me."

"Rest well." He patted her shoulder, bowed courteously to say goodbye.

"Have a safe trip." Jian Jing's reply was a beat late.

After Kang Mu Cheng left, the ward became quiet again.

Sunshine shone on the floor, flowers in full bloom. Outside was the azure sky and fluffy white clouds, the wind carried over scents from the cafeteria.

The single ward was quiet and comfortable. Jian Jing leaned back on the soft pillow to ponder.

From the earlier events, the skill card did have significant use, but was far from exaggerated levels.

Being able to observe didn't equal being able to analyze. For example, the analysis of the suit's material came from her own knowledge base, while she had no grasp of the style, buttons, and tailoring, unable to derive effective information.

Moreover, the observation ability itself wasn't that powerful either, only managing to deduce simple clues like "wealthy, good physique, handsome, unmarried, drank coffee".

Anyone with eyes could see that much ( ̄_ ̄|||)

But, to be fair, the biggest function of a beginner card probably wasn't the ability increase, but the increase in awareness. She previously didn't have the habit of observing, but after using the card, observing became an unconscious action.

This kind of habit was hard to develop without long months and years of practice, yet now she had obtained it effortlessly, which made Jian Jing very satisfied already.

But even so, she still didn't plan on using the strength enhancement card for now.

She would set a 3-day observation period first, and consider using it if her body showed no side effects.

For now, she should get some rest.

Carbon monoxide poisoning was serious business, and needed proper treatment.


Jian Jing slept until past 8pm before groggily waking up. Her stomach growled angrily with hunger.

Her parents had died early in this parallel world, and she had no friends either. Kang Mu Cheng was too refined to bring fruit or milk when visiting, only pointless flowers. Now the ward was empty, with nothing to eat.

It was 8pm, the hospital cafeteria had already closed, and she couldn't call to order food.

With no other option, Jian Jing called the nurse to remove her IV, then went downstairs to the supermarket to buy food.

The hospitals of the two worlds didn't have many differences. At night only the inpatient department had lights on, while the emergency department stayed lit, with ambulances ready to rush out for rescues at any time.

The supermarket was in a short building next to the emergency room. It was quite fully stocked, with food and supplies.

Jian Jing looked around and finally her stomach said it wanted instant noodles. She bought a cup.

The boss lady said, "The electric kettle is broken, go borrow some hot water from the ER."

So Jian Jing had to head into the emergency room.

It was almost like another world, noisy and busy. Patients yelled and swore from their beds, an old person clung to a trash can vomiting, infants unable to express their pain wailed loudly.

Nurses rushed about busily, doctors had dark circles under their eyes.

There was a water dispenser in the corner, the yellow light showed it was boiling water.

Just when Jian Jing was about to give up and simply go back to the inpatient department to ask a nurse for water, a familiar voice sounded, and illusion-like text boxes appeared before her eyes at the same time.

[System: New mission released]

[Mission name: Emergency Room Bloodbath]

[Mission description: A horrifying bloodbath is about to take place in the emergency room at night. Please host, while protecting your own safety, try your best to find the perpetrator and reduce casualties.]

[Rewards and penalties: To be determined according to results]

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