The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

The knight was about to lose his job.

The boss decided to cut the dog-feeding expenses―isn't it better to use the money for some security equipment? As a result, he was forced to commit the crime of theft.

When Manager Bu found out, he had nothing to say. He issued a notice: "Get rid of the dog. We can't let the homeowners complain about us again."

The property management's dog stealing the homeowner's takeout food, what a scandal!

Although the security guard was reluctant, he didn't dare defy his superiors, he had to keep his job. He had no choice but to post an adoption notice on his social media, hoping someone would adopt the dog because it was a German Shepherd.

Jian Jing felt very sad.

You said, what's wrong with a dog wanting to eat something other than moldy dog food and looking for food elsewhere since the owner said he couldn't raid the trash can?

What evil intentions could a dog have?

"Awoo..." In the cold winter, the knight scratched the door desperately, chained in the storage room.

On her way back from the gym, Jian Jing, who was carrying dog food to feed the dog, couldn't help but ask the security guard, "Have you found someone to adopt him yet?"

The security guard said, "Plenty of people want him."

She was puzzled. "Then why haven't you settled on someone?"

The security guard looked sad, "I'm afraid of choosing the wrong person."

The knight was brought by a friend of the former head of the security team (retired last year). He's a purebred with good bones and was well-trained when young. Therefore, although he did something bad this time, everyone felt he could be forgiven.

What evil intentions could a dog have? x2.

The property management didn't want the knight, but many people wanted him. However, too many people reached out, making it hard to choose.

Family A had experience keeping pets, but already had two cats and a dog. Would adding another one lead to serious territory disputes at home? Would he not get enough love from the owners?

Family B had never raised a pet before and wanted to find a playmate for their child. But the child could be careless and hurt the dog. Even if that didn't happen, there would inevitably be some friction, and the parents would likely give up first.

Family C was a young couple without children, with one cat. They wanted to have both a cat and a dog, and seemed like good people. But they left for and returned from work very late every day. The cat was fine alone, but the dog needed walks.

The security guard complained to Jian Jing as if he was marrying off his daughter, dissatisfied with everyone.

Jian Jing: "..."

She fed the knight a large chicken leg.

The knight wagged his tail, very well-behaved.

Security guard: "Teacher Jian, having a dog yourself when you live alone isn't bad."

With a father-in-law mindset, he had examined every homeowner in the community and finally decided Jian Jing was suitable: she really liked the knight and would treat him well; she had money to feed him properly and could afford the vet so she wouldn't abandon him over minor issues; she was single and far from getting married, let alone having a child, so she had no reason to abandon the dog.

It had to be you!

"The knight is very obedient, what happened last time was just an accident!" He touted enthusiastically like a matchmaking uncle or aunt, "He pees and poops in fixed locations, doesn't bark randomly, doesn't chew furniture, and is very cooperative with a muzzle."

Under the sweet talk, Jian Jing was indeed moved.

When not working on a case, her stance was usually not very firm. A little coaxing by a salesperson would make her buy several pieces of clothing. She would buy every lipstick color that was said to look good on her...

"Let me think about it."

Getting a pet was no small matter. She would be responsible for a life from then on, so Jian Jing inevitably struggled over the decision.

She asked Jiang BaiYan, "Is it troublesome to raise a pet? What if it makes a mess, would you feel like hitting it?"

Jiang BaiYan was horrified, "Teacher Jing, they're so cute, how could you bear to do that?"

Jian Jing said coldly, "I can." Then warned him, "Tell the truth."

Jiang BaiYan obediently changed his words: "It's not too bad. At most it would scratch up a sofa, pee on the bed, chew up your clothes, hide and startle you..."

Jian Jing sighed.

"But those are all minor issues. If the sofa breaks, just buy a new one. Prepare more sheets and change them often. As for clothes, they go out of season anyway, just buy a couple extra of what you like." As a big star, he had mastered persuasion skills. "Money is easy to earn, but the happiness it brings can't be bought."

Jian Jing was moved.

Jiang BaiYan went on earnestly, "Also, like I said before, it's too lonely at your place. Some liveliness would be good. If someone's at home waiting for you, wouldn't you look forward to going home every day?"

There was a trap in those words, but what Jian Jing thought was: "You make sense. More people at home means more annoyance. More dogs is better."

Sharing a roof with someone, differences in values, habits, and outlooks on life would undoubtedly cause many unhappy fights as they tried to accommodate each other. Dogs didn't have this problem.

Who would feel completely exasperated just because a dog had different living habits?

If it doesn't wipe its butt, that's to be expected. If it does wipe its butt, then it's the best dog in the world!

Jian Jing made up her mind, "That settles it."

Jiang BaiYan rarely faltered, but he had excellent psychological resilience and soon recovered, "Then let me go with you to the vet. We should do a checkup first."


The next day, he came over carrying Pudding.

He first touched the knight's head.

The knight shied away, watching him warily.

Jiang BaiYan was shocked, "It doesn't like me."

"You're not familiar yet." Jian Jing took the knight and guided it into the car, "Why did you bring Pudding too?"

He smiled, "It's due for deworming."

The two went to the vet together. The knight had a checkup and Pudding was dewormed. Afterwards they went next door to the groomer for a wash, groom and blow dry.

Pudding hated baths and let out piteous meows in the tub.

However, its owner was an actor.

"Pudding, my Pudding, where are you?" Jiang BaiYan pretended not to see it. "Pudding, where are you?"

Pudding: "Meow~"

Him: "Did you sneak off again, ignoring me on purpose?"

Pudding: "Meow meow meow~~"

Him: "Then I'll ignore you too. Really ignore you now."

Pudding: "Oh..."

Jian Jing was speechless, "Was that necessary?"

"Of course. They're very smart," Jiang BaiYan shared his experience. "So they also hold grudges."

She was at a loss for words.

Still, the knight wasn't as afraid of baths. After some initial restlessness, it started enjoying itself in the tub, eyes closed in comfort as the groomer slowly tended to its fur.

Taking this chance, Jiang BaiYan and Jian Jing started chatting privately: "Rose Gold has finished filming. If all goes smoothly, it could be released early next year."

Jian Jing asked, "What do you think?"

"Great movie," he peeled and ate a piece of guest candy with satisfaction. "I'm looking forward to winning awards already."

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You sure dare say that."

"Why not," Jiang BaiYan gave her a piece of candy too. "Don't you trust my judgment? I have great taste in choosing films."

Jian Jing: "I guess I trust you."

"You're just humoring me," he complained. "Have more faith in me. Look, didn't I handle things very well last time?"

Jian Jing half-jokingly said, "I suppose you did, almost fooled me completely."

Jiang BaiYan kept a straight face: "My acting is good, right?"

She just laughed and patted his head.

He dodged: "You have your good boy now."

Jian Jing withdrew her hand: "Stingy."

"I have an idol image to keep up too," Jiang BaiYan tidied his already neat hair in the mirror. "Pats are fine, but not free ones."

Jian Jing didn't take his bait and turned away, no pats if he didn't want them. Pudding's grooming was done, so she swiftly scooped up the panicked fat cat.

"Meow meow meow." Pudding was frightened and snuggled in her arms.

Jiang BaiYan: "My cat."

Jian Jing stroked the cat's head and smiled, "Try and take him if you can. You can have him back if you succeed."

Jiang BaiYan: "..."

He got up and went to the pet store, buying treats. Then he sauntered over to the knight getting groomed and started plying it: "Good knight, time for lunch. Not hungry? What a good, smart boy you are. You're so awesome."

The knight sat dignifiedly, eyes bright like black grapes.

"Let me pat you, just once, real quick." He coaxed the dog, "Just a little, just for a bit."

A person who could make it big in the entertainment industry and be well-liked had no need for overkill coaxing a mere dog. When Jian Jing's guard was down for a moment and she looked up from the cat, her new pet had already been coaxed away.

She: "Oh for f*(a common English expletive)"

Leaving the groomer, lunchtime had passed.

Jiang BaiYan said, "Let's eat together. I know a restaurant that allows pets."

"That would be bad if people saw us," Jian Jing declined. "You're a huge star."

Jiang BaiYan eloquently said: "We are not just two people, it doesn't matter if we get photographed. Also, that restaurant has pet menus, Knight and Pudding need to eat too."

Jian Jing thought he had a point: "Alright then."

"It's my treat." He put his hand on her back to guide her into the car, "Let's go, Pudding, Knight, we're going for dinner."

The restaurant wasn't far from the beauty salon, just a 15 minute drive. It was a villa converted into a restaurant, with a lawn of lush green grass.

Customers sat in groups of two or three dining, pets had their own menus, and could play with their little friends.

"Welcome, how many?" The waitress had a sweet smile.

Jiang BaiYan: "Two people, one cat and one dog."

"This way for four."

It was Jian Jing's first time at this kind of restaurant. She was surprised to see such a variety of pets that people had.

There were Indian runner ducks, micropigs, corn snakes, ferrets, ragdoll cats, macaws, Dutch rabbits... They were all treated as proper dining guests, with their own little tables and meals. It was very amusing.

"So cute." Jian Jing's hands itched to squeeze Pudding, "Oh I just want to pet them so much."

Jiang BaiYan moved two steps away, pretending to distance himself: "You're so naughty."

Jian Jing shot him a glare.

He shut up.

Sitting down at their seats, the waitress brought over menus, and moved over two pet chairs for Knight and Pudding to sit on. She then clipped their leashes onto locks, so they wouldn't run around and startle other guests.

The menu was all Western cuisine, with pets having the choice of dry food or raw.

Knight ate more raw food, so he got a plate of: steak, pork heart, chicken legs, Brussels sprouts, carrots, rabbit ears, and a bowl of milk.

Jian Jing thought: I should really get writing.

Having a dog is expensive.

Jiang BaiYan unabashedly ordered himself a seafood fried rice, pasta, and several deep fried items, drooling: "I've been craving carbs like crazy."

Jian Jing: "Take on a fat character role next time."

He rolled his eyes a little, muttering: "I still want to make money though."

"You can never earn enough money." Jian Jing said sincerely.

Jiang BaiYan calculated carefully: "More is still more. Just in case I lose popularity one day, I'd still have savings to rely on. There are so many expenses too. "

"That's true, money really doesn't stick around." Jian Jing recalled the rose gown, still feeling the heartache, "I should save more."

The serving waitress silently thumped her chest, choking up.

If I'm not wrong, one of you is a popular celebrity, the other a bestselling author. Your annual incomes start in the seven digits right?

Let a girl live.

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