The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Jian Jing just wanted to watch the excitement, but was caught as a conscript.

According to the officer in charge of this case, she was "admired for a long time", because although there were many enthusiastic citizens who assisted the police in solving cases, one with a 100% case solving rate who was also beautiful and had killed a serial killer was rare in other cities, Jian Jing was the only one in this city.

The other party flattered her: "This time it was thanks to you for your heroic effort, otherwise it would have led to greater casualties. This kind of spirit deserves everyone to learn from, and this behavior must be praised."

Jian Jing was so embarrassed that she exploded, and could only say, "It's what I should do, it's what I should do."

"So," the other party rubbed his hands, implying: "Assisting our investigation is the duty of every citizen. Since Teacher Jian was at the scene, why not..."

Jian Jing: "Oh."

The other party's face showed joy, striking up a rapport: "I'm Ji Feng's senior, several classes above him."

"Aren't all police graduates of public universities?" Jian Jing was full of questions.

"There are also transfers." The other party shook hands with her, "Let me introduce myself, my surname is Liu, Liu Wendao."

Jian Jing always felt something was wrong, but her attention had already been taken away by the case: "Officer Liu, shall we go take a look at the scene first?"

"Of course." Officer Liu regained his composure.

The two began to examine the scene.

This villa was separated from the restaurant next door by only one wall, but the restaurant connected two villas and was relatively large. This one had just over two hundred square meters, with two floors.

The layout was also simple, with a front yard and a back yard. The Tibetan Mastiff Courage had been tied up on the fence in the back yard beforehand.

Today the forensic team came together, so Jian Jing didn't need to get her hands dirty, just watch.

She also asked questions in passing.

"Was this a natural fracture?" She looked at the hairy wooden splinters of the broken surface.

The young forensic technician wore a mask, held tweezers in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other, extracting fibers from the smooth wooden railing: "From the texture of the fracture, it was indeed broken violently. Look, these are fabric fibers."

Being a backseat driver is happiness. Jian Jing asked, "Consistent with the pulling rope?"

The forensic technician nodded.

"Any other clues?" she asked again.

The forensic technician buried her head in hard work.

It was late November, with no snow yet, but the wind was cold enough. Jian Jing saw that she was thinly dressed and handed her a heat patch: "Don't freeze."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Under the mask, the forensic technician smiled, bending her willow eyebrows.

Jian Jing insisted on stuffing it into her pocket before going inside to listen in.

When she entered, she met a golden retriever.

She was about to squat down and rub the dog's head, but the golden retriever let out a "woof", tucked in its tail, and trotted away.

Jian Jing: "???"

She walked sullenly into the living room where Officer Liu was combing through the relationships between the residents - as stated above, skip over that. Go directly into today's action timeline.

The time of the incident was 13:15, and according to everyone's observation, Courage was still normal when Brother Xi walked him that morning.

There's video evidence.

"Hello everyone, I'm your Brother Xi. Yesterday Courage and I arrived in Heping City. Today's temperature is below ten degrees, a bit cold... Today I prepared lamb chops, beef bones and dried pumpkin for Courage. Courage, time to eat."

In the video, the majestic Tibetan Mastiff heartily ate meat and loudly drank milk (...), looking very spirited.

Brother Xi took out the quarantine certificate and health report: "This time in order to take the plane, I specifically applied for these certificates. He has received all required vaccinations and had a physical exam just last month, with no issues found."

Officer Liu frowned.

According to eyewitness descriptions, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly went mad, very much like rabies, but rabies has an incubation period, with symptoms before onset, such as hydrophobia.

But Courage played happily with water.

"Send it to the quarantine station and tell them to expedite testing." Officer Liu arranged the task.

Then he began to interview witnesses individually and ask for statements: "Did you see the deceased today? Did you notice anything abnormal about the Tibetan Mastiff?"

The first was Brother Xi. He said, "I fed Courage at 9 am, took him for a walk around, came back at 9:40, then stayed in the room editing videos. At 11 I ate lunch with everyone, at 11:30 I fed Courage his second meal, took a nap at 12, until I heard screams downstairs and woke up."

Officer Liu asked, "What did you feed the dog at noon?"

"Pork chops, beef heart, carrots and eggs."

"Did you prepare it yourself?"

Brother Xi: "It was bought together at the supermarket yesterday, just needed to be thawed today."

Officer Liu asked again, "What was your relationship with the deceased like?"

"Not familiar, just chatted a few times in the group." Brother Xi hesitated, "Don't listen to others gossiping, I did have an argument with Lao Mao, but that was because he refused to let Courage into the house, I was just worried about the dog."

Jian Jing asked, "What about the contract?"

Brother Xi tensed his face, hesitated for a long time, and said, "The A contracts on the platform are numbered, they had already talked to me, but Lao Mao took the initiative to offer a lower revenue share in exchange for the featured spot, so they gave it to him. Who wouldn't be upset about this?"

As he spoke, he suddenly got angry and indignantly said, "Forget about me, Lao Mao is just unethical in doing things. He said to bring us all here to shoot videos, but the props prepared in the villa were all for cats, barely any for dogs. The others didn't say anything but must have been cursing in their hearts too."

Jian Jing took note in her notebook to verify later.

The next was Sister Xuan who raised the oriental magpie robin Xuanfeng.

Her schedule was relatively simple: "I got up at 10 o'clock, played with my phone for a while, ate lunch with everyone at 11. At 11:30, I put on makeup to shoot videos, but my precious darling was very curious about the new environment and didn't cooperate. When I wasn't paying attention, it disappeared! I looked for it for a good half day before finding it next door."

She paused, also reflecting: "At first I thought it was scared by the restaurant's cats and flew next door. Now that I think about it, it must have been scared by Courage and escaped next door."

As soon as Officer Liu heard this, he immediately asked in detail: "What time did you start looking?"

Sister Xuan thought about it and vaguely said, "Around 12:40?"

"How did you look?"

"First on the second floor, then the third floor when not finding it there, still not there, so back to the first floor. At the door I ran into Mei Tan, who said he saw a shadow fly next door, so I tried my luck."

Officer Liu asked, "Did you go to the yard?"

Sister Xuan said, "No, I wanted to go next door first, then come back if it wasn't there."

"What was your relationship with Lao Mao like?"

"Pretty familiar online, we hyped each other up. Not very familiar with him in person." Sister Xuan grinned, "What Mei Tan said earlier was nonsense, I didn't have any private relationship with Lao Mao."

Jian Jing asked, "He said he saw you two together..."

Sister Xuan suddenly became unhappy: "Last night, in the middle of the night, he knocked on my door, saying he had a filming plan and wanted to discuss it with me. I didn't think too much of it and let him in to chat."

She had a look like seeing half a worm in an apple: "Who would have thought he actually said he wanted his cat to scratch my precious darling! Damn, I can't believe he could think of that, and got handsy, saying he could help promote me! Ugh!"

"Does this lady look like she lacks money?" The imperial sister glared in disdain.

Jian Jing: "......"

The deceased really didn't have good relations.

The third to give a statement was Brother Mei Tan.

He said, "I got up at 7, shoveled cat litter, went out for a stroll at 7:30, came back at 10, ready to cook. Around 10:20, Lao Mao also came down, insisting on cooking with me."

Officer Liu glanced at the takeout boxes that hadn't been taken away and asked, "You two cooked?"

"Cat food," Mei Tan explained. "It's all video material."

Jian Jing took out her phone and searched their videos.

Mei Tan was originally a food blogger, but food accounts are hard to grow. Strangely, because of the Siamese cat squatting next to him watching him cook, it became popular instead.

Viewers liked watching him cook with the cat, and also liked watching the cat eat. So very naturally Mei Tan became a pet blogger relying on cats for business.

And Lao Mao was a pet blogger from the start. Because Mei Tan became hot, he intentionally followed suit and specially made a series of videos on cooking cat food to teach cat owners how to feed their masters.

This made him blow up too.

One mountain cannot hold two tigers. Competition in pet accounts was already fierce to begin with, not to mention two people with such similar content. Mei Tan was squeezed badly, forced to jump platforms to another one, losing a large number of fans.

Back to the main topic.

"Then what?"

Mei Tan said, "Around 10:50, after we finished shooting the video, we had lunch together at 11. At 11:30, I went back to my room to edit the video, but the software crashed, so I was annoyed and decided to just go out for a walk."

"What time was that?"

"I left around 12:20, walked around the neighborhood, and bought some stuff. When I was on my way back, I ran into Sister Xuan. She was looking for her parrot," Mei Tan said.

"What time was that?"

"A little after 1 pm."

Jian Jing opened the drawing app on her phone and roughly sketched a floor plan.


..Dog tie. point...backyard..........



...........front yard..........

.....main gate...............

In short, it was a U-shaped layout, with buildings in the middle and three connecting courtyards around them.

The Tibetan mastiff was originally tied to the fence in the backyard, but it killed the old cat in the alley, ran to the main gate, and attacked Sister Xuan when she had just returned. It was subdued by Jian Jing.

"Did you see Courage at that time?" she asked.

Mei Tan: "No, I didn't go to the backyard."

"Did you hear any commotion?" Officer Liu asked with emphasis, "Think carefully."

Mei Tan frowned for a while, apologized and said, "I was preoccupied with editing the video at the time and didn't pay attention. I only heard Xiao Nuan scream, which was quite frightening."

Officer Liu asked, "I heard you and Lao Mao didn't get along well. How come you joined his gaming party?"

"There was competition before, so of course we didn't get along well," Mei Tan didn't hide the conflict between the two, "But now we are on different platforms, there isn't much major conflict. On the contrary, we need to communicate more - the competition between platforms is fierce, and we all want to find more outlets for ourselves."

The next one to be questioned was Xiao Nuan, the first witness of the Tibetan mastiff's attack.

She was still young and had never experienced such a thing. When questioned, her body kept shaking. Jian Jing poured her a cup of hot water to warm her hands. Xiao Nuan smiled, but looked even more distressed than crying.

Officer Liu slowed down his speech and spoke gently, "Don't be afraid, take your time and tell me what you did today?"

Xiao Nuan swallowed hard and stammered, "I, I got up at 8 o'clock, took Mao Mao out for a walk and breakfast. After returning, I was in my room making travel plans. Sister Xuan and I planned to visit some attractions tomorrow."

"What happened then?"

"The delivery arrived at 11. I went downstairs to eat. After eating, I made food for Mao Mao. Around 12, after I finished everything, I started shooting videos. Just before 1 pm, my milk tea arrived. I went to get it, but as soon as I stepped out, I heard sounds from the alley next door, and then..." She looked terrified, "I saw Courage, Courage was biting Lao Mao with blood all over his neck."

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