The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Cao Yu quickly calculated it in his mind and immediately gave the answer: “Monday is Mon, 131514.” After speaking, he looked up, and Jian Jing was no longer there.

She was holding a white candlelight and looking at the bloodstains behind the sofa: “Push the sofa back a little.”

Jiang BaiYan pushed the sofa hard, and a large patch of chaotic bloodstains appeared before everyone's eyes. The multiple bloody handprints dragging on the wall vividly reproduced the unwilling struggle of the deceased before his last breath.

"Oh my god."

"So much blood..."

"What on earth happened here?"

The female guests covered their mouths with flower-like appearances. The male guests showed surprised expressions and were shocked.

Jian Jing's acting skills were not up to par with these professional artists, and she looked confused.


After the broadcast, horror movie BGM was edited in, and close-ups were made of everyone.

Comment 1: The new person is not at all into it, how awkward.

Comment 2: Normal people's awkwardness, the stars are too exaggerated.

Comment 3: Stop arguing, the new lady is a reasoning writer, of course she's seen a lot of bloody photos. The stars who have never seen it before will of course be afraid.

Comment 4: New lady +1 goodwill, she decoded the password so fast, her mind is so clear.

Comment 5: New person: Should I pretend to be scared to fit in?



Jian Jing did not keep up with the variety show effect of the guests, and no matter how much she pretended to be surprised, she could not pretend well, she could only say: "There is so much blood, it disappeared into the carpet, this is unscientific."

She squatted on the ground and lifted the cheap red carpet.

Sure enough, there were residual bloodstains at the junction of the wall and the floor. In the cracks of the wooden floor, a mottled brown stain could also be seen.

"Someone was seriously injured, possibly in the thigh or abdomen, and escaped here covering the wound and died." She stated her inference, but was not entirely certain.

There were certain differences between the real scene and the arranged scene. If the production team was not diligent, it was hard to say if they had treated this place as a crime scene.

Han Bo asked, "Why is it the thigh or abdomen?”

"Wasn't he killed here with so much blood?" Zheng Keyan also raised questions.

"The handprints are too low. I'm not tall. Even if I lean against the wall, it's at least one meter high." Jian Jing demonstrated in person, "These handprints are too short, more like crawling over, and only the bloodstains from dragging can leave continuous traces in the cracks of the floorboards. The bloodstains left by walking are all dripping, just like when you flick water, the bloodstains are not continuous."

She paused and said again: "This should not be the first scene. Losing so much blood, considering it was a sharp weapon, such as a knife, axe, etc. When injured, a large amount of blood splatter will be sprayed due to the internal pressure of the body, it can even splash to the ceiling, but there is no such trace in this room."

"Ah..." The guests looked at each other and politely complimented, "You are so amazing."

The atmosphere was a little subtle.


After the broadcast.

Comment 1: Bringing in the newcomer was a big blunder by the program team, completely destroying the atmosphere.

Comment 2: Yes, out of place, as if she's the only smart one?

Comment 3: Stop arguing, I still prefer the original team.

Comment 4: Sour grapes, is it so hard to admit your idol is not good enough? It's very normal that she can't compare to someone who makes a living through reasoning, ordinary people won't think stars are stupid because of this.

Comment 5: I got tired of stars screaming all the time long ago. Finally there is someone seriously doing reasoning, and she gets scolded like this, destined to become popular sooner or later...



After half an hour of recording the show, Jian Jing knew that she had screwed up.

She swore that she did not intend to steal the limelight at all - arguing with stars was looking for death - she only answered when asked. But it seemed there was no difference, her words were full of a show-off flavor.

This made Jian Jing feel embarrassed, and even a little guilty.

Her skills were not learned through hard work, but rather a system plug-in, bullying others with a golden finger was more or less improper.

With this complicated mentality, she decided to keep a low profile as much as possible going forward.

"According to what you said, the dead person should be a guest. The owner killed the guest and destroyed the corpse to cover up the crime." Cao Yu, as the military adviser, had always controlled the overall rhythm. "Is there any information about the guest in the registration form?"

Zheng Keyan casually said, "Their names have been crossed out, only the room numbers left."

Cai Tonger was unwilling to fall behind: "Should we go upstairs and take a look?"

"The key cabinet is open, there are a few keys here." Cao Yu took out the key ring and checked the labels on it, "No guest rooms, only living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, storage room and other places."

Jiang BaiYan said, "Let's not go upstairs, it's scary upstairs..."

The last two words had not yet come out when suddenly, there was a "rattle" sound coming from the stairs, as if countless marbles were rolling down the stairs, pinging and ponging as they fell to the floor, big and small marbles falling on a jade plate.

"Ah!" Jiang BaiYan let out a small exclaim and quickly shrank to the side.

He hid behind Jian Jing.

Jian Jing: "..." Having the illusion that she has the back of a tiger and the waist of a bear.

The others also shrank back more or less, looking at the stairs in doubt and apprehension.

Tick, a marble rolled down, followed by another, and another, gurgling and bouncing on the steps, like a lively child skipping down the stairs.

Dead silence.

"Hehe." A child's laugh came from upstairs, "Hehehe, come play."

Cai Tonger pressed both hands to the sides of her head, afraid in an adorable way.

Han Bo: "Um... were there any kids among the guests?"

"No, kids don't need to be registered right?" Zheng Keyan replied.

"Let's not go upstairs for now." Cao Yu cleared his throat, "The guests may have already become..."


Everyone unanimously agreed to search the first floor first.

On the left and right sides of the lobby were two doors that could be opened with keys. The door on the left led to the living room, and the door on the right led to the dining room and kitchen.

After discussing, they decided to go to the living room first.

Cao Yu inserted the key, turned it, and slowly, slowly pushed open the old door.

"Creak", the door made a harsh sound.

In the dim light, a sea of yellow talismans came into view.

"So many talismans pasted." Zheng Keyan knew this was the safe house, and became bolder, "They should all be for exorcism. The owner did evil deeds and was afraid the ghosts would come for him."

Jiang BaiYan always took a different approach than arguing over analysis with them, specializing in finding character settings: "There is a small generator here with operating instructions on it."

Everyone gathered around.

Operating Instructions: This is a mini generator that can supply a small amount of electricity to maintain simple lighting. Only the correct commands can start it.

Below was a line of scribbled words: With no heart for this body, the lone tree has ascended the hall, silk strands wither in the drought, why still tearful?

"Teacher Jingjing, who wrote this poem?" Jiang BaiYan asked in a low voice.

Jian Jing: "The program team."

He: 0.0

"This is a password, right." Cai Tonger said, "There are three buttons, red, yellow, and blue, no relation at all."

"Isn't no heart 0?" Zheng Keyan immediately proposed a different opinion, "Lone tree is 1, silk strands is 0.5?"

Cai Tonger retorted: "The buttons have no numbers."

"Red is 0, blue is 1, yellow in the middle is 0.5." Zheng Keyan reacted very quickly.

Jian Jing couldn't help it: "These are the three primary colors."

"I know." Han Bo chimed in, "The three primary colors make up all colors."

"It's also unrelated to numbers." Zheng Keyan flicked her hair, "I feel we shouldn't overthink this, thinking too much can get confusing, the answer may be very simple."

Jian Jing: "I'll go check out other places."

Jiang BaiYan followed her, and Han Bo also knew he was not the best choice for brainstorming, so he continued his rummaging.

"There's a fridge here." He soon found supplies, "There's water, chips, chocolate..."

Jiang BaiYan pushed open a door, inside was an overly tidy bathroom. He introduced to Jian Jing: "This room should be the safe house, ghosts can't come in, we can eat and use the toilet."

It was fine until he mentioned eating, then Jian Jing really felt hungry.

She peeled a chocolate, held it on her tongue and let it melt, then joined in on rummaging around.

Han Bo was experienced and quickly found a hidden compartment in the bedside table, taking out a diary.

Cao Yu, Zheng Keyan, Cai Tonger were studying the generator, while she, Han Bo and Jiang BaiYan read the diary together.

"They've come again, still not giving up! The old Taoist said I've done too many evil deeds, the vengeful spirits have come to take my life. Hmph, as if I believe that, when alive they were no match for me, what can they do when dead? If I could kill them once, I can kill them a second time. That old Taoist didn't dare do anything, so I'll find a way myself."

"Damn it, the talismans can't suppress that group anymore. Every midnight, they start wandering on the second floor, scaring the guests so much none dare to stay any longer. F*ck, they actually dare to ruin my business!"

"Heh, went to the temple to find a monk, and the monk asked if I had done any conscienceless deeds. I've done them so what? Arson, murder, burglary, building bridges to hide the bodies! If they passed by my door, they deserved to die by my hands! On what basis can they make a fortune while I'm stuck guarding this dump?"

"F*ck, business is completely gone, sitting and eating the mountain empty is not a solution. But they're getting more and more fierce, at first they could only make noise at night and disturb sleep, but in recent days, things in the shop have mysteriously changed places for no reason, they can already touch people now? That day I was patted on the shoulder and it hurt for several days. If this continues, won't they come to my room to kill me? No, I have to find a way."

"Spent a lot of money and finally squeezed some real stuff out of the old Taoist: they have already become fierce ghosts. To completely suppress them, the Seven Star Demon Subduing Rite must be used to truly trap them here forever without rebirth."

The three were engrossed in reading and did not pay attention to the situation over at Cao Yu’s side.

They had already found clues to crack the password.

Here is a poem riddle: With no heart attached to this body, "no heart" means without a heart, "attached" below means a purple radical; A lone tree has entered the hall, a tree and "enter" together make the character for orange; Silk strands dry up the flowing stream, half of "silk strands" is twist silk, "dry up" means no water, twist silk plus "record" makes green; Tears, how can they still flow? Take the three water dots out of "flow", leaving the character for mysterious, which is black.

Cao Yu analyzed the process in detail: "Purple, orange, green, black, according to the proportions of the three primary colors, red blue, red yellow, blue yellow, red yellow blue, try pressing them in order."

Cai Tonger pressed the switches in sequence.

Success, the lights in the room lit up.


After the broadcast, the barrage section welcomed another wave of peaks.

Barrage 1: Of course it's the three primary colors, I knew it, this is elementary school knowledge!

Barrage 2: If you're so capable, why don't you go on the show? Keyboard warriors are useless.

Barrage 3: The newbie already said it, isn't that capable enough?

Barrage 4: Capable my ass, you know but didn't say it, just want to watch others embarrass themselves?

Barrage 5: Selfish

Barrage 6: If she showed off her knowledge, she's arrogant; if she didn't say it, she's selfish. The newcomer can't do anything right in your eyes. Only the main characters are awesome, huh?

Barrage 7: Whatever you say, I'm stanning the newbie girl!



In fact, the atmosphere at that time was not bad at all, contrary to the barrage war.

After the lights came on, Jian Jing and others shared the diary with the other three. They basically confirmed the key to this task: find seven copper coins, set them in formation, and suppress the resentful spirits.

But they each had different opinions on whether to follow through.

"This is unfair," Cai Tonger said. "They were killed by the boss and have to be trapped here forever. Too pitiful."

Zheng Keyan rarely agreed with her: "Yeah, can't they cross over? Do we have to suppress them?"

Han Bo said, "Although they were wronged, they've become fierce ghosts now. Fierce ghosts harm people. If we don't suppress them, they'll keep harming people."

Jiang BaiYan: "Let's find the coins first, we don't necessarily have to suppress them if we can persuade them to turn back."

"We can look for other options, maybe there's a way to cross them over," Cao Yu mediated. "If we can't find one, then we'll use this method. After all, our safety comes first."

Jian Jing watched them argue.

She could see that they didn't really disagree. Their attitudes were probably exaggerated for the show effect.

For example, Zheng Keyan and Cai Tonger reaching a consensus was likely to highlight the kindness of women. Han Bo's coldness wasn't real cruelty either, but a display of rationality.

No script, yet they were all acting.

"Jingjing, what do you think?" Zheng Keyan timely brought Jian Jing into the conversation so no one felt left out.

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