The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 463-464: Two People Who Have Very Bad Relations with Others; Snowy Night

Chapter 463-464: Two People Who Have Very Bad Relations with Others; Snowy Night

463: Two People Who Have Very Bad Relations with Others

Who knew if it was because W Xiu, was a jerk or not, but seeing him lose to Feng Wu made many of the students, who were often on the receiving end of his anger, look at the scene with a happy expression.

There were some criticisms of his martial art skills, about his domineering and unreasonable personality, and the fact that he often resorted to using his fists whenever he had a disagreement with someone. His fights often landed the other party in bed for days, months, or even longer. He was a shady and ruthless guy who often took his lackeys to teach anyone who disagreed with him a bitter lesson.

After considering it all, was it any wonder he was unpopular with the boys? The boys resented W Xiu and the girls resented Shamei.

If I were to say it, W Xius biggest fault isnt his temper; its his eyes. He has lousy vision if he cant see how fake Shamei is.

Shamei was their fifth years class flower but she was a black hearted white lotus. Her interactions with the other girls did not highlight her beauty or kindness in anyway.

As much as W Xiu failed as a man amongst the boys, Shamei failed as a woman amongst the girls. Except for a few other brain-dead white lotuses who were attracted to Shamei, who was also a white lotus like them, none of the other girls liked Shamei. Their faces were never good when she was around.

I really dont see what you men see in Shamei. Other than her face and that attitude of hers as though shes being wronged at every turn, what the heck is so attractive about her?! said a girl angrily. She and Shamei werent in the same class, but it didnt stop Shamei from doing her wrong.

She had just begun to properly date her boyfriend at the time when Shamei entered the picture. Somehow or other, after becoming friends with her boyfriend, Shamei framed her and made her look like a jealous and intolerant woman who was trying to harm a fellow student.

She wasnt the type to degrade herself for a guy, so several fights later, she broke it off with him.

Naturally she hated Shamei. The worst thing of all was how Shamei wasnt even interested in her boyfriend. No, Shamei just enjoyed having men be obsessed with her and having them force their girlfriends to lose face for her.

Of course, Shamei would never say something like that out loud. These deductions were made by her victims. It was because of this understanding that the girls affected by Shamei hated her so much.

Well said, well said. Men are so stupid. A few tears and a few aggrieved glances are all it takes to confuse them. Men really are beasts who only think with their lower parts!

Yeah, you say it girl.

Shamei, that type of girl, I can only wish her a good death!

A group of boys silently retreated to the side. They didnt feel Shamei had done anything wrong, and had in fact been very caring to her juniors and fellow classmates who were bullied by W Xiu. If not for her, W Xiu would have surely bullied people even harder.

A fourth-year boy couldnt stand it and decided to speak up for Shamei. Youre jealous of Miss Shamei. She is the kindest and most gentle girl Ive ever met. Shes nothing like what you say!

The boy was a magician with average strength in the fourth-year Magic division. He had the bad luck of meeting and being taught a bitter lessen by W Xiu once. Fortunately Shamei passed by and was kind enough to give him medicine and told W Xiu not to give him anymore trouble.

And though W Xiu still found him and beat him up every now and again, with each successive encounter more fierce than the last, Shamei always rushed to his aid each time. He had a lot of gratitude toward Shamei because of this.

Another dope blinded by beauty.

The girls stared at the fourth-year brother disdainfully. This kind of guy who was easily led by the nose was the worst.

No, thats not true. . .  He shared his encounters with Shamei, hoping to cleanse her reputation from the vilification of the girls.

After telling his story, the boy came to the conclusion. Miss Shamei is a good person. She came to save me every time!

Thats right. Miss Shamei helped me too! If it werent for her, I dont know how I would have handled W Xiu!

Yeah, same here!

Me as well. . . 

A chorus of support rose up from other boys eager to share their stories about being rescued. The other guys nearby sighed. Shamei truly was a kind and gentle soul.

The fourth-year magician looked to the girls, hoping they would apologize for slandering his goddesss name, but he was in for a shock.

Never mind an apology, the girls couldnt even contain their laughter.

Ah my god, youre such a fool. . . 

Im laughing so hard, Im crying here! These guy gets sold out and hes actually grateful for it!

Ha, ha, I cant even!

The girls disdainful laugh angered the boys.

What do you mean by that?! Youre all just jealous women! Jealous that Miss Shamei is such a wonderful person. How can you have the heart to destroy her reputation?!

All right, lets think about this a bit then. Wasnt it that after each time Shamei helped you, W Xiu would beat you up even more severely than the previous time? Every time she went to you, you were made even more miserable, explained one of the girls who managed to stop laughing enough to talk.

Now that the boys thought about it, it did seem to be the case.

Thats just a coincidence! W Xiu likes teaching people lessons, even Sister Shamei cant stop him every time. The retort came from a Shamei fan who was unconvinced by this reasoning.

OK, let me say one more thing then. W Xiu likes to bully people, thats a fact, but as long as you dont do anything in particular to offend him, he wont go after you tenaciously. Go ahead, ask other people who have been bullied by him. Would he go out of his way to find them and bully them like he with did you?

The boy turned his head and looked to the other guys in the crowd who had also been victims of W Xius bullying. It was true, W Xiu only bullied them if they accidently met up, but otherwise he wouldnt go out of his way to track them down just to bully them.

Only the boys treated by Shamei got the special treatment.

Hearing this, the boys faces turned bad. They never expected the senior sister who they had so much gratitude towards was actually the one who made them into targets.

If she was really kind and wanted to help you, she wouldnt have gone about it in the way she did. She knows W Xius temperament. How could she not know the kinder she was to you, the more W Xiu would target you?

The answer is shes always known. She just really likes watching guys fight for her. She enjoys pretending to be a Madonna in front of outsiders who dont know any better, so that brainless men like you guys will like her. Its her MO. And you consider her a goddess, tch.

The girls snorted coldly as they glanced at the guys standing stunned by the revelation. The girls flicked their sleeves, turned around, and left. It could be considered a good deed for the day if they made Shamei fans see her for what she really was.

464: Snowy Night

Back to Feng Wu. . . 

Feng Wu ended her days of eating dry food now that she found Ink. She was finally able to enjoy the grilled fish that weighed on her mind since she caught them.

Inks skills were good and the grilled fish came out great. Feng Wu stuffed a dozen fragrantly cooked fish in her tummy then washed it all down with a few bowls of fish soup. The two friends ate well. It was a wonderful feeling to feast on such warm food in the middle of the cold snow.

Feng Wu was very conscientious and gave half the fish to Ink, which in turn embarrassed him a little.

It was true, there were a lot of fish on the mountain, but they were really hard to catch. He knew because he had tried several times himself. He could swear the fish here swam faster than rabbits on land. More often than not, the fish disappeared before he could even make a move.

Seeing Feng Wus huge catch was already a shock to his heart. He didnt expect to get half her inventory just for helping her cook them. There were a lot of fish OK. Catching fish was much more difficult than prepping and cooking them. He kept grilling and grilling and once done only took a third of the pile, returning the rest back to her.

Feng Wu gave him a strange look, as though she didnt understand why he would return food, but she accepted and placed them back in her storage space.

Visibility dropped dramatically when snow suddenly began coming down. Their fire was snuffed out under the heavy pile of white that accumulated, so they decided to turn go to their respective tents and rest in order to prepare for the early dawn tomorrow.

They had climbed up the mountain but there was still the matter of climbing down the other side.

The snow was coming down really hard so they had to clear the roof of the tent every so often to prevent it from collapsing under the weight.

Not everyone was lucky to have a tent to shelter from the wind and snow.

A girl was frozen stiff as she walked through the night against the elements. There was no place for her to shelter and she was becoming desperate. What could she do? She didnt want to freeze to death. She had gotten so far; she didnt want to stop now.

She pepped herself back up and kept trudging forward. Finally, she saw a faint light ahead.


She hurried forward toward the light. Under normal circumstances, she would never have rushed to a populated place, not after her ordeal with nearly being robbed. She had little faith in humanity and didnt trust her seniors or fellow classmates anymore. But circumstances demanded she try to reach out. If she didnt find help, she would die, and if she died, she would be disqualified. She didnt want to get herself in that situation.

She rushed forward and finally reached the tents. . . 

Ink never expected to meet a contestant that would ask for help. If he remembered correctly, the current challenge was an individual challenge that didnt rely on unity and friendship. They were all rivals. Asking a rival for help, was there something wrong with the girls brain?

But she looked so pitiful, Ink decided to ask if Feng Wu was willing to take her in. If Feng Wu wasnt, then he would drive the girl away.

Feng Wu was buried deep in her comforter asleep when Ink called her out. She opened her tent and stepped out to find a pitiful girl standing around in the heavy snow.

She looked bad with lips that were nearly purple. If it werent for her warm clothes, she would have definitely frozen to death and been ejected from the challenge already.

Its you! The girl spoke out in surprise when she saw who it was that walked out. If Feng Wu hadnt appeared when she did, the girl would have lost all her things to the three thieves.

Puzzled by the exclamation, Feng Wu wondered if they knew each other. She searched her memory before a familiar picture finally came to mind. Yes, she remembered where she had seen the girl now.

Xiao Wu, do you know her? Ink was a little surprised. If it was someone Feng Wu knew, then they would have to take the person in for the night.

I dont know her. We only met. Feng Wu said with a blank expression.

This made the girl think Feng Wu was angry at her for leading the robbers over and nearly getting Feng Wu robbed. But it wasnt her fault. And besides, after walking away, she was certain she saw Feng Wu ride off on the alpaca. So, it wasnt like the thieves succeeded.

Dont know each other, but have met before. . . 

Ink wasnt stupid. He figured out the girl must have met Feng Wu on the road, but other than that, they didnt have a relationship. So if the two werent familiar with each other, should they save the stranger? Ink decided to leave the decision up to Feng Wu. He explained to her that the girl wanted to spend the night with them and left it at that.

The girls eyes were expectant and bright. Feng Wu would definitely agree. They were both girls after all!

No, this is a competition. Feng Wu shook her head firmly. Jier had said everyone on the field was an opponent and she should not agree to help other people.

Feng Wu had nodded her head at the time.

Therefore, when this girl entered the arena, she became an opponent. Feng Wu wouldnt take the initiative to attack, but she wouldnt take the initiative to assist either. It was a rule Jier had asked her to abide by.

Naturally Feng Wu wouldnt break her promise in order to help a girl she had no relationship with.

OK, I got it. Ink thought the girl was pitiful, but this was a competition. You could certainly help each other out if you wanted to, but there was no obligation to do so. No one would fault anyone for it.

He wanted the girl to find someplace else to avoid the wind and snow, but before he could say a word, he noticed her looking at Feng Wu with such a look of resentment, as though Feng Wu had done something monstrous, that he was surprised.

Ink lost any sympathy he had for the girl. Who did she think she was, staring at Feng Wu like that? Like Feng Wu was some kind of hated enemy. Too unreasonable.

How can you do this? Were both girls. How can you bear to watch me freeze to death in this weather. This game is very important to me. Help me please! I know you hate me because of what happened last time with those robbers, but it wasnt my fault! I was a victim too! Why would you do this to me?!

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