The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 511-512: Feng Ye’s Father is. . . ; Xiao Ye's Past

Chapter 511-512: Feng Ye’s Father is. . . ; Xiao Ye's Past

511: Feng Yes Father is. . . 

A pity White never thought he and his disciple would travel to another world and get separated. He never told Feng Wu that two people who wanted to be together needed to have their respective parents come forward and betroth them. So in this regard, Feng Wu didnt have the same common sense others had.

In her mind, as long as Ming Xi agreed to be Xiao Yes father and marry her, they could be together as a family. It had not nothing to do with anyone else.

Father and son didnt think it was that simple. Ming Xi was a prince, and the future ruler of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom. His marriage announcement wouldnt be that simple.

Though the four emperors had a right to freely choose their spouses, it was impossible for any of them to choose a woman already with child.

Never mind the fact that no one would do such a thing. That kind of spouse wouldnt be accepted by a royal family.

Father and son were practically dying of sorrow upon learning it was Ming Xi. Feng Wu thought it was just between her and Ming Xi, but they knew it wasnt as simple as that.

Could the current Ancient Silver Moon emperor and his empress accept a daughter-in-law who already had a child with someone else before marriage?

If they firmly opposed, what could Feng Wu do?

It was heartbreaking. Tianhang felt like hed aged a few years.

It didnt really make sense, so the father and son angrily went to Ming Xi after the meal.

Ming Xi was studying the seal and had not expected to see Tianhang and Juntian. From the looks on their faces, it didnt look like it would be a good visit.

He knew who they were and had a good guess why they were there.

Uncle Feng, Big Brother Juntian, please have a seat. Ming Xi put down his book and stood up from his chair.

There is no need. We, father and son, are only here to ask Prince Ming Xi one thing. Though Tianhang had already formed an opinion about Ming Xi, he did not show it in his voice, because no matter how angry he was, the person he was speaking to was the future ruler of one of the great kingdoms on the continent.

Ming Xi was not someone his family could afford to offend.

Of course, Uncle Feng. Ming Xi replied with a smile good naturedly.

It was a light smile but beautiful and soft as the moonlight.

Unfortunately, neither father nor son were in the mood to appreciate it.

I heard that Your Highness and my houses Xiao Wu are becoming quite close? Tianghang began tactfully.

Yes, Xiao Wu and I are dating. Ming Xi didnt beat around the bush, but freely admitted his relationship with Feng Wu.

Your Royal Highness is so direct. We father and son shall also be as direct. Feng Juntian continued. My sister, Feng Wu, is an ordinary girl. Im afraid her identity will not match with Your Highnesss identity. Please, if you can, keep your distance from her.

Ming Xi frowned at this. Did I do something inappropriate?

No, Your Highness worried overly. It is simply that my little sister has many shortcomings and is not a worthy fit for Your Highness.

Tianhang stepped forward and said, Yes, I believe, with Your Highnesss status, it should not be difficult to find a young lady better than my daughter. My familys Xiao Wu is not suitable for royal life. Please Your Highness, let my daughter go.

No matter how good the women in this world are, they are not Xiao Wu. I wish to be with Xiao Wu. Ming Xi looked at both father and son seriously as he made his declaration.

What about your family? Will they accept Xiao Wu? Do you know that Xiao Wu has a child? Can you, as the future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, accept someone elses child? Juntian pushed.

Ming Xi smiled when he thought of the cute little dumpling. Xiao Ye is adorable. Royal Father and Mother will like him.

No matter how adorable Xiao Ye is, he is not a child born between Your Highness and Xiao Wu. Will the emperor and empress truly not mind? Tianhang didnt believe it.

If Juntian had brought a woman with child home and declared he wanted to marry her and raise her child, Tianhang knew perfectly well how angry he would be. It would have been strange if he didnt slap mother and son to death.

Could the emperor and empress of a kingdom accept something even he himself, who wasnt that high in status, couldnt accept? Not a chance!

They will not mind. Ming Xi declared definitively.

This is enough of your nonsense! Tianhang lost it. He cursed after hearing such a preposterous and irresponsible remark.

Father! Juntian pulled his fathers arm. This was the future Ancient Silver Moon kingdoms ruler. They couldnt scold him!

Tianhang knew what he said was offensive, but he didnt intend to apologize. If this man could fool around with his daughter, then he could damn well be scolded!

Ming Xi pretended not to hear. The other party was the father of the girl he liked, so he couldnt be angry.

Uncle Feng, Big Brother Juntian, do you know who Xiao Yes father is? Ming Xi asked abruptly.

We do not. Are you trying to say Xiao Ye is your son?! Juntians eyes widened in shock at the possibility.

Tianhang was also staring hopefully.

Ming Xi shook his head. No, I am not Xiao Yes biological father.

Since youre not, why did you ask us? Do you know who he is? Juntian guessed.

Ming Xi shook his head again. I do not know who Xiao Yes biological father is either.

Then what did you mean by mentioning it just now!? Was it fun to tease them like this?!

Father and son glared at Ming Xi, thinking he was doing this on purpose. This person was too bad. How could he joke about such an important matter? Everyone said Prince Ming Xi was warm and polite, that he knew when to advance and retreat, but it looked like whoever made those evaluations were deceived.

What I wanted to say was, Xiao Ye does not have a father.

The words were like a blast of thunder to Juntian and his father.

They had been trying to find out who assaulted Feng Wu for over two years now. It was something that had bothered everyone in the family. To actually hear Ming Xi say it, that Xiao Ye didnt have a father, it sounded like a joke. How could Xiao Ye exist without a father?

The only other possibility was the Motherhood fruit. Could Feng Wu have eaten it and become pregnant? But how could something like that have been possible? Xiao Wu knew what the fruit looked like. How could she have foolishly eaten one?

Both of you, please do not be surprised. I understood the truth after listening to the vice principals explanation. Ming Xi proceeded to retell the secret of Xiao Yes birth as it was related by the vice principal.

By the end of it, the two men walked out of Ming Xis temporary study with stunned expressions. Please, could someone explain to them how the elf king became a member of their Feng family? Too illogical!

The elf king had disappeared long ago, as far back as before the war between gods and demons in the ancient times. Everyone said he reverted back to the earth after sacrificing himself to strengthen the seal between heaven and earth.

512: Xiao Yes Past

According to legend, the elf king was a natural born god who was merciful, kind, and benevolent. He was the first god born in the world after the creator left. Except for the creators descendants, there wasnt another god more respected or venerable.

This noble existence exhausted all his strength in the war ten thousand years ago. It was not in the battle between gods and demons, but during an intrusion between worldly planes of existence.

The barrier between the planes had been destroyed and many extraterrestrial creatures entered, killing everything in sight.

The gods intervened and drove away the creatures, however the barrier enchantment remained damaged. This was when the elf king appeared. He came and used all his divine power to repair the enchantment and restore peace to the realm. He and all the other elves disappeared afterwards. The tree of life, which was the elf kings birth tree, also withered away.

Not a single elf had been spotted on the continent since. There were the occasional mixed elves, but no pure-blooded ones. It was like they existed in fairy tales and were now only found in the annals of history.

And yet Ming Xi was here telling them the elf king wasnt just alive, but had been reborn as a member of their Feng family!

A joke! It had to be a joke!

Xiao Yes past was too shocking. They had to try really hard to calm themselves down.

Feng Wu felt they were acting strangely. They visited her when they had nothing to do and often asked to see Xiao Ye so she would bring him out of her space ring for them. Originally, she kept Xiao Ye inside and only brought him out when she was free, but with two more babysitters, she was able to bring him out more often.

Anyone else would have wondered if the sudden interest was because of some conspiracy. But with Feng Wu, the thought never crossed her mind. The girl was just happy someone else could help look after Little Bun.

Though Little Bun didnt like to cry, he was super clingy. And ever since he started talking, he was an incessant chatterbox and constantly asked questions.

Feng Wu was not a talkative person, but now she had a baby who loved to ask questions. He was quick becoming someone she wanted to avoid.

Er, can Baby be quiet for a little bit? was a constant refrain.

Now with her brother and father in the picture, Feng Wu felt a freer. Even when she slept, there was someone to watch her baby. There was none of the noise from all his questions.

She expressed her satisfaction and welcomed her two new babysitters.

Now that they knew Xiao Yes identity, Tianhang and Juntian stopped worrying about the royal family not liking Feng Wu. Instead they began discussing Feng Wus dowry.

Feng Wu still had no idea about any of it. She only new Little Bun came from her. Other than that, his identity was unimportant.

When Feng Wu told Ming Xi about her father and brothers strange behavior, he had touched her head and smiled. Then he hugged her and said, Xiao Wu, we will get married after you graduate.

This made Feng Wu frown.

But that will be many years from now. Thats too long. Ill be an old maid by then.

There wasnt a single girl who lived at the foot of Yuehua mountain who wasnt married by the time she was in her twenty. Feng Wu was going to be twenty in a few years; she would be an old maid.

Can we get married sooner?

Ming Xi helplessly wondered if she shouldnt be more shy. She really did dare say anything.

. . . 

It wasnt long before the Blood clan launched an all-out war against humanity. They were fighting every day and the Blood Moon forest lived up to its name.

The smell of blood grew stronger as the days passed, with casualties mounting on both sides. Feng Wu was assigned to the rear and did not see action in the front lines at all.

Many second-year students were assigned to the rear as support personnel. They were tasked with taking care of the wounded, cooking and delivering meals. It didnt sound like much but it was still busy every day.

Feng Wu had no option but to keep Little Bun in the space ring. He stayed inside for several days without once coming out; fortunately though, Little White was there to take care of him so he wouldnt go hungry.

Feng Wu knew several of the other girls who were also assigned the same work: Feng Ting, Feng Yanran, Yi Lin, Jasmine, Annika, Xi, Diane, Ai Lin, Zi Cheng, Yifu and Zi Cheng's new friend Nelly. The list went on and on...

Zo would have been so surprised if he saw Nellie,the female saint who had been brainwashed by the system into loving Zi Cheng. The poor girl had destroyed her beloved family because of Zi Chengs favorability system, and by the end of the era, she absolutely hated Zi Cheng with every fiber of her being.

Zo had promised Nellie he would stop her from getting close to Zi Cheng and repeating the same mistake that led to her tragic fate.

This time around, although the timing happened later, the two girls still met, and it was obvious from their interaction they were good friends.

Ai Lin was watching the girls as well. She was trying to think how to stop Nellie from falling into Zi Chengs hands.

Rui Baby was nestled atop Feng Wus head, flapping his wings every now and again. He had no interest in the war between humans and bloods.

Feng Wu was focused on washing the vegetables. After experiencing her cooking once, no on in the group dared try it again. They would rather go hungry and eat grass than eat her cooking. They wouldnt have to worry about the bloods killing them; they would probably die from food poisoning.

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