The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 605-606: Hong Village; Man-Eating Lake

Chapter 605-606: Hong Village; Man-Eating Lake

605: Hong Village

Baby! Youre back! Feng Wu felt a weight on her head and immediately knew Rui Baby was back from playing in the spirit world.

Baby! So, your name is Baby. Baby come over and call me Brother. Listen to me and Ill buy you some delicious meat! Zhao Yang smiled like an idiot.

Feng Wu glanced at Zhao Yang then calmly looked away.

Who are you? You actually want to be this babys brother? This baby can practically be your ancestor! You cant handle it. To dare try to bribe this baby with food, you clearly dont want to live anymore! Rui Baby kicked Zhao Yang in his drooling face.

Ouch, ouch! I made a mistake! Im so sorry! Zhao Yang, who was just kicked in the face, quickly begged for mercy. In front of such a cute little thing, he had no will to fight.

Feng Wu calmly ignored the two of them chasing each other beside her. She walked forward a few steps toward the lake in front. It was a small lake with tiny fish swimming around. Feng Wu stretched her hand wanting to play with the fish, when suddenly a strong suction force yanked her forward. . . 

After Rui Baby felt hed beat Zhao Yang enough, he turned to look for Feng Wu only to find shed disappeared. Where did she go?

Rui Baby and Zhao Yang looked around in confusion. She was there just a minute ago. They called out her name, but only got the cold wind blowing in their faces as a response. Feng Wu had disappeared like Han Xia.

Feng Wu felt someone patting her face and calling out to her. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw Han Xiao. Beside her was another gentleman wearing a pair of silver-framed glasses.

The glasses shouldnt have appeared in the world at the time, but a world traverser named Longze-Jiamoer passed by 5,000 years ago. His appearance caused many things, such as glasses, that should not have appeared to appear.

Oh, thank goodness. Xiao Wu, youre finally awake. Are you uncomfortable anywhere? Han Xia was worried.

Im fine. What is this place? Why am I here? Feng Wu asked uncertainly.

This is Hong village. As for why you are here, I think you probably came through the lake, same as me and my brother. Han Xia glanced at Han Jiang in embarrassment as she said this.

Han Jiang sighed slightly. If there was an annual list of pit brothers and sisters, his sister would definitely rank first.

Back home, when she wrote her romance novels, she would often base her characters on him. The characters would yell things like, I love you! every day. Han Jiang got goosebumps just looking at the lines.

He could bear with the whole writing romance novels bit as long as his name wasnt used.

A pity, as time progressed, and his sister got better at being a pit sister, her love of words shifted from hetero romance to gay love, which then changed to sadomasochism. Through all of it, she somehow managed to use his likeness for all the gay novels and turned him into a little shou.

Colleagues who read her novels began to wonder if he was gay and into rough play. Now some of his good-looking male colleagues chatted him up incessantly, to the point he began to wonder if he was, in fact, gay.

As far as pit sister attacks went, hers were very good.

To stop the craziness that was his sister, he convinced his best friend to let her work in the file processing department at Star Marshall hall.

Unexpectedly this great sister, even after entering Star Marshall hall and becoming a clerk, was still able to cheat him ruthlessly. He ended up having to rewrite all her files, and that was only the start. Afterwards, she wanted to find out the truth behind the disappearance of Hong village, so she pulled him into that as well. He was dragged to the old village site.

His sister gravitated toward the nearby lake, wanting to play near it. He wanted to pull her back at the time, but unexpectedly, ended up being sucked into this sealed world. Who did he offend? How did he end up with and such a pit sister? It was tiring just thinking about it.

He was annoyed but he couldnt bear to get angry at her. They were orphaned when he was fifteen and she was eight. Since then, as the elder brother, he had been taking care of her, taking on the role of both parents for the past ten years.

His little sister was a handful, but she had a good heart. At least she knew to feel guilty when she did something wrong.

Feng Wu rubbed her forehead and thought about what just happened carefully. The last thing she remembered was playing near the water by the lake. It looked like she was yanked forward by something before losing consciousness.

This is Hong village? The village that disappeared? Feng Wu frowned.

Thats right. This is Hong village, the same one that disappeared. Dont believe it? Well it turns out, Hong village was sealed and while people can enter, they can not leave. When I tell the boss, hell definitely look at me with new eyes haha. . . 

Imagining the scene of her being praised made Han Xia giddy.

Hahahah, stop your runaway thoughts right there. Were trapped here and dont know how to get out. You still want to be praised? Dream less and think harder! Han Jiang slapped his sister on the forehead. Could this girl pay attention to the situation please?

Thats right, we cant get out right now. No matter what a great job Ive done, the boss will never know! The fact knocked Han Xia down. She slapped her head with the palm of one hand. What an unreasonable world.

We cant get out? Feng Wu frowned. She still wanted to see Xiao Ye, her master and Ming Xi.

If we had a way, we would have left a long time ago. Lets go to our place for now. The villagers here are pretty good. They didnt reject us outsiders coming in here by accident. The even gave us provisions and a thatched hut to stay in. Its not big, but its good enough for three people.

Feng Wu followed them to their temporary lodgings. It was a dilapidated thatched hut that was just serviceable as shelter against the wind and rain. At least they wouldnt have to be miserable and sleep outside.

Along the way back, the siblings greeted the villagers amiably. The villagers were all good people with a warm, welcoming attitude. None of them expressed any hostility at Feng Wus arrival.

606: Man-Eating Lake

Hong village was isolated from the world and people couldnt leave. The only way to get news about the rest of the world was from those who entered accidentally. Because of this, the villagers were very welcoming of outsiders.

At the thatched hut, Han Xia wanted to pour water and cook something for Feng Wu, but was stopped before she started.

As a food lover, Feng Wu could do without anything but food. Her storage space was filled with good things to eat. She took out two roasted chicken legs and some fish to grill.

In the three days since the siblings entered the village, their diet consisted of simple vegetarian dishes the villagers shared with them. It was an isolated village after all. The only sources of meat came from the few low-level beasts raised by the villagers. It was the kind of meat commonly found on dining tables across the continent.

The beasts were ordinary beasts with no innate qualities, but they were tasty and suitable for eating. Many ordinary folks raised these kinds of beasts themselves with any leftovers generally put up for sale.

Animals raised for their meat wasnt expensive, but in this isolated village, they were precious. The villagers didnt usually eat meat and only slaughtered animals on special occasions. At that time, a little bit of meat would be shared amongst all the families and everyone would eat happily.

All this is to say, the siblings hadnt had any meat to eat since arriving in the village. So, after sharing in Feng Wus bounty, they felt alive again.

Theres no meat to eat here. Im a carnivore; I cant stay here forever. I definitely wont last! Han Xia hugged the hand she used to hold the chicken to her chest. She sucked on the bones again and again, reluctant to let them go, knowing there may not be anymore after.

Dont be discouraged; well get out of here. Han Jiang patted his sister on the head trying his best to comfort her.

In fact, he wasnt sure they could leave. The villagers had been trapped inside for twenty years. Star Marshall hall sent people to investigate several times over the years, but nothing new was ever found. Unless the hall could figure out the mystery of the lake, it wouldnt matter how powerful the person they sent to investigate was, they wouldnt be able to find the village.

Brother, did you wash your hands? Han Xia, no longer sad, slapped her brothers hand away. How dare he touch her head with his greasy hands. He must have done it on purpose. The jerk.

The news of Feng Wus disappearance spread to the Star temple. Including the Han siblings, Feng Wu was now the third person to disappear. Did they experience the same phenomenon that happened in the village twenty years ago?

Jier volunteered to investigate when he learned about Feng Wus disappearance.

Jier walked around the site several times, but failed to find anything unusual.

Rui Baby blinked his round eyes. The water, there might be something wrong with the water in that lake.

What, did you find something? Jier asked as he approached Rui Baby.

I remember Xiao Wu walking towards the lake before disappearing. So there must be something wrong with it.

Are you sure she was heading that way? Jier asked.

Rui Baby nodded his head, absolutely certain he was not mistaken. Zhao Yang was no help; he hadnt noticed at all.

Rui Baby and Jier walked to the lake together. It didnt look like there was anything wrong with it. They could see straight to the few stones at the bottom.

Jier didnt get it. What was so strange about the water in the lake? But he knew Rui Baby wouldnt lie, so he squatted down and scooped some water in his hand then watched it trickle through his fingers. The water was cold and absolutely normal!

Suddenly Jier felt something catch his body and he fell into the water and disappeared.

Rui Baby reacted and immediately jumped after Jier. He disappeared just like Jier. Zhao Yang was so frightened upon witnessing the scene that his legs went limp. What kind of bull crap was this?! A lake that ate people?!

Zhao Yang didnt waste time; he ran as fast he could in the direction toward Star Marshall hall.

Jier, who had been sucked into the water, woke up in another world. Upon opening his eyes, he saw the same white clouds and blue skies above. The lake was still the same, but the barren land beside it turned into a small mountain village.

There were about one hundred families living in the village and everyone there had honest smiles as they worked the fields.

This place is incredible! No wonder we couldnt find it. Turns out its a dimensional space artifact. Rui Baby shook his head in wonderment.

Focus. Since were here, then it proves Xiao Wu and the others must be here too. Lets go and find them first.

They left to search, one human and one beast walking and looking around the village. The people they met along the way greeted them amiably. Jier found where Feng Wu and the siblings were after asking the villagers.

Han Xia and Han Jiang were just about to take Feng Wu for a constitutional walk after having finished their meal when they ran into Jier.

Xiao Wu! Jier rushed over excitedly. He grabbed Feng Wu and spun her around in a hug before putting her down and inspecting her from head to toe. Good, she didnt look injured.

Xiao Wu! Rui Baby also rushed over and hopped into Feng Wus arms. His small body was all sorts of cute against Feng Wus flat chest.

Why are you two here? Feng Wu was a little surprised. She hadnt expected to see Jier and Rui Baby so soon.

Rui Baby said he saw you walking toward the lake just before you disappeared, so I came to see what was wrong and ended up being pulled here, said Jier nonchalantly.

Dont be afraid, Xiao Wu. This place is just a dimensional space inside a high-level magic tool. Its at least holy level. No wonder people from Star Marshall couldnt find anything all the times they came to investigate. Rui Baby said.

You mean we are inside a holy-level space item?! Han Xia exclaimed.

A holy-level space item, that wasnt something you saw every day! Why was there such a high-level treasure in a small village like this? It didnt make sense!

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