The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 609-610: Reanimated Corpse; The Sisters

Chapter 609-610: Reanimated Corpse; The Sisters

609: Reanimated Corpse

The sisters expression improved once they saw Jier had no malicious intentions. If there was a way to leave, we would have left long ago. Youre wasting your time looking for clues in this house.

Thats not necessarily true. Han Jiang said mysteriously.

The sisters looked at each other, puzzled why this gentle young man would say such a thing. What do you mean?

To make a long story short, we suspect your mother either sealed the village or had an active hand in the process. Han Jiang spoke with certainty.

You mean our mother was the one who sealed the village back then?! But thats impossible; our mother is just an ordinary person. How could she have that kind of ability?

The younger of the sisters widened her eyes in disbelief. She couldnt believe her ordinary mother was capable of doing such mysterious things.

No, I can believe it. The older sister had a strange expression on her face. She obviously had doubts in her heart.

Sister, do not forget, Mother is an ordinary person. How could she do it?! The fact that their mother was an ordinary person was something the younger sister could not reconcile. It was impossible to believe their mother could be involved.

Oh! An ordinary person! You really believe that shes an ordinary person? Look at whats in this room! What are these?! The older sister pointed to the pile of bottles and jars in the room containing powerful Gu insects and other transparent jars that held scary insects crawling around inside.

It was what made Han Xia scream earlier. She had a fear of creepy crawlies, so it was no wonder she screamed in fright after see so many all around her.

Those Gu worms... The younger sister lost her voice. What ordinary people raised Gu worms?

Shes coming back. Feng Wu suddenly received communication from Rui Baby.

Oh no! You must leave immediately. Tomorrow us sisters will find a way to contact you. Its best if you use another girl. If Mother sees us talking to a man, she will be suspicious.

The sisters spoke while pushing Feng Wu and the others out of their mothers room.

The older sister turned around and put the door back in order, while the younger sister led Jier and the others out quickly through the back door.

Their mother returned through the front door just as the group exited through the back.

Jier and the others didnt dare linger now that the old widow was back. They immediately returned to the small thatched hut where they were living temporarily.

Rui Baby, did you discover anything from following the old widow? Jier promptly asked after swallowing a mouthful of nervous saliva.

Oh, did I? Guess who I saw her visit?! Rui Baby asked mysteriously.

They all shook their heads. There were so many people in the village; they couldnt even begin to guess.

She went to visit Laiya. Rui Baby dropped the bomb directly.

No way! Laiya and the old widow are working together?! Han Xia felt she needed a drink of water to calm her shock.

That the beautiful, gentle and virtuous Laiya would have anything to do with the perverted old widow was unbelievable!

And I have more news. Rui Baby kept on.

Jier rolled his eyes, really hating this bird for being dramatic and not just spitting it out. What is it? Are you going to say Laiyas family is also in on it?

How is that possible? What I wanted to say was, I found out the old widow is not human anymore! Rui Baby looked at their bewildered faces in satisfaction.

In fact, there were only three bewildered faces Feng Wu still had her normal poker face.

Feng Wu looked at Rui Baby and said, I knew that based on the smell in her room. It smelled of rotten flesh.

Xiao Wu! When did you find out? Han Xia was shocked.

I found out as soon as I entered her room.

A chill ran down Han Xias back. So the old widow is a dead person?! The whole thing was too scary!

Yes, but shes more than just a dead person but rather a reanimated corpse. Rui Baby said.

A reanimated corpse is quite appropriate. Han Jiang nodded.

What is appropriate? A corpse moving and talking by itself and living with its two daughters? Just the thought is enough to scare people half to death. How can you say its appropriate?! Han Xia rubbed the goosebumps on her arms. Why did it suddenly feel so cold?

A reanimated corpse is the lowest ranked creature. Its irrational and has no intelligence, but the old woman is obviously intelligent. It seems like she is using some kind of special method to keep her soul sealed in the body. In this way, she can be a reanimated corpse with intelligence and live with her daughters none the wiser. Rui Baby explained.

So that old widow is really the most suspicious. If she was just an ordinary person before, how could she have learned these techniques? No matter how you think about it, it would have been impossible for her. Han Xia said anxiously.

By the way, Rui Baby, did you see or hear clearly what the old widow and Laiya talked about? Han Jiang turned to ask Rui Baby.

Well, I didnt hear what they said, but I did see Laiya give the old widow a small pot of blood. After the old widow drank the blood, she turned into a normal human again.

What kind of blood is that? So powerful! Han Xia, who didnt have much knowledge in the area, asked Rui Baby.

Its probably blood for raising corpses. In the ancient oriental countries, there is a profession called corpse controller. The blood of the corpse controller can nourish the corpse. If the corpse keeps on drinking the blood, there is a chance it can evolve into a high-level corpse; its body wont rot and it may even return to normal. A corpse drinking the blood of their corpse controller will get a lot of benefits.

For the corpse controller, letting a corpse drink their blood means theyve gained a contract. They can make contracts with low-level and high-level reanimated corpses.

Rui Baby was truly worthy of being a divine wise beast. Its powerful knowledge inheritance was immense.

610: Sisters

So Laiya has talent to be a corpse controller!

That should be it.

Everyone thought about it and felt this had to be the case.

They finally had a breakthrough in the investigation that night. Early next morning, Feng Wu and Han Xia went to find the old widows two daughters.

The sisters were already waiting outside for them.

Why are you here so early? The sisters pretended to chat casually with Feng Wu and Han Xia.

We have something important to ask you today. Han Xia said impatiently.

What is it? One of the sisters asked.

Your mother, what kind of relationship does she have with Leiya?

Leiya? They have nothing to do with each other. Our families do not have a relationship. The younger sister replied.

Before the village was sealed, did you ever see your mother and Laiya alone together? Han Xia asked, This is really important, so think carefully.

After thinking about it, the older sister remembered something relevant. There was this one time. Mother was angry at Laiya for causing so much disturbance in the village so she went to Laiyas house and didnt return for a long time.

The two sisters had long hated whoever it was that sealed the village and separated them from their lovers, never knowing if they would ever reunite.

You ask this, could it be Leiya is one of the people involved in sealing the village?!

That woman worked with their mother to seal the village away so she could be with her beloved? How dare she! How was that fair to them at all?!

We think so. The fact that your mother went out in the middle of the night and secretly met with Laiya, if they arent accomplices, then what other reason could there be? Han Xia spoke rationally and dramatically. The sisters gritted their teeth in hatred for Laiya.

So, our mother has been going out in the middle of the night to secretly meet with Laiya. She and Laiya are a really good pair.

One would condemn the entire village to isolation for her own happiness.

The other, our own mother, is the worst! Just so she could keep us daughters from marrying, she kept us locked in this isolated village all these years.

Our youth, twenty years, gone! What did we do wrong! Why are they doing this to us?!

What mother would treat their daughters this way?! The elder sister was so agitated, she wanted to rush to her mother and ask if she was really their biological mother.

Both sisters were emotional but they restrained themselves from crying. They did not forget that they were outside their own house. If they cried here, their mother would definitely be suspicious.

I have another question I want to ask. Why are the outsiders so strange toward you villagers? They seem to go out of their way to avoid any conflicts with you villagers. Its almost as if they are afraid of you all.

Han Xia had been wondering about this for a while. What reason would sword masters have for fearing a village of ordinary people?

Those outsiders, since they first appeared in the village, were cursed by Mother and had Gu bugs planted inside them. The bugs will attack and the pain from the attack feels worse than death. That's why those outsiders dont dare provoke us." The elder sister didnt care about keeping it a village secret anymore. She just wanted to leave this unfortunate place and see her beloved again.

Gu worms! Do we have them too?! Han Xia was terrified just imagining the lively worms squirming around in her body. She felt ill all over and suddenly wanted to puke!

You guys are fine! The villagers havent found the opportunity to plant Gu worms in you yet. Plus, all of you have behaved politely the entire time youve been here. Those others who came before you came in and immediately wanted to use us for labor. You all are different from them, so the villagers dont need to plant Gu worms in you all. Well, unless you become like those other adventurers and try to take advantage of us.

Thats good, thats good. Han Xia patted her chest lightly, feeling as though shed climb back from hell. Phew. She felt light and happy all over knowing there were no bugs inside her.

Before the girls left, the two sisters told them they would let them know when their mother was out of the house and they could return to search.

The sisters were ordinary people; they wouldnt recognize an artifact even if it was right in front of them. They had to rely solely on Feng Wu and them to find it.

After they finished talking, the sisters picked some vegetables from the field and went back inside. Their mother, who had locked herself in her room all year, was actually outside sitting on the center bench in the hall. Her face was blank.

Whats the matter, Mother? What made you come and sit outside today? The three people had an indifferent relationship but the sisters still greeted their mother calmly.

What did those outsiders ask you just now? The old widows voice was hoarse and unpleasant to hear.

It was nothing. They came to ask if we knew how to get out and some other things about the village. I shared what should be shared and kept what should not. The younger sister said without changing her expression.

In the future, dont pay attention to those outsiders if they ask again. Newly arrived people are all like that, always thinking of ways to leave. If there was, why would us villagers still be here. . . ?

The old widow stopped talking to her daughters and returned to her room after reminding them once more to ignore the outsiders.

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